
  • Stressed? Try yoga. Yoga has many benefits, but if you're stressed it can give you an escape from reality for an hour or two.

  • The problem is that traditional yoga poses can be difficult to do or uncomfortable depending on your body type. For example, someone might not be able to perform the down dog pose because their wrists hurt too much, or their hips might not bend enough to fully squat into a child's pose.

  • People often don't realize how much their posture has been slouched or hunched over until a yoga instructor points it out.

  • Our position can affect how tall we feel and even how tall we are! Slouching can lead to low self-esteem as you notice other people taller than you.

  • Yoga will strengthen your back and make you taller. Through asanas such as Parsvottanasana (side plank) or Garudasana (eagle pose), these poses work towards improving both physical and emotional alignment.