


(Corpus analysis for word formation of compound nouns to enable communication with neologisms)


(Integrative study on creative and emergent aspects of symbolic communication )

橋本 敬(教授) (金野武司氏(金沢工業大),奥田次郎氏(京都産業大),森田純哉氏(静岡大)、鮫島和行氏(玉川大)との共同研究)

(Study on evolution of recursive combination ability as origin of language)

 外谷 弦太(PD)(Rie Asano氏(ケルン大学音楽学研究所)との共同研究)

(Multple approach to displacement for investigation of origin and evolution of language)

橋本 敬(教授)(岡ノ谷一夫氏(東京大)、藤田耕司氏(京都大)との共同研究)

(Research on cultural evolution of multiple interpretable speech acts in relational negotiative Interaction)

甲斐 靖章

宮城 友香

(Factor of Interest in Words : Analysis Using Nonsense Words)

細間 萌

(Change of language use in trilingual  society: Case of Shanglin, Nanning, Guangxi, China)


(Constructive clarification of creativity via structural operations: A case of music) 

中塚 雅也 

(Concept analysis of recursion: Toward integrative understanding of hierarchy in syntax and intention sharing)

赤池 敬

(Learning method of nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through word-creation task) 

橋本 敬(教授)(李暁燕氏(九州大学)との共同研究)

(Constructive study on origin and evolution of recursive combination ability)


 外谷 弦太

(Does Language Affect Perception and Memory? : Comparative study of Japanese and Chinese Speakers under the Condition of Using Language or Not )

葉 竜妹

(Study on origin and evolution of language through modelling grammaticalisation)

橋本 敬(教授)


(Cognitive differences in isomorphic compound verbs of Japanese and Chinese languages: Analysis of semantic categories and semantic extensions)

高 明君

(Study of the learning method for tacit nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through creation task using manga)

 練 原昕 

(Study on evolution of syntactic ability -- The 'precursor' volume: Evolutionary simulation of recursive object manipulation )

外谷 弦太

(Study on displacement of language by graphical communication task)

田村 香織

(Study on effects of L3 on L2 in phonological knowledge)

王 天嬌

(Learning method of nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through word-creation task)

楊 碩

(Dynamics of Category Structure based on a Dynamical View of Language)

橋本 敬

(Study on sense-making process in word-formation of Japanese compound verbs)

張 帆

(Cognitive Semantics Analysis of "KANZEN" and "KANPEKI" in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Languages)

全 学子

(Modeling of Grammaticalization Based on Reanalysis and Analogy)


中塚 雅也

(Modeling Evolution of Grammar with Elman Networks)

毛利 彩子

(Problem-Solving Characteristics of Evolutionary Computation Using Interaction among Genetic Evolution, Individual Learning and Social Learning)

藁科 克英

(Constructive Study on Role of Knowledge Transmission in Biological Evolution)

竹石 卓弘


(Correlation analysis of phase synchronization network structure using hyperscanning EEG for understanding formation process of symbolic communication )

藤原 正幸

(Research on literature recommendation system for knowledge co-creation between humans and machines)

濱田 昇吾

星住 弥里(M2)

(Philosophy of by construction of robots with personality)

橋本 敬(教授) (金野武司氏(金沢工業大)、柴田正良氏(金沢大)、長滝祥司氏(中京大)、



(Research on robots that people find irreplaceable)

齋藤 宗一郎

(Analysis of cause to promote interactive actions among individuals, mutual understanding, and idea generation)

成 太俊

(Study on formation of symbol communication systems through co-creation experiment of artificial language)

橋本 敬(教授)(金野武司氏(金沢工業大),森田純哉氏(名古屋大)、奥田次郎氏(京都産業大)との共同研究)

(Study of agency recognition with interaction by robots)

捧 文人(M2)

(Study of co-creative communication by hermeneutic circle and tacit knowing)

前田 聡

(Study on mechanism of sharing intentions in visual communication by constructing robots)


金野 武司(元特任助教)(柴田正良氏(金沢大)、長滝祥司氏(中京大)との共同研究)

(Study of communication process of the informative intention from communicative intention in communication emergence of human and artificial system)

石上 将也

(Study on the recognition of informative intention in human communication)

覃 詩翔

(Study on creation and sharing of novel expressions and meanings in symbolic communication)


鳥居 拓馬

(A proposed practical negotiation approach to integrative agreements: Transitioning from competition to cooperation)

下川 剛生

(The changing of objective self-awareness while using foreign language)

馬 思維

(Study on formation processes of communication system by simultaneous EEG recording between two subjects)

岸野 昭仁

(Experimental study on the effect of symbolic communication in graphic design)

小川 幸恵

(Analyzing the Developmental Mechanism of Intentionality from the Viewpoint of Adaptive Function)

山田 広明

(Study on Process of Intercultural Adaptation of Emigrants and Hosts: Viewpoint of Feeling of Wrongness)

