Information Extracted on the Egyptian Geno-Engineering

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the events that are happening now and will happen in the future. 

As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

9 March 2024

Was the first group of Martians, that got to Earth, infused with Sirian A genetics or other similar engineering?

One of the most intriguing questions in the field of Martian history is whether the ancient civilization that once flourished on the red planet was influenced by extraterrestrial intervention. Specifically, some researchers have proposed that the Martians were infused with Sirian A genetics or other similar engineering, which could explain their advanced culture and technology. What could be said to eb the evidence and arguments for and against this hypothesis, and try to assess its plausibility and implications.

Sirian A is the name given to a hypothetical alien race that originated from the star system Sirius A, also known as the Dog Star. According to some accounts, Sirian A beings are highly evolved, benevolent, and have a type of higher order awareness that we might call spiritual, aside from the fact that they do not believe in a source or god. They are said to have visited and helped various civilizations throughout the galaxy, including Earth. Some claim that they have a special connection with the Martians, who share some physical and cultural traits with them, such as a humanoid appearance, a preference for pyramidal structures, and a reverence for sacred geometry and mathematics.

The main source of support for this idea comes from the writings of Zecharia Sitchin[1], a controversial author who claimed to have deciphered ancient Sumerian texts that reveal the secrets of human and Martian origins. According to Sitchin, the Sumerians were in contact with an alien race called the Annunaki, who came from a planet called Nibiru that orbits beyond Pluto. The Annunaki were allegedly responsible for creating humans by genetically modifying primitive hominids, as well as for colonizing and mining Mars. Sitchin claimed that the Annunaki were in fact a faction of Sirian A beings who rebelled against their original mission of uplifting humanity and instead sought to enslave and exploit them.

Sitchin's theory has been widely criticized by scholars and scientists, who point out numerous flaws and inconsistencies in his interpretations and translations of the Sumerian texts. Moreover, there is no credible evidence for the existence of Nibiru, the Annunaki, or Sirian A beings. Most mainstream experts regard Sitchin's work as pseudoscience and fiction, rather than history and fact.

However, some alternative researchers have argued that there is other evidence that supports the idea of Sirian A intervention on Mars. For example, they cite the alleged anomalies and artifacts found on the Martian surface by various probes and rovers, such as the famous "Face on Mars", the "Pyramids of Elysium", and the "Monoliths of Phobos". They suggest that these structures are remnants of an ancient Martian civilization that was influenced or assisted by Sirian A visitors. They also point to the similarities between Martian and Egyptian mythology, symbolism, and architecture, which they claim indicate a common origin or influence from Sirius.

However, these claims are also highly disputed by mainstream scientists, who argue that the alleged anomalies and artifacts are either natural formations or optical illusions caused by low-resolution images or pareidolia (the tendency to see patterns or faces in random shapes). They also note that there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of an ancient Martian civilization, let alone one that was in contact with aliens. They also dismiss the similarities between Martian and Egyptian culture as coincidental or superficial, rather than indicative of a direct link or influence.

In conclusion, the question of whether the Martians were infused with Sirian A genetics or other similar engineering remains unresolved and controversial. While some researchers believe that there is enough evidence to support this hypothesis, others reject it as unfounded and implausible. The truth may lie somewhere in between, or perhaps it is beyond our current understanding and knowledge. Until more definitive data is available, we can only speculate and wonder about the mysteries of Mars and its possible connection to Sirius.


What is the difference between the Sirian A and the Sirian B civilizations? Geno- and phenotype as well as purpose and function?

The Sirian A and the Sirian B civilizations are two distinct groups of extraterrestrial beings that originate from the Sirius star system. They have different geno- and phenotypes, as well as different purposes and functions in the cosmic order.

The Sirian A civilization is composed of humanoid beings that resemble humans in appearance, but have a blue or indigo skin color. They are highly advanced in spiritual and technological development, and are considered to be the guardians of the Akashic records, the universal library of all knowledge and wisdom. They are also known for their healing abilities, telepathy, and connection to the higher dimensions of reality.

