Skinny Secrets That Can Change Your Life

A lot of people who want to lose weight think that it has to happen quickly, overnight even. While there are plenty of crash diets and supplements promising weight loss miracles, these solutions rarely work out over the long term. If you want to be skinny in a healthy way, you have to do it the right way — but how do you know which way is the right way? Here are some secrets to being skinny in a healthy way that can change your life forever.

Know your target weight

  • First, you need to know how much weight you want to lose and what your target weight should be. You should understand your BMI and what it means for you; if your BMI is outside of healthy parameters, you may want to consult a healthcare professional. Work with that person to determine what your ideal weight range should be (it’s different for everyone) so that, once you’ve reached it, things like blood pressure and cholesterol levels will be in a healthy range as well. It might take some time, but if staying healthy is important to you then it’s a step worth taking.

Sleep 7–8 hours per night

  • Sleep is a requirement for human beings, says Tim Olds, Ph.D., professor of health and human performance at South Dakota State University in Brookings. It doesn't have to be eight hours or 10 hours—all it has to be is enough sleep so that when you wake up, you feel rested. Not getting enough sleep causes increased levels of ghrelin (known as the hunger hormone) and reduced levels of leptin (the satiety hormone), which means your appetite increases while your ability to stick with your diet decreases. This leaves you feeling hungrier and less able to make healthy food choices, which leads to overeating. So hit those pillows early! Or better yet, figure out how much sleep works best for you

Eat fewer carbs at dinner time

  • While it may be tempting to eat a large dinner and blame your weight gain on those chocolate chip cookies you had at midnight, chances are they weren’t even in your stomach by the time you woke up. Studies have shown that eating fewer carbs at dinner and more during lunch can help you shed pounds—even if you’re not exercising. This strategy is especially effective when it comes to belly fat. One study found that when dieters swapped out saturated fats for carbs or protein with their meals, their waistlines grew by up to 1-inch over 4 years. Most of us tend to eat bread for dinner — try swapping in veggies instead or switching wheat pasta for another variety of whole grains like quinoa. Lose weight safely but quickly with these tricks!

Exercise more often

  • Exercising more often will improve your cardiovascular health, which in turn will help you burn more calories and lose weight faster. Experts recommend that you engage in at least 20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, five days a week. This doesn't mean intense workouts but rather activities like walking, biking or even playing with your kids. Daily activity adds up to 14 pounds of weight loss each year! You don't have to join a gym to get started—walking to work or taking your dog for a walk are good options. Even parking further away from stores can add up over time if you make it a daily habit. Remember: A fit body is a healthy body and it’s never too late to start living healthy!

Limit alcohol intake

  • Contrary to popular belief, a drink or two won’t help you lose weight. Rather, it can pack on pounds, especially around your middle. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram (vs. only 4 in fat and protein), and excess consumption has been linked to abdominal obesity, according to a study from Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research. If you want to maintain stable blood sugar levels while still enjoying an occasional cocktail, alternate alcoholic drinks with water—liquor's quicker impact on blood sugar levels can accelerate weight gain and dull your appetite less than beer or wine.

Don’t skip breakfast

  • Eating breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and gives you the energy to start your day. So if you’re looking to shed a few pounds or dress in a smaller size, put some oatmeal and fruit on your plate first thing. When you don’t eat first thing in the morning, it can be hard to focus on anything other than coffee throughout your entire day. And that can set you up for poor food choices as lunchtime rolls around and hunger pangs intensify. Research has also found that people who skip breakfast tend to consume more calories during mealtimes—and we all know what happens when an evening meal contains too many calories: We’re faced with unwanted weight gain.

Take 15 minutes off your lunch break to exercise

  • Research has shown that 15 minutes of exercise during lunch can boost your energy and decrease hunger over 24 hours. If you don’t have time to go to a gym or get sweaty during your lunch break, try walking around your building, parking at the far end of a shopping center lot, or taking advantage of escalators in your office building. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous and want an extra boost, try adding bursts of jogging throughout your workday. Even small activities like this can benefit weight loss by boosting calorie burn for hours after you leave work.