

As things are now, it appears that the disclosure that will be given to the public from the authorities, will be a sanitized one, downsized and adapted to the narrative of what the different invested groups want to be disclosed. It will not be a full, open, and honest disclosure. How could it be that when most of the psycho-dynamics in the world, politics and everyday living barely are open and honest? What must be addressed and what could the formative levels be in the process?

Is Full Disclosure Possible?

6 February 2024

One of the first things, we need to address, is the community and people behind the advantages of the required otherworldly technology. Most of the supposedly disclosure will focus on the otherworldly technology, although the full disclosure is so much more than just the nuts and bolts.

But as we know, the overall mental structure is oriented towards temporal-spatial features, how things work and the reductionist approach, supported by the science communities that are, to a large degree, invested in the downsized and conservative paradigms of what our world is or is not.


Hence, the disclosure is set to be within the scheme of downsized and old worn-out technology to begin with. The processual, psychological, and higher order scientific and technological approach has yet to be developed and applied. 

Because what is the full disclosure? On what level of the human history are we talking about, and into what extent have the otherworldly interceptions derailed our evolution and prospected future? What are the implications of the otherworldly genetic programs and technologies?

These questions will remain unanswered for now. Here I would like to initiate a thought process on the levels of the disclosure, we must take into consideration.

What Are the Levels?


It would be so easy, if it was just about the otherworldly crashed crafts and how certain groups within the military got hold of these. Easy-peasy. As if: “We have these old crafts that we got hold of in the 1940´s and 1950´s and there have not been any other crash landings since.” Nice, neat, and straight forward. But the truth is much more complicated and insidious. Malevolent. Ill-intended and full of greed, hunger for power and tradeoffs with otherworldly groups both from within our own universal sector and beyond into other universal sectors.


Level 1 Of the Disclosure

Recognition and the process of taking responsibility for what has been done, and is still being done, within these undercover (yes, that word is suitable too), covert and clandestine operations within and beyond our scope of understanding of what reality is or is not.

Who are the groups that have been part of the secret military projects? We cannot really get the full overview, until we know to what extent these projects have spread into our world and everyday lives. However, there are so many, the implications are so vast and complex that mentioning even one will throw off the intent with this paper. Thus, the details of these projects must appear at some other point, when we begin to investigate the forest as a whole and later investigate the state of each tree, its phenotype and how it has impacted the eco-system of the forest, to use that as an example.

Truthful accounts and detailed intel of what really has been, and still is, going on. Scrubbing the information and intel of its true content, the extended version with all the otherworldly sciences, the adaptation of the handed-over technology achieved in tradeoffs with alien, and often lesser benevolent groups of extra-terrestrials from other parallel systems foreign to our universal sector, with the brute purpose of gaining personal power and due to these psycho-dynamics have led to selling off the majority of the human population into vast clandestine alien-human genetic experimentation projects.


Subtext and Thoughts

Am I speaking on the behalf of the general human population and what they need to know? Probably not. Most are only interested in this process as infotainment. I am talking to the ones in the know. It is time to new responsible psycho-dynamics within the community. I am not a complete insider, waking up every morning and going into the 4D or real earth labs, no. I have not been that “fortunate.” I am a temporal-otherdimensional insider-outsider. One that is involved in the otherdimensional holographic-energetic cleaning up process of the mess of these inserted genetic, energetic, and temporal-otherdimensional otherworldly programs. We are groups attending in these processes from another system in the future and as many others trying to deploy some common sense into the heads of the current and past earthly groups that, in their choices and actions, have generated multiple distorted and dysfunctional code streams aka timelines within the overall scheme of our reality field, leading to one distavorous future after another. There is much more at stake in the disclosure process than human emotionality and curiosity; be it politically driven under the guise of national security or of a personal interest level as a citizen of earth.


Level 2 Of the Disclosure

Full scale education of the public.  Unless the general population is educated, as we saw it unfold during the pandemic where the supposedly utilized sciences and technologies were explained in real time hand-over info to ensure the support and participation of the public in the different counter-measure programs to beat the virus. And yes, the time is not ripe yet for the disclosure of that project and its purpose.

Catching the migration of the otherworldly alien-human projects.  With the public and congressional process of the scope and function of the UAPs (now referring to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), the technologies behind, their purpose and role and whether they are a national threat (whatever umbrella operation that is), the diverse alien-human military and otherworldly scientific programs have got time to rearrange and transfer off planet (or into sub-oceanic bases) their joint affiliation programs, cover up front institutions, inside and outside our reality labs and organizational structures. When the genetic alien-human hybrid projects will be surfaced, they too will have been scrubbed and adapted into a presumably human friendly version that can be accepted and acknowledged. Cover up upon cover up. Those of us that are in the know, we must act accordingly to counter this on whatever our level our skill sets are.

Unequivocally standpoint of non-acceptance of what has been going on. Unfortunately, as we have seen so many times in human history, the real perpetrators get away with what they have done and the lesser important fish take the hit and the blame. They are promised an otherworldly new vessel when the time is ripe; so, what are a couple of years in confinement seen in the bigger scheme of things? When we talk the otherworldly programs, whomever was involved have the option of continuation within the scheme of multiple dimensions and other worlds at their disposal. For these groups temporal-spatial dynamics of decay and entropy are no longer an issue. New organic vessels can be procured with a few moves and tricks.

The levels go on and on. The unraveling reaches far beyond anything we know of. Hence, the psychological and scientific approach to this must be in the forefront. New sciences must grow out of the mess and morass of entangled temporal-spatial dimensional and otherdimensional technologies and projects, genetic-energetic projects, and other similar alien-human hybrid projects. Those of us that are in the know, we must assist in the reformation of general and specified education and revealing of what our world truly is. It is time to produce the needed information streams and counter complex data systems that are needed to really grasp the implications of what has been done to this scheme.

The HAL Processes to Full Disclosure

From now and until 2035, there will be a push for a global acceptance the hidden realities. Many good people have worked with these, and the deeper implications of intersecting parallel system races operating within our reality.

However, we must go even further into the exploration of the otherworldly sciences, their laws of reality and reality dynamics to really get what is going on here. In my opinion, we cannot apply our sciences to the other worlds, and not until we implement that understanding will we be left in the dark. Much more to learn and much more to investigate, and we are already lightyears behind.

Is there a Sum Up?


As for now, we are in the process. Thus, no conclusions or solutions can be given at this point. The main purpose of this paper is to raise the awareness within the disclosure communities and perhaps pinpoint some blind spots and distorted angles of what is going on at this point. Naturally, we all know it, right? But are we acting upon our in-depth knowledge?


Another important question must be addressed to complete the paper: Is there even an interest for the full disclosure at any level of the planetary civilization we call humanity? Because if there is none, then – as we have seen before – business will go on as usual. It will only turn into a social media blip with no real significance. And if that is the case, we are in a whole other scenario of what must take place to restore the future code streams of our reality field. The civilizations within the other universal sectors depends on our full-scale awakening and becoming aware processes. They rely on our participation in the higher order sciences and our ability to learn what needs to be learned and implemented to grow into the responsibilities readily and knowingly of what it means to be a solar system advanced civilization.