Height Increase Exercise: Focus on Leg Training

Any type of exercise has the potential to be a height increase exercise. However one of the most overlooked by many people is strength training. There are many health benefits to strength training as well as some social benefits, but the possibility of stimulating bone growth while you train and compete is far and away better than some of the other sports and activities available to most people.

When you hear the term strength training you might not make the connection between it and a height increase exercise. Consider this: bone growth is stimulated by weight training while stretching- particularly in the legs helps to increase height. Building muscle helps increase height and good posture has the effect of stretching the spinal column. Strength train combines all of these into one medium that will allow you to meet other strength trainers as well.

Learn More About Height Increase Exercises

Squats and leg presses are two exercises that will increase leg strength and could be considered height increase exercises. Squats have the added benefit of increasing your posture when proper form is observed. You can even do these at home without a weighted bar on your back. Simply allow your arms to hang at your side. Put your feet roughly should width apart and squat down to where your bottom is just below knee level and back up again. Use your arms for balance when you have to, but the idea of this isometric exercise is to force your legs to compensate for balance and isolate individual leg muscles. This is a great strengthening exercise, just remember to keep your back straight.

Bleacher running is another strength train exercise that could be used as a height increase exercise. This is simple, start at the bottom of a bleacher at say a local softball field and simply run from the bottom to the top again. Whereas the squats you were previously doing will strengthen the upper leg, bleacher running will work on the lower legs. Again, to maintain proper balance and get the most out of this height increase exercise, you will have to maintain a straight back. Do you see some posture training going on here?

Stretching is an important part of strength training and a must as far as height increase exercise. The various stretches you will have to do will keep your tendons loose and increase your flexibility and thus, your height. Leg stretches and back stretches in particular are good for this.

As you strength train as a height increase exercise, keep in mind that while you might be building muscle mass, your goal shouldn’t be to look like a professional wrestler. You can concentrate more on the strength aspect and let others worry about “bulking up.” The gaining of width that comes with body building will take away from any height gain you might make by making your body appear blocky. What you are looking for is to achieve long lines in your musculature, a healthy state of living and a couple of extra inches if you can.

The article is shared by expert Joy Bauer, admin of website howtogrowtaller.com