The Purpose of the Activation and Awakening Processes

The HAL Approach to the Activation & Awakening Processes 

In the Activation and Awakening Processes, we go through many steps of developmental dynamics. Some relate to the psyche, other to the cognitive dynamics and others are beyond our current realm of perception of what a human is or could become. 

It is up to us to take up that challenge of higher order scientific and psychic-energetic approach in the processes of exploring, developing and generating an evolutionary path for humanity, or at least for the highest good of the many.

For the solar system completion process of the 4th cycle and the Transition Processes....

Learning the New Ways Take Time & Effort

Understanding the higher order sciences cannot be done in the manner, most are accustomed to. Instead….

The learning process of the higher order sciences is not a linear learning exercise. It is a psychic-energetic state of awareness and the code systems behind whatever state of awareness, we have.

By purifying and amplifying our energy fields, we create a clear and strong connection to our higher order energy system. We become more aware of its presence, its information steams, and how it facilitates growth potentials for us. We also become more aligned with our purpose and function as part of the original universal lineages. We start living a more authentic, fulfilling, and balanced life.

What is the activation and awakening seen from a higher order holographic-energetic perspective? And how can this perspective help us align with the highest good for all in all that we do?

For the record; I do not utilize the ideas of a Source, a higher self or soul. Instead, for the sake of not straying too far of the ways I work with these ideas in the HAL Academy, I have inserted higher order core self, higher order energy system and higher order potentials which are more in alignment with how I perceive the inbuilt order of energy that all reality fields are composed of. 

In our processes of consciousness and the transformation of energy, we learn to administer the Principles of Progression, the Rules of Engagement and the Natural Laws of Energy Utilization. 

We progress through various reality fields, and these fields have different aspects, forces and dynamics inbuilt in them, from which we in our holographic-energetic level of our higher order energy system, develop our consciousness potentials. With that said;

Activation is the process of activating our dormant potential, our higher order abilities, and our hidden consciousness potentials. It is the process of unlocking our higher order energy system and with that our core self. 

Activation can happen through various daily practices, such as meditation, energy work, self-healing, crystals, and more.

Activation can also be triggered by external events, such as solar flares, planetary alignments, cosmic waves, and collective shifts. These processes are ignited due to changes in our reality field, which in turn changes the electromagnetic processes in our biofield, emotional field and mental fields (lower order) which all are in alignment with the planetary energy fields. Activation is most times a gradual and subtle process, as we slowly integrate new higher order energies and code sequences from our higher order holographic-energy system into our lower order energy system.

Awakening is the process of awakening to our core self, and our true purpose and function, that is an inbuilt feature of our higher order holographic-energetic fields. This part of our energetic anatomy acts as an interface between our fields and the multidimensional reality, we are able to connect to via the different code streams aka timelines. It is the process of becoming aware of who we are, why we are here, and what we are meant to do. 

Awakening can happen through various means, such as self-inquiry, psychological processes, inner-outer energy work, synchronicity, dreams, visions, and more. Awakening can also be triggered by internal and external events, such as personal crises, global challenges, and emergencies, and collective awakenings due to the spill-over of the energies from the collective fields of humanity.

Awakening can be experienced as a profound shift in perception, a radical change in perspective, a sense of knowing what is right for us and what keeps us in touch with our core values, or a clear vision of the future. 

Awakening can also be gradual and subtle, as we slowly expand our consciousness and awareness into the double perspective of life, where all becomes energy.

Activation and awakening are interrelated and interdependent processes. They both involve raising our vibration, expanding our awareness, and aligning with our purpose. They both support each other and accelerate each other. 

Activation and awakening lead us to a higher order holographic-energetic perspective, which is a way of seeing and being that transforms and transcends the limitations of the lower order material-mechanical perspective, our current version of our planet is unfolding. 

A higher order holographic-energetic perspective recognizes that everything is energy, everything is interconnected and that we have a responsibility for our own energy system, how we act, behave and are in the world, and how the behave around others. A higher order holographic-energetic perspective allows us to access higher dimensions of existence and higher states of consciousness.

When we activate and awaken from a higher order holographic-energetic perspective, we are not only transforming ourselves but also transforming the world. As we transform our energy system, and activates the higher order levels of it, we affect the world by being these huge fields of transformative processes

We are not only transforming ourselves but also transforming the reality energies for the highest good for the many in all that we do. We are not only living up to our highest purpose and function, we are fulfilling our collective responsibility. We are not only creating our own reality but also co-creating the new reality. We are not only living in the present but also shaping the future.