Chen Shu Fan

(Function of Ambiguity and Context in "Ishin-Denshin-Like Communication" -Consideration with Language-Game Simulation-)

冨士本 大哲


(Elucidating psychological mechanisms of inflammation from perspectives of third-party punishment and side-taking)


(Agent-based simulation on service ecosystems encouraging ethical business practices)

石森 宥佑

(Analysis of institutional realization of critical publicity using multi-agent simulation)

野村 洋介

(Study on circulation mechanism of community currency using multi-agent simulation and gaming)

小林 重人 (講師) (吉田昌幸氏(上越教育大)との共同研究)

(Money consciousness research by institutional ecology approach)

小林 重人 (講師) 橋本 敬(教授)(西部 忠氏(北海道大)、栗田 健一氏(北海道大)との共同研究)

(Forecasting and society: Social and political dimensions of "the science of forecasting")

橋本 敬(教授) (山口富子氏(国際基督教大)、福島真人氏(東京大)、日比野愛子氏(弘前大)との共同研究)


成果の図書『予測がつくる社会ー「科学の言葉」の使われ方』山口 富子 編福島 真人 編,東京大学出版会 

(Study on collaboration between engineers and nonengineers in civic technology by social research )

大西 翔太 

(Multi-Agent Model for Formation of Inclusive Community through Social Intercourse for the Weak represented by Elderly )


(Characteristic Analysis on Generativity of Staffs in Nuclear Power Plant in Decommissioning Project )

趙 巧 

(Study on the institution of general social security utilizing social security point systems)

岩田 俊裕 (D3)

(Evaluation of political factors in the progress of Kaga biomass town project  with theory of knowledge construction systems) 

樽田 泰宜 

(Self-organization of information-aggregation mechanism in collective adaptation)

真隅 暁

(Study on mechanisms and design of spontaneous formation and maintenance of local communities)

山田 広明

(Analysis and design of circuit breakers based on synchronic and diachronic perspectives)

小林 重人 

張 芸凡

(Study on emergence, stability and collapse mechanism of key-currency using artificial market model)

辻野 正訓

(Agent-based Simulation: Decision and Evolution Mechanism of Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate)

楊 洋

(Formation and Dynamics of Norms and Institutions)

橋本 敬 (江頭 進氏(小樽商科大)との共同研究)

(Simulation on circulation of community currency in hilly and mountainous area ― Toward support for institutional design using agent-based simulation)

高橋 佑輔

(Analyzing transition mechanisms of Search Engine Optimization methods by niche construction approach)

関根 有宏

是常 純平

五十嵐 毅

(Institutional Analysis of Circuit Breakers Using Artificial Stock Market)

概要(PDF)修士論文(PDF) 学内のみの公開

小林 重人

(On dissemination mechanism for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): An Analysis with Agent Simulation)

篠原 直登

(Evolutionary simulation of three-person social-dilemma game in collusion)

上原 安浩

(Dynamic Social Simulation with Multi-Agents having Internal Dynamics)

概要(PDF)博士論文(PDF) 学内のみの公開

佐藤 尚 (現:沖縄工業高等専門学校 メディア情報工学科 准教授)

(Economic Dynamics and Utility Change using Dynamical Systems Game)

昆野 真胤

(Co-evolution of Games and Strategies)

概要(PDF)修士論文(PDF) 学内のみの公開

熊谷 裕也

(Formation and Change of Social Systems:Subjects and Historical Constraints in Japanese-Style Employment)

上田 悟司

(Individuals in Organization ~Toward Modeling Dynamics of Values and Norms)

鶴見 大助


(Basin Structure of Milnor Attractors in Globally Coupled Maps)

真隅 暁

(Is Human Judgement Infuluenced by Scientific Terms? -Investigation of Dairy Judgement on Scientific and Pseudoscientific Discriptions-)

石井 倫子

(Modeling Deception Behavior with "Running-Catching" Game)

小鮒 幸洋

(Study on First-Person Accounts for Cognition and Embodiment)

伊東 真紀子

(Constructive study of proto-cell membrane using coarse-grained molecuar model and abstract chemical reaction system model)

畠山 剛臣

(Constructive Study of Proto Cell Evolution and Membrane Permselectivity)

畠山 剛臣

(Study of Evolvability of Self-Amendment Game --Minimum Nomic--)

畠山 剛臣

(Design and Evaluation of Swarm Action Algorithm Based on "Umwelt")

藤澤 隆介 (現:九州工業大学大学院 情報工学研究院 准教授)

(Analysis of Dynamic Change of Functions by using Functional Shifts)

概要(PDF)博士論文(PDF) 学内のみの公開

並川 淳

(Evolution of Complexity in Dynamical Functions)


並川 淳

(Influence of Saccade on Geometrical Illusion)


岩橋 誠司

(A Study of Spontaneous Development of Hierarchical Systems by Constructive Approach)


小林 仁