Information Extracted on the Solar System Nations

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the events that are happening now and will happen in the future. 

As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

9 March 2024

Why is the Solar System Nations?

The solar system nations are the political entities that have emerged from the colonization and exploration of the planets and other celestial bodies in our solar system. They include the Earth Federation, the Mars Republic, the Jupiter Confederation, the Saturn Alliance, the Uranus Union, the Neptune Coalition, and the Pluto League. Each nation has its own government, culture, economy, and military, and they often compete or cooperate with each other for resources, influence, and security. The solar system nations are also involved in various interplanetary organizations and treaties, such as the Solar System Council, the Outer Planets Pact, and the Asteroid Belt Agreement.

The solar system nations are a group of political entities that emerged in the 22nd century, after the colonization of Mars and the asteroid belt. They are composed of the Earth Federation, the Martian Republic, the Belt Alliance, and the Outer Planets Confederation. Each nation has its own interests, culture, and challenges in the solar system.

The Earth Federation is the oldest and most powerful nation, with a population of over 10 billion people. It controls most of the resources and technology in the inner solar system, and has a strong military presence. The Earth Federation is also facing environmental and social problems, such as climate change, overpopulation, and inequality.

The Martian Republic is the second-largest nation, with a population of over 500 million people. It was founded by settlers who wanted to create a new society on Mars, independent from Earth. The Martian Republic has a democratic and progressive government, and a strong scientific and engineering culture. The Martian Republic is also striving to terraform Mars, and to achieve full sovereignty from Earth.

The Belt Alliance is the third-largest nation, with a population of over 100 million people. It was formed by miners, traders, and outlaws who live in the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The Belt Alliance has a diverse and decentralized society, with many languages, religions, and factions. The Belt Alliance is also struggling to survive in the harsh environment of space, and to defend its rights and resources from the inner planets.

The Outer Planets Confederation is the newest and smallest nation, with a population of over 10 million people. It was established by explorers and pioneers who ventured beyond the asteroid belt, to the outer solar system. The Outer Planets Confederation has a visionary and adventurous spirit, and a cooperative and egalitarian ethos. The Outer Planets Confederation is also seeking to discover new worlds and phenomena, and to expand the frontiers of humanity.

What type of civilization is the inhabitants that in the future will join the Solar System Nations and what phenotype are they? Classification of organic vessels and type of DNA? 

One of the most fascinating questions in astrobiology is whether there are other intelligent civilizations in the galaxy, and if so, what they are like. If we explore a hypothetical scenario in which a civilization joins the Solar System Nations (SSN), a federation of human and post-human societies that inhabit the planets, moons, asteroids and space habitats of our solar system.

The new civilization is called the Zetans, and they originate from a planet orbiting Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system about 39 light-years away from Earth. The Zetans are humanoid in appearance, but with some notable differences from humans. They have gray skin, large black eyes, small noses and mouths, and no hair. They are shorter and thinner than humans, averaging about 1.2 meters in height and 30 kilograms in weight. They have four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot, and their fingers are longer and more flexible than human fingers.

The Zetans are an ancient civilization, having evolved about 2 billion years ago, when life on Earth was still in the form of simple prokaryotes. They have developed advanced technologies, such as interstellar travel, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and biotechnology. They have also modified their own bodies and minds through genetic engineering and cybernetics, enhancing their intelligence, lifespan and abilities.

The Zetans are classified as a Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale, meaning that they can harness the energy of their entire star system. They have built a Dyson swarm, a network of solar collectors and habitats that surround their stars and capture most of their energy output. They use this energy to power their civilization and to create wormholes, shortcuts in space-time that allow them to travel to other star systems.

The Zetans have a complex and diverse culture, with many subgroups and factions that have different values, beliefs and goals. Some of them are peaceful and benevolent, seeking to explore the universe and learn from other civilizations. Others are aggressive and hostile, wanting to conquer and exploit other worlds and species. The Zetans have had many wars among themselves, as well as with other alien races that they have encountered.