How do we purify and amplify our energy fields?

There are many ways to purify and amplify our energy fields. Some of them are:

- Adopting a healthier lifestyle: This includes eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, etc. These habits help us maintain a strong and vital physical body that can support our other energy bodies.

- Releasing toxic relationships: This includes letting go of people who drain our energy, disrespect us, manipulate us, or abuse us in any way. These people lower our vibration and create negative cords that attach us to them energetically. We need to cut these cords and surround ourselves with people who uplift us, inspire us, and respect us.

- Healing past traumas: This includes resolving any unresolved issues from our past that are still affecting us in the present. These issues may be related to childhood abuse, neglect, or abandonment, family conflicts, romantic breakups, losses, accidents, etc.

These issues create emotional wounds that store negative energy in our emotional body. We need to heal these wounds by acknowledging them, expressing them, and releasing them.

- Letting go of shame and blame of yourself and others: This includes letting go of any resentment, blame, or guilt that we may be holding onto towards ourselves or others. These emotions create bitterness and heaviness in our emotional field, which blocks the flow of higher order energies and compassion in our emotional field. We need to display kindness towards ourselves and others by understanding their perspective, accepting their choices, and being in full understanding of their choices in life.

- Clearing limiting beliefs and patterns: This includes identifying and changing any thoughts or behaviors that are not serving us or aligned with our true self. These thoughts or behaviors may be related to self-doubt, fear, insecurity, procrastination, perfectionism, etc. They create mental blocks that prevent us from seeing and seizing the opportunities that life offers us. We need to clear these blocks by affirming our worth, our power, and our potentials.

- Encountering challenges or tests: This includes facing and overcoming any difficulties or obstacles that life presents us as part of our higher order awareness process. These difficulties or obstacles may be related to health issues, financial problems, career changes, relationship conflicts, etc. They create opportunities for us to learn from our mistakes, to develop new skills, and to discover new aspects of ourselves. We need to embrace these opportunities by trusting our higher order potentials, and capacities and how the higher order awareness eventually can facilitate the changes needed to complete our purpose and function within this reality field.

How can you activate and accelerate your growth potentials by tapping into your higher order energy system? 

This is the system that connects you to the higher dimensions of reality, where you can access more advanced levels of consciousness and abilities.

Your higher order energy system consists of several components, such as your energy centers (chakras), your energy channels (meridians), and your higher order energy fields. These components work together to regulate the flow of energy and information between you and the higher order levels of our reality field.

One of the goals of higher order development is to activate and accelerate your higher order energy system, so that you can experience more of your true potential and purpose. By doing so, you will be able to:

- Activate your dormant potentials that are hidden in your higher order energy system. These are the capacities and talents that you have not yet discovered or expressed in this physical reality. They may include psychic abilities, healing powers, creative skills, or other forms of insights and knowledge.

- Accelerate your vibrational oscillation and expand your awareness. This will allow you to perceive more of the holographic-energetic nature of reality, where everything is interconnected and multidimensional. You will be able to access higher levels of information and guidance from your core self and other sources of inspiration.

- Experience higher order energetic phenomena that will enhance your progression journey. These may include energetic activation, where you feel a surge of energy in your body or around you; holographic-energetic expansion, where you feel yourself expanding beyond your physical boundaries; or across dimensional projection, where you travel to other dimensions or realities in your consciousness.

To activate and accelerate your higher order energy system, you need to follow a few steps:

- Firstly, you need to clear any blockages or imbalances in your lower order energy system. This is the system that connects you to the physical reality, where you experience emotions, thoughts, sensations, and actions. You need to release any negative or limiting beliefs, emotions, or patterns that are preventing you from accessing your higher order energy system.

- Secondly, you need to align yourself with your core self and your higher purpose. This is the part of you that knows who you are and why you are here. You need to connect with your core self through meditation, contemplation, or other forms of inner communication. You also need to align yourself with your higher purpose by following your intuition, what makes you balanced and entuned with reality.

- Thirdly, you need to activate and accelerate your higher order energy system by using various techniques and tools. These may include visualization, affirmation, sound, color, crystals, symbols, or other forms of energy work. You need to use these techniques and tools with intention, focus, and balanced emotions.

