How to Get Taller for the Hopelessly Short

Are you a short man, or woman with dreams too high for your height?

The police and military implement a height requirement. Athletes for basketball, volleyball, football, swimming and more find advantage with height. Work in the hospitality sector seeks taller employees; you can’t be short for a front desk officer. Models and flight attendants have height preferences and the list goes on.

It’s not blatantly evident, heightism or height discrimination. Our society has come to accept that we differ in height due to the variety of our race. We live in modern times, liberal and more accepting to differences.

Height doesn’t matter.

Try selling that idea to a short person; you could get a few nods in agreement, a little shrug about their short stature but more would raise an eyebrow and look up on you while thinking “you have no idea.”

How many times have you searched for ways on how to grow taller? How many times have you purchased drugs and miracle drinks that promised you additional inches in less than a month? How many times have you foolishly believed that jumping when New Year strikes will ensure you of becoming tall?

The latter is a far-fetch idea but to ease your feeling of alienation and to help your self-esteem, you can try a few of these strategies on how to get taller. Rest assured it costs you nothing.Get enough sleep.

You have to give credit to your mom, she used to tell you to go to bed so you’ll grow taller and believe me, it had merit. Being able to get enough sleep at night is actually a need for our bodies. Remember that if you’re up, all your cells are up too. The release of growth hormones in our body is triggered by two things; sleep and exercise. The largest lump of growth hormones are released during sleep thus the need for more of it. But don’t get smart and sleep more than you need, it doesn’t work that way. It follows the circardian rhythm or the normal sleep-awake pattern of our bodies and oversleeping won’t help your case.Do a lot of exercise.

Doing exercise helps provide stimulus to trigger release of the growth hormone. Though the process of how is not yet defined, the increase in adrenaline during exercise is suggested to trigger growth hormones. What type of exercise to do? Well if you have the time for a lot of it, you might want to start with a lot of stretching. It’s the most common exercise you can do to help your bones and muscles stretch to its full potential. If you’re ready to do more, sit-ups and press-ups could do your posture a lot of good. These two helps you straighten your back, in effect making you look taller. It’s not really rocket science but it works alright.

Eat nutritiously.

Yes, you already knew that. This step doesn’t work on the basis of “eat 5 apples gain an inch” kind of logic. But you need to help your body make you taller. It doesn’t directly affect your height but eating nutritious foods provides supplement for your cells. Your growth hormones don’t just multiply without help and making sure that your body has the needed nutrients ensures that your cells do their jobs.Eat in smaller portions.

Understanding how to get taller can help you in your cause. This step doesn’t tell you to eat less, it just means take food in little portions. You can eat six times a day if you want, but lesser portions are best. The reason behind this step lies in the insulin production of the body. To break sugar from food during digestion, insulin is released. A large meal will need more insulin and insulin prevents release of growth hormones.Change your wardrobe.

This doesn’t help you literally add inches to your height but as a hopeless, you’ll have to grab what you can. Wear clothes that provide the illusion of height. Don’t use clothes that make you look plumper than you really are. Don’t wear clothes that highlight the fact that you’re short; keep to vertical stripes with sharp edged attires.

And that’s how to get taller without the extra cost. It’s not rocket science but it’s not baseless as well.