Superhumans and Aliens Comic Book Style

Who is in Charge Here?

You or Me this Time?

A: "Okay, let us agree that you take the first 90 crafts and I will take the rest?" S: "Yes, a bit of help would be nice."

Come On - Seriously?

S: "Have I not said this a million times - on this planet we help humans?"
A: "I know, but old habits, you know?"

I Thought You......?

A: "I thought you wanted me to do the work today? My outfit? What is wrong with that? If you can wear it, so can I!"

Cool - You Got This?

 "Okay, we agree to preserve humanity and not harvest them?"

The Old Gods?

 "If you have missed the new normal - we actually go pro-humans here?"

New Deals Made!

"So, we agree - no more harvesting or genetic modification, right!."

In the City

Alien Serious Talk?

"Okay, in this city we actually try to abide to the laws, try to take care of each other - its a community"

Let us Get this Straight? 

"This is not the place to do your evil deeds. You can take your Planetoid X somewhere else, this is not your turf...."

New Reality Perception

"I know, it takes time to adjust to kindness and friendly behavior. But you can learn it, if you want to!"

No ET Phone Home?

"Enough is enough. No more battles over planet Earth - it is a place for humans and pro-human civilizations!"

You Do Understand? 

"It was agreed, that you do not attempt to invade this planet - how many times do I have to say this. "

No! No More Discussions

"Enough, I have said it so many times - there are no loop holes or gaps that you can utilize to get it your ways"

New Communication Styles?

We Have Talked About....

"We have been over this before - no more messing around here."

Follow US Route 666 Out 

"You leave by getting on highway US 666 and then continue on the left!"

Anger Management?

" How do we do this? It is a process of new habits and ways of being"

The New Normal?

Addressing the Topic!

No Gods Policy? 


Alignment or Disagree?

Any Prerogatives Left? 

Time to Leave!