How to Drink Protein Coffee and Lose Weight

Drinking protein coffee can be an effective way to lose weight, but there are some important things you need to know to have the best experience possible. This article will take you through the following points in detail: what protein coffee is and how it works, how to make protein coffee, how much protein coffee you should drink and how often, and tips on how to maximize your results while drinking protein coffee. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to implement a successful plan that helps you drop the pounds!

The weight-loss benefits of drinking protein coffee

  • A study published in Nutrition Research found that drinking protein coffee can help improve weight loss. The research showed that overweight participants who had more protein in their diet lost more weight than those on a lower-protein diet. Another study showed that people who ate a high-protein breakfast gained less weight over time compared with people who did not eat as much protein. Proteins, especially proteins that are lean, have been shown to help promote satiety (the feeling of fullness). Drinking coffee is an easy way to get your daily dose of protein, which will make you feel fuller for longer periods.

Easy Protein Coffee Recipes for Breakfast

  • There are many ways you can enjoy protein coffee. One of my favorite recipes is simply mixing a scoop of your favorite protein powder with warm water and drinking it as-is or adding some low-calorie sweetener. I also like making homemade protein shakes, which are easy to make using powdered milk, cocoa powder, stevia, cocoa nibs, peanut butter, or almonds for added flavor. You can add almost any combination of fruits and veggies (see Eat This Much app for ideas) along with stevia-sweetened milk and a scoop of chocolate or vanilla whey powder in a blender for an easy breakfast on the go.

The Most Beneficial Ways to Make Your Own Protein Coffee

  • When you consider how many flavors of protein powders are out there, you can find one that tastes great in coffee. You could also add natural sweeteners like cinnamon or vanilla beans. If you don’t have time for a cup of coffee, try blending your protein powder into some berries, yogurt, or oatmeal. One thing is for sure: if you’re looking to lose weight by drinking more coffee, think outside of your mug!

The Best Times to Consume Protein Coffee

  • The 8-Hour Rule: The key to weight loss is energy balance. In other words, if you're burning more calories than you're consuming, you'll lose weight. It's that simple. But it also means that timing your food can make a big difference in how well your body absorbs those calories—and protein coffee provides yet another benefit in addition to its low-calorie content: delayed absorption, thanks to its slow digestion. This means that drinking protein coffee between meals will help prevent large spikes in blood sugar while still giving your body some nutrients with which it can build muscle tissue during recovery periods between workouts.