I Lost Over 8 Pounds and Kept it Off

I lost 8 pounds and I did it in less than 5 days! This was the first time I had lost this much weight ever and I’m so proud of myself! Many people have been curious as to how I did it so fast, so I decided to share my process with you all to inspire you to take action on your weight loss goals!

  1. Make Small Changes

  • Change your lifestyle for healthier choices. Little changes, even if you're eating healthy foods, can still lead to weight loss. Try substituting a smaller dinner plate for a larger one to eat off of, switching from whole milk to 1% or 2%, packing fruits and veggies in your lunch instead of chips or snacks, or having water instead of juice with your meals. These are small changes that will make a big difference over time.

  1. Get Rid of Breakfast

  • There’s a reason why breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. Eating in the morning sets your metabolism up for lasting energy. Skipping breakfast causes blood sugar levels to plummet, which makes you crave an unhealthy meal or overeat later on. Eat something nutritious instead: whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk or yogurt with fruit. You could also have a protein shake if you get hungry before lunchtime, but eat it at least three hours before going to bed so that you don’t wake up in the middle of the night and eat again (that will only cause additional weight gain).

  1. Eat Very Few Carbs

  • Carbs stimulate your insulin release, which leads to increased fat storage. Choose healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and salmon for their anti-inflammatory effects instead. Go for high-quality proteins, such as grass-fed beef, wild game, or fish. These foods contain nutrients that boost brain function and keep you feeling full longer. Eat small meals throughout the day; you’ll prevent hunger while keeping energy levels steady. Hydrate! Be sure to drink water with every meal, since dehydration can mess with your body’s ability to process food properly. Getting proper nutrition is a key part of weight loss management—don’t take shortcuts by cutting calories too drastically or eating foods that promote inflammation in your body!

  1. Prepare For Cravings

  • Anorexia is a medical condition, so if you’re looking to lose weight fast but safely, you’ll want to prepare for temptation. Like any diet that cuts out entire food groups, your body will go through withdrawal during which time you will crave all of those yummy things that are now off-limits. To avoid bingeing later on (and put yourself at risk for developing an eating disorder), make sure you have healthy alternatives available before cutting carbs or sugar. This way, when cravings strike, you won’t be tempted by refined sugar or simple carbs—you’ll have some yogurt and fruit on hand instead.

  1. Stay Active

  • Dieting alone won’t help you lose weight. In fact, without an increase in activity, you’re more likely to gain weight when you cut calories. Exercise doesn’t have to be vigorous to be effective; even light activities like gardening, housework, or walking can boost your calorie burn by 100-200 calories per day. For example, a study published in Diabetes Care compared dieters who lost about 2 pounds a week for 12 weeks with those who included brisk walking for 30 minutes at least 5 days per week. After 6 months, both groups had lost about 10 pounds on average.

  1. Accept All Help

  • If you’re concerned about reaching your goal weight, consider all offers of help. These days, a lot of people are more than willing to give their time (and skills) to helping other people achieve their goals. From personal training sessions with a local fitness expert to advice from an uncle who lost 40 pounds in six months, there’s no shortage of ways to get help losing weight quickly and safely. Don’t be shy—accept all offers of help! You don’t have to do everything, but every little bit helps. You might just be surprised at how much faster you can lose weight being anorexic using all that support!

  1. Get a Diet Buddy

  • Research has found that those who have a friend or family member to support them in their weight loss goals are twice as likely to succeed compared to those who don’t. Get someone else on board and make sure they know why you want to lose weight, what your plan is, how you’re going to get there, etc. Even if they don’t exactly share your commitment level or strive for similar results, they can still help keep you accountable. And that matters most—particularly when things get tough.

  1. Use Technology as a Tool, Not a Crutch

  • The tools available to us are more powerful than ever before, yet many of us are still choosing to use them for our undoing. We check our social media accounts when we’re bored, like things on Facebook when we’re upset, or keep ourselves up at night looking at things that aren’t good for us. Technology is a wonderful thing, but many of us feel that by cutting it out of our lives we could lose touch with some of its incredible benefits. Rather than replace these technologies with something else (like lifting weights or going for a run), try using them in more positive ways—like watching a comedy video on YouTube when you get home from work instead of surfing Facebook for hours.