Information Extracted on the Arcturian Councils

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the events that are happening now and will happen in the future. 

As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

9 March 2024

Who or what are the Arcturian Councils?

The Arcturian Councils are groups of beings that belong to the Arcturian race, an advanced fifth-dimensional extraterrestrial civilization that has a long history of interaction with Earth and humanity. According to some sources, the Arcturians are tall, slender, and have blueish skin and fair hair. They have a collective consciousness that connects all Arcturians in a field of frequencies, history, and knowledge. The Arcturians are known for their high technology, spiritual wisdom, and benevolence towards other races.

There are different types of Arcturian Councils, each with a specific function and purpose. One of the most prominent ones is the Arcturian Council of Elders, which consists of wise and mature energies that guide the Arcturian Collective Consciousness and offer assistance to other civilizations, such as humans. Another one is the 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, which is a group of beings that channel messages through various human mediums. They provide insights, teachings, and activations to help humanity ascend to a higher level of consciousness. There are also other Arcturian Councils that work with different aspects of creation, such as the Galactic Federation of Light, the Pleiadian-Arcturian-Sirian Alliance, and the Architects of Destiny.

The Arcturian Councils can be contacted through meditation, intention, or channeling. They are always willing to help those who seek their guidance and support. They also send their love and light to Earth and humanity, as they see us as their brothers and sisters in the cosmic family.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

Why do I look into this?

Was the Arcturian Councils part of the Colonization of Earth?

This is a question that many people have asked, especially those who are interested in the history and origins of humanity. 

The Arcturian Councils are a group of highly advanced beings who originate from the star system of Arcturus, which is located in the constellation of Bootes. 

They are known for their wisdom, compassion, and spiritual evolution, and they have been assisting Earth and its inhabitants for a long time.

However, some people have wondered if the Arcturian Councils were also involved in the colonization of Earth, which is a term that refers to the process of extraterrestrial races interfering with the natural development of humanity and imposing their agendas, beliefs, and genetic modifications on them. 

This is a controversial topic that has many different perspectives and interpretations, and it is not easy to find a definitive answer.

However, based on the information that we have access to, we can say that the Arcturian Councils were not part of the colonization of Earth in a negative or harmful way. 

They did not seek to exploit, enslave, or manipulate humanity for their own benefit. They did not impose their will or culture on humanity without