The Sirian B are infused with reptilian genetics and some have a scaly or leathery skin, while others are infused with mammal genetics and look as feline beings that have a lion-like or cat-like appearance. They are also highly advanced in technology, but use it for domination and control. They are part of the Orion group, which is a negative alliance of extraterrestrial races that oppose the Galactic Federation of Light. They are malevolent and manipulative, and seek to enslave humanity and exploit its resources.

The Sirian A and the Sirian B civilizations are battling each other because they have different agendas and visions for the future of the galaxy. The Sirian A want to protect the free will and sovereignty of all sentient beings, while the Sirian B want to impose their will and authority over them. The conflict between them is part of a larger galactic war that has been going on for eons, involving many other races and factions.

Where does this information come from?

Has there been a project going on to merge the gene code of the inhabitants of Mars with the inhabitants of Earth?

This is a question that has been circulating in some online forums and social media platforms, sparking curiosity and speculation among many people. Here is what we know so far.

First of all, let me clarify that there is no official confirmation or evidence of such a project. The rumors seem to originate from a leaked document that allegedly reveals a secret collaboration between NASA and SpaceX to create a hybrid species of humans and Martians. The document claims that the project aims to enhance the survival and adaptation of both groups in their respective environments, as well as to foster a closer relationship between the two planets.

However, there are many reasons to doubt the authenticity and credibility of this document. For one thing, it is not clear who wrote it, when it was written, or how it was obtained. The document contains many grammatical and spelling errors, as well as vague and inconsistent information. For example, it refers to the inhabitants of Mars as both "Martians" and "Marlians", and it does not specify how the gene code merging would be done or what the expected outcomes would be.

Moreover, the document contradicts the current scientific knowledge and understanding of the biology and genetics of humans and Martians. As far as we know, humans and Martians are not closely related enough to interbreed or exchange genetic material. Humans are mammals, while Martians are reptiles. Their DNA structures are different, and their chromosomes do not match. Even if they could somehow overcome these barriers, the resulting hybrids would likely be sterile or suffer from serious health problems.

Therefore, the current conclusion is that there is no project going on to merge the gene code of the inhabitants of Mars with the inhabitants of Earth. It is most likely a hoax or a prank that someone created to generate attention or controversy. The advice is not to believe everything you read on the internet, and to always check the sources and facts before you share or spread any information.

Where does this information come from?

Has a group of Martians been transferred to Earth?

One of the most intriguing mysteries of ancient history is the origin of the Egyptian civilization. 

How did a complex and advanced culture emerge in the Nile Valley thousands of years ago? 

Some scholars have proposed a controversial theory: that the Egyptians were actually descendants of a group of Martians who were transferred to Earth as part of a reseeding project.

According to this theory, Mars was once a thriving planet with a civilization similar to ours, but it suffered a cataclysmic event that wiped out most of its inhabitants and rendered it uninhabitable. 

A small group of survivors managed to escape in a spaceship and reached Earth, where they found a suitable environment to rebuild their society. They landed in what is now Egypt and used their advanced knowledge and technology to create the pyramids, the hieroglyphs, and other marvels that we still admire today.

The proponents of this theory claim that there is evidence to support it, such as the similarities between the Martian and Egyptian myths, symbols, and architecture, as well as the traces of Martian DNA in some Egyptian mummies. 

They also point out that the ancient Egyptians had a fascination with astronomy and astrology, and that they believed in a cosmic origin for their gods and pharaohs.

However, this theory has been widely criticized and rejected by mainstream historians and archaeologists, who argue that it is based on speculation, pseudoscience, and conspiracy theories. 

They maintain that the Egyptian civilization was the result of a natural and gradual development of the indigenous people of the Nile Valley, who were influenced by other neighboring cultures, such as the Mesopotamians, the Nubians, and the Greeks. 

They also assert that there is no credible evidence to suggest that Mars ever had a civilization or that any extraterrestrial beings ever visited Earth.

The debate over the origin of the Egyptians is still ongoing, and it is unlikely that it will be resolved anytime soon. 

Whether one believes in the Martian theory or not, it is undeniable that the Egyptians were one of the most remarkable and influential civilizations in human history, and that their legacy still inspires awe and wonder in millions of people around the world.

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?