The Zetans have a different type of DNA than humans. Their DNA is composed of six nucleotides instead of four, giving them more genetic diversity and complexity. Their DNA also has a different structure, being circular instead of linear, and having three strands instead of two. Their DNA is more stable and resistant to mutations than human DNA.

The Zetans are organic vessels, meaning that they are born from biological parents and grow up in natural environments. However, they also have the ability to transfer their minds into artificial bodies or virtual realities, if they choose to do so. Some Zetans prefer to remain in their original forms, while others opt for different forms of existence.

The Zetans are the newest members of the SSN, having established contact with the human civilization about 50 years ago. They have agreed to join the SSN as an equal partner, sharing their knowledge and resources with the other members. The SSN hopes that the Zetans will bring new perspectives and insights to the federation, as well as new challenges and opportunities.

What would it take for a civilization to join the SSN?

The Solar System Nations (SSN) is a federation of diverse human and post-human societies that inhabit the planets, moons, asteroids and space habitats of our solar system. The SSN was founded in the 22nd century, after a series of conflicts and crises that threatened the survival of humanity and its descendants. The SSN aims to promote peace, cooperation, exploration and innovation among its members, while respecting their autonomy, diversity and sovereignty.

But how does a civilization become a member of the SSN? What are the criteria and the benefits of joining this interplanetary community? And what are the challenges and risks involved in such a decision?

If we explore a hypothetical scenario in which a civilization from outside the solar system expresses its interest in joining the SSN. We will assume that this civilization is technologically advanced, culturally compatible and politically stable, and that it has established contact and communication with the SSN through some means.

The first step for this civilization would be to apply for observer status in the SSN. This would allow them to participate in some of the SSN's activities, such as scientific, cultural and economic exchanges, without having full rights and obligations as a member. Observer status would also enable them to learn more about the SSN's history, values, laws and institutions, and to demonstrate their goodwill and trustworthiness.

The second step would be to negotiate a treaty of accession with the SSN. This would involve a comprehensive assessment of the civilization's compatibility with the SSN's principles and standards, as well as a discussion of the terms and conditions of their membership. The treaty of accession would have to be approved by both parties, as well as by a majority of the existing members of the SSN.

The third step would be to ratify and implement the treaty of accession. This would require the civilization to adopt and comply with the SSN's common policies and regulations, such as those related to security, trade, environment, human rights and ethics. It would also entail the integration of the civilization into the SSN's institutions and mechanisms, such as the Interplanetary Parliament, the Solar Court of Justice and the Solar Bank.

The fourth step would be to celebrate and enjoy their membership in the SSN. This would mean that the civilization would have full access to the benefits and opportunities of being part of a larger and more diverse community, such as sharing resources, knowledge, culture and technology, as well as participating in joint projects and initiatives. It would also mean that they would have to contribute to the common good and interests of the SSN, as well as respect its rules and decisions.

Joining the SSN would be a momentous decision for any civilization, with significant implications for their future. It would not be an easy or straightforward process, but rather a complex and challenging one. However, it could also be a rewarding and enriching one, if done with mutual respect, understanding and cooperation.

What type of civilizations are the members of the solar system nations and what phenotype are they?

This is a question that many people ask when they encounter the diverse and complex cultures of the solar system. Below is a brief overview of the main types of civilizations and their biological characteristics.

The solar system nations are composed of four major types of civilizations: Terrans, Martians, Belters and Jovians. Each of these groups has a distinct history, culture and political system, as well as different adaptations to their environments.

Terrans are the original inhabitants of Earth, the birthplace of humanity. They are the most populous and technologically advanced civilization in the solar system, but also the most divided and conflicted. 

Terrans have a wide range of phenotypes, depending on their ancestry and geographic location. They have a standard DNA structure, with two strands and four nucleotides.