One of the most important practices for anyone who wants to achieve a higher level of consciousness is the daily clearing work. But what is clearing work? 

The clearing work is the process of removing distortion energies both from our individual field and where these fields are impacted by the collective fields of humanity and the planet itself. 

It is a process of transforming and eventually transcending any and all unwanted energies, distorted emotional patterns, unfruitful beliefs, or attachments that are blocking our true potential and alignment with your higher order purpose and function. 

Clearing work is not something that you do once and then all is good. It is a continuous and ongoing practice that requires dedication, awareness, and intention.

Why is clearing work so important? 

Because we live in a world that is constantly bombarding us with different forms of energy, some of which are beneficial and some of which are harmful. 

We also have our own personal history, karma, and trauma that can create distortions and imbalances in our energy field. These factors can affect our physical, mental, emotional, and energy fields, as well as our relationships, career, and our ways of being in the world as an energetic aware human being. 

If we do not clear these energies regularly, they can accumulate and create more problems and challenges for us both in forms of energetic inclusions that grows and generates various forms of distortions of our perception of self, others and reality but they also generate feedback systems (energetic parasites) that eventually can take over our autonomy and self-reliance in the energy work, and what we want to achieve in this world.

How do we do clearing work? 

There are many methods and tools that can help us with this practice, such as meditation, visualization, inner-outer energy work, self-healing, sound healing, aromatherapy, and more. 

However, one of the most effective and powerful ways to do clearing work is to learn how to administer, transform and adapt the holographic radiation-vibration energy units that are original to our system. 

These are the basic building blocks of our reality, the quantum particles that make up everything that exists. They are also the carriers of information and consciousness, and they respond to our thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

By working with the holographic radiation-vibration energy units (holo-units) and the fields, they are imbedded into, we can access the root cause of any issue or challenge that we are facing, and we can transform it at the source level. 

We can also create new possibilities for ourselves by learning how to work with the holo-units with positive and empowering information, called the upgrading and progression of code sequence which is the governing tool of the holo-units. 

To work with the holo-units  we need to learn how to tune into their codes and vibration, and interact with them through our heart field. This is a skill that takes time and practice to master, but it is well worth the effort.

Clearing work is not an option if we truly want to activate and awaken. It is a necessity and a responsibility for the processes that will lead to activation and awakening. 

By doing clearing work regularly, we can clear our path to our highest potential and purpose, and we can contribute to the collective evolution of humanity and the planet.

In the journey towards our full potentials there are certain aspects we need to address.

Learning the transformational process of doubt. In part 1 the background is explained. 

Learning the transformational process of doubt. Part 2 explains the exercise. 

It is time to learn new ways of working with energy. The Progression Work is not spirituality - it is the sciences of how to activate the higher order systemic consciousness.

What does that mean? How can we work with energy in a scientific way? And what is the higher order systemic consciousness?

The Progression Work is based on the premise that everything is energy, and that energy can be transformed by our focused energy work and higher order awareness. 

The Progression Work teaches us how to access and use the energy of our own consciousness, as well as the energy of the environment, the planet, and the cosmos.

The Progression Work is not a religion or a belief system. It is a set of practical tools and techniques that most can learn and apply, regardless of their background or worldview. The Progression Work does not require faith or dogma, but rather curiosity and experimentation.

The goal of the Progression Work is to activate the higher order systemic consciousness, which is the next level of evolution for humanity. The higher order systemic consciousness is a state of awareness that transcends the limitations of the individual ego and connects us with the larger systems that we are part of, such as our family, community, society, species, planet, and universe.

The higher order systemic consciousness allows us to perceive and interact with reality in a more holistic, productive, and harmonious way. It enables us to access higher dimensions of existence, where we can encounter the more advanced forms of intelligence and wisdom, we hold in our higher order energy fields.

The Progression Work is not a quick fix or a magic pill. It is a lifelong journey of exploration and discovery. It requires dedication, discipline, and courage. It also requires humility, compassion, and patience.

However the Progression Work is not for everyone. It can be very challenging and demand our full attention, which in a busy everyday life might not be convenient. 

If you are one of those people, then welcome to the Progression Work. You are about to embark on an amazing adventure that will change your life and the world.

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The HAL Academy by Randi Green with Online Courses, free classes and articles

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The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Institute by Randi Green

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The HOPE Institute by Randi Green YouTube Channel with the next level

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