

Many good people have worked with the alien agenda, and the deeper implications of these intersecting parallel system races. However, we must go even further into the exploration of the otherworldly sciences, their laws of reality and reality dynamics to really get what is going on here. In my opinion, we cannot apply our sciences to the other worlds, and not until we implement that understanding will we be left in the dark. Much more to learn and much more to investigate, and we are already lightyears behind.


There are so many bids to what the alien agenda is about. Perhaps it is time to investigate it from the angle of direct communication – knowing that manipulation and advanced telepathic skillsets are needed – would be a better approach instead of the current method, where we try to understand via what we have observed? This method has its pitfalls, one of them being our innate need to project how we perceive the world unto their realities. We must see things as they truly are. Not what we want them to be.


It begins with our abilities to communicate with the other worlds, and with that, the abilities to investigate within realms of different reality dynamics, laws of energy and reality sciences. Naturally, we also must learn what is the content of our own minds and energy fields, since the exploration of the other worlds is done via the higher order senses and faculties of mind and energy, as well as the ability to navigate, perceive, interpret, and comprehend what we sense, see, and encounter, via our energy system.

What About the Hidden Realities?

14 February 2024

The first fact is that most do not know the full extent of the hidden realities and the alien reality programs, although many has looked at the diverse theories on this topic. Nevertheless, it must be understood that most of this information is distorted deliberately. 

And, it must also be taken into consideration that these concepts and ideas are based upon the notions that we are dealing with humans like you and me, and not realizing that these groups of in-program humans are part of something hidden, an inner reality, secret for most with programs beyond their wildest fantasies. Of course, everybody has heard of the spiritual worlds but that is a sort of a distorted concept of a semi-human inner reality where the souls go and not a huge inner reality inhabited by many off world humans and humanoids from other parallel universes, having used our world for their own benefit, production, and exploitation.


The breakdown of the old hierarchal and hidden reality programs is beginning to show on the outside, in the forms of environmental changes and the collapse of the cultural institutions and ideologies. It is so, because as no one maintains the outer jurisdictions of the old density 2 middle domain (4D-6D) races, the leftovers are in free fall between the remaining off world races – often not so smart as the Elite, they used to be controlled by – and the other groups of exploiters trying to accrete what they can from our system, and transfer it (or link it up) to their own systems. We could call these groups for scavengers or tomb raiders. This level of chaos will rise in the years to come, and only the resilient ones amongst humanity will prevail in these future settings.


Thus, we have an inner world in steep downfall and competition of the remaining clans and factions, trying to get as much of the old trade systems as possible in the hidden realities, and this reflects into the outer world as well. The density 3 races inner domain (7D-9D) and their new operations are the challenges yet to come. Right now, they are positioning themselves, chewing their way in bit by bit, and are working via the human technologically oriented groups inside our reality. They have sided up with, in other words, the many groups that are pro-transhuman agenda.


Humanity will go on with business as usual, unknowingly, and ignorant of the hidden realities until the big issues are so BIG that they cannot be denied, such as the weather modification programs that automatically power on, upheld by alien technology, because nobody turned this off when they left, leading to weather disturbances and imbalances. The weakening, and later collapse, of the planetary magnetic field because the core technologies are deteriorating. Or the density 2 programs of human genome modification, or the remaining 5D cubes of the 1950-1980 military projects etc. The list goes on.


Humanity will proceed with their normal lives, working in companies and doing their jobs, focusing on driving a business run on monetary principles of exploitation, creating consumer markets where people can buy and sell their goods, whether people need these goods or not. It is an artificially generated market based upon an implemented idea of the need for goods and luxury, more than quality of life, the ability to develop our consciousness and learning to handle energy. Tools, that will be the most important of all in the years to come. What good does a materialistic good do when the technologies upholding our world is falling apart, and with that, what upholds the human programs?

So, What Are We to Do?

Is it embarking on the ascension programs, where we are promised to get back to a soul state in a fluffy utopia world based upon outdated spiritual principles? Are we to be cling on to the hope of other races taking us to the 5D? Or are we to grow as a race into a consciousness-based race, having the ability of telepathy, influence on the hidden technologies, the ability to work with holographic-radiation-vibration energies in a scientific way understanding reality holograms, semi-to fully artificial reality constructions based upon holographic principles of possibilities and probabilities (not quantum), code streams and code sheets? Working to become able to communicate with the other human races placed in universes parallel to ours from mind to mind, sharing complex information as packages of energy and field sciences?


Being a true human has nothing to do with spirituality or being soul infused. The true human-humanoids of our solar system used to be highly advanced races, building constructions such as the Pillar Project, into which different types of engineered vessels could learn to administer energy and consciousness. This universal structure used to have 12 realities, reengineered to each hold 5 domains with technologies and developmental programs, of which 4 domains would be the reality fields, or play grounds, of development of consciousness potentials via the transformational processes of energy, and the 5th domain would be the exit reality to other systems.


This universal structure, as it is now, is thus assisted in its progression dynamics using technology and developmental programs. The goal was to assist large groups of the humanoid races in their endeavor to master and develop their outdated code systems and energy system configurations. We must conclude that this project has failed. It was never meant to continue to the degree it has.


As I see it, we face the following challenges, which we are to step up to:



We must look at the resources we have now. The world, we are living in, and most humans that are barely half up to speed with the worlds, they soon are to become part of and in this, only a portion of humanity is ready for the work of developing consciousness and energy to be able to face up to the future challenges.


As always, this is a work for the few. This is not a work that can be proclaimed as a known issue, i.e. the still running technologies of the alien races, slowly dismantling the outer world in manipulated business programs, developmental programs, bending and seeding the human minds into these programs being overseen by technologies, artificial control systems and semi-conscious technologies being programmed with all from religion to economics (such a semi-conscious control devise is called a source and it holds the genetics of the humans it controls), and the humans not knowing how to operate, and shut this down.


The worst enemy of humanity is not the current childish world leaders, not really knowing how to run a world but only how to promote themselves in ways that make people like them, to be a bit harsh, taking care of our world in an old setup. Or business leaders that only know how to exploit the resources with the goal of making more money. No, the worst enemy is the alien inserted technologies, the mess left by the aliens and the genetic human projects that are breaking down in most of present-day humanity.

The Big Questions



From now and until 2035, there will be a push for a global acceptance the hidden realities. Many good people have worked with these, and the deeper implications of intersecting parallel system races operating within our reality.

However, we must go even further into the exploration of the otherworldly sciences, their laws of reality and reality dynamics to really get what is going on here. In my opinion, we cannot apply our sciences to the other worlds, and not until we implement that understanding will we be left in the dark. Much more to learn and much more to investigate, and we are already lightyears behind.