Getting Taller With Yoga – 3 Yoga Exercises To Grow Taller

Yoga is an ensemble of Indian exercises very popular among people of all ages all around the globe. The key of its success is that it doesn’t work only with the body, but most important, it trains the mind.

Yoga is mostly based on breathing techniques and also on stretching. These two elements build a very strong combination leading to a relaxed experience that helps you distress yourself.

In order to be successful, these yoga techniques must be performed in a suitable place such as: indoor with some relaxing music or a beautiful spot in the middle of the nature.

Below you’ll find a trio of yoga techniques that will help you grow taller while relaxing your mind.

1. The Cobra technique – For this workout you’ll have to lay down on your stomach with your arms close to your body, your legs together and your buttocks clenched. While your lower body stays on the ground you must rise your upper body and your head up as high as possible.

This technique works perfectly as it is but for extra effect you can try to do the following: when you rise your body as high as you can you might want to try and lift your arms a little bit more.

This exercise does wonders for your back and also for your spine by making them flexible and resistant.

2. The Dog and Cat technique – don’t worry you won’t need an animal to perform this workout.

During this exercise you’ll have to copy the body structure of a dog and the one of a cat because by doing that your legs and your spine will get stronger.

While standing on your hands and knees you must stretch out your entire body by inverting your spine and keeping your head up in the air. Once you’re in this position the next move will be to do exactly the opposite by pulling in your stomach and up your spine. Now you must alternate the cat and the dog every few seconds.

In time your spine will become more flexible and you’ll feel great.

3. The Downward Facing Dog technique – Once again we will use the body movements of a dog in order to work the strong and elastic hamstrings and spine.

Stand on your hands and knees and stretch out your body. While doing that, try to lift your knees as straight as possible while keeping also a straight upper body. During this exercise your lower back and your buttocks must be pointed up looking exactly line an upside down “V”.

Try to stay in this position for a few seconds and the simply go back on your knees. Do this process several times and you’ll feel its effects on your body.

Yoga will help you build a healthy and stronger body while relaxing your mind and will also help you with your height-related problem. It’s 100% natural and 100% effective.

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