
Use the checklist to ensure that your evidence is perfect. If you move through the slides, you'll see examples of what it means to meet the criteria of this checklist.

Evidence Video

This video explains the reasons behind using evidence and the steps that we need to include when selecting evidence and incorporating it in our work. It follows a similar format to the checklist above, but it contains more detail. 

Using MLA Citations

Use this video to assist you with making sure that you always cite your work, stay credible, and avoid plagiarism. Citations are extremely important and, in Lang and Lit, we use the MLA style.

You may also click here for the full style guide.

Using Non-Literary Evidence

There will be times where you might wish to cite evidence that is not from the text. This might be the case for other subjects such as social studies, or when you use secondary sources to support your literary analysis in English. 

Either way, you can apply similar strategies to embed evidence from non-literary sources, if you choose to quote directly.