The Individual Oral


The individual oral (IO) is a platform that allows you to demonstrate some of the key skills developed in your English classroom, including: 

This is achieved by answering the following prompt: 

Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of one of the works and one of the texts that you have studied.

Assessment in a Nutshell

The IO is a prepared 15-minute oral response wherein you discuss how one literary work and one non-literary body of work approach a common global issue. You must discuss texts that have been studied in class. For SL students, this exam is worth 30% of your grade, and for HL students, it's worth 20%.


Strategies & Resources 

Survival Guide

This is a complete overview and guide for the individual oral. Use it to help navigate the process.

Useful Language

in order to help your listener follow along with your ideas, it's important that you use language to signpost your IO. This will help with criteria C and D of the rubric.

Understanding Global Issues

Possible IO Structure

Reflecting on Your Work


A Brave New World and Sara Rahbar artwork

Bodies of Work (BoWs)