Martians are the descendants of Terran colonists who settled on Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun. They are a proud and ambitious civilization, striving to terraform their world and achieve independence from Earth. 

Martians have a similar phenotype to Terrans, but with some modifications to cope with the lower gravity and higher radiation of Mars. They have a slightly altered DNA structure, with two strands and five nucleotides.

Belters are the inhabitants of the asteroid belt, the region between Mars and Jupiter. They are a diverse and resilient civilization, living in various habitats such as asteroids, moons and space stations. 

Belters have a unique phenotype, characterized by their tall and slender bodies, large eyes and pale skin. They have a radically different DNA structure, with three strands and six nucleotides.

Jovians are the inhabitants of the Jovian system, the region around Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun. They are a mysterious and secretive civilization, living in massive floating cities above the gas giant and its moons. 

Jovians have a highly variable phenotype, depending on their genetic engineering and consciousness-based enhancements. Some have a synthetic DNA structure, with four strands and eight nucleotides, whereas others have a fully organic DNA structure with six strands and 12 nucleotides.

Is the Hexagonal DNA similar to the silicone matrix DNA? 

Hexagonal DNA, also known as star-seed DNA, is a term used to describe a type of DNA that has six strands instead of the usual two. 

It is believed to be a result of genetic engineering by advanced extraterrestrial races, such as the Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians and others. Hexagonal DNA is said to have enhanced abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, healing, and multidimensional awareness.

Silicone matrix DNA, on the other hand, is a term used to describe a type of DNA that is based on silicon instead of carbon. It is believed to be a result of natural evolution by some extraterrestrial races, such as the Zetas, Andromedans, Lyrans and others. Silicone matrix DNA is said to have superior adaptability, durability, intelligence, and creativity.

The question of whether hexagonal DNA is similar to silicone matrix DNA or more in alignment with the Sirian A genotype has been debated by many researchers and enthusiasts of the extraterrestrial phenomenon. In this blog post, we will try to provide some insights and perspectives on this topic, based on the available information and evidence.

First of all, we need to clarify what we mean by similarity and alignment. Similarity refers to the degree of resemblance or correspondence between two things, while alignment refers to the degree of agreement or harmony between two things. 

In this case, we are comparing hexagonal DNA with silicone matrix DNA and the Sirian A genotype in terms of their structure, function, and origin.

Structure: Hexagonal DNA has six strands that form a hexagonal shape, while silicone matrix DNA has an unknown number of strands that form a complex network. The Sirian A genotype has twelve strands that form a double helix. Therefore, hexagonal DNA is more similar to the Sirian A genotype than to silicone matrix DNA in terms of structure.

Function: Hexagonal DNA has enhanced abilities that are related to higher order awareness, consciousness, and multidimensionality, while silicone matrix DNA has superior abilities that are related to technology, science and innovation. The Sirian A genotype has balanced abilities that are related to both spirituality and technology. Therefore, hexagonal DNA is more aligned with the Sirian A genotype than with silicone matrix DNA in terms of function.

Origin: Hexagonal DNA is a result of genetic engineering by advanced extraterrestrial races that have a benevolent agenda towards humanity, while silicone matrix DNA is a result of natural evolution by some extraterrestrial races that have a neutral or indifferent agenda towards humanity. The Sirian A genotype is a result of natural evolution by an extraterrestrial race that has a positive and supportive agenda towards humanity. Therefore, hexagonal DNA is more aligned with the Sirian A genotype than with silicone matrix DNA in terms of origin.

In conclusion, we can say that hexagonal DNA is more similar and more aligned with the Sirian A genotype than with silicone matrix DNA, based on the available information and evidence. However, this does not mean that hexagonal DNA is superior or inferior to silicone matrix DNA or vice versa. 

Each type of DNA has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each type of DNA can coexist and cooperate with other types of DNA for the benefit of all life forms in the universe.

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?