This woman lost 8 pounds in one month on the keto diet!

The ketogenic diet has been gaining in popularity in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. This high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight and fight disease without the negative side effects of many other diets. How does this diet do it?

I struggled with my weight most of my life

I would lose 20 or 30 pounds but then gain it all back, and then some. I started following an exercise routine for a few months and began to lose weight again. After 5 years of that lifestyle change, I was still more than 10 pounds from my goal weight. My doctor recommended that I try a high-protein/low-carbohydrate/low-fat (ketogenic) diet. Within a week, I had lost 6 more pounds. And what's amazing is that once you get into ketosis, your body starts releasing its own stored fat for fuel—in addition to taking from what you eat—so there's no way to overeat.

I started the keto diet after reading this article

The 5-Day Keto Kickstart: Secrets to Success. I was a little skeptical at first and didn't think it would work for me. Then, I finally committed to trying it. The first day was rough, but then I stuck with it and decided to be flexible. What you eat isn't as important as making sure you're eating enough total calories to maintain your weight. If you find that you're hungry all of the time, adjust your intake so that you’re still losing about 1 pound per week.

One Month On Keto - I Lost 13 Pounds And 4.5 Inches

So, I've always loved healthy eating. Even before losing weight, I tried to make healthy choices as much as possible. Still, while I was overweight it wasn't easy to be as conscientious about my nutrition as I'd like. Once I lost all that weight through gastric bypass surgery and with a lot of hard work and determination (and doing intermittent fasting!), it was easy to find a balance between eating healthily and feeling satisfied. With that said, what would you think if you saw these keto results? And those are just her five-day results – in two weeks she's already dropped 10 more pounds.

What Does 1 Pound Of Fat Look Like?

When we talk about losing weight, it’s important to understand what that means. Most people have no idea how much fat is in a pound of fat. Even if you didn’t take a nutrition class, chances are you still know that 1 pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories (or roughly 12 Big Macs). But most people don’t realize what 1 pound of weight looks like or how many different foods equal 1 pound. You might also be surprised to learn how small just 100 grams (1/3 of a pound) can look when it comes packaged as food.

Starting A New Diet Made Me Realize The Importance Of...

There are more and more diets trending these days. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, increase energy, or improve your health, there is a new plan for everyone. It can get confusing to keep track of them all. One type of eating plan that you may not have heard of yet is known as keto or ketogenic eating and it involves reducing your carbohydrate intake to put your body into ketosis (where your body becomes fat-burning mode).

  1. Tracking Progress

It’s important to track your weight loss, but it isn’t necessary to do so daily. It is a good idea to check your progress at least once per week. Simply weigh yourself on a scale and write down your weight with a notebook or piece of paper you keep handy. By tracking what you eat, weight, and workout performance, you will be able to better visualize how much progress you have made over time. You may even be surprised at how effective small changes can be towards reaching your goals when reviewing data from week-to-week or month-to-month comparisons.

  1. Keeping An Open Mind

If you go into keto thinking I'm going to do everything perfectly, or it won't work, chances are pretty good that you'll fail. You have to stay open-minded and permit yourself to experiment. It's a fine line between being good at self-care and being overly restrictive. After all, no one knows your body better than you. Let people know what works for you--you'll feel proud of your efforts, not just mad at yourself for failing once again (which I can attest is easy to do). Go with what makes sense to you, whether or not it aligns with conventional wisdom about how things should be done. Make sense? Good! Let's get started...

  1. Finding Support Online Or Offline

The best way to get support when trying to lose weight is through a combination of both. If you have someone else with you, whether it be in person or through an online community, they can cheer you on and help you stick to your goals. On top of that, finding support groups or forums online (in places like Facebook or Reddit) where people are actively losing weight can be extremely helpful when it comes to staying motivated and keeping on track. Online communities can also provide extra resources including health tips, recipes, blogs, and more if you're looking for inspiration beyond what friends or family may be able to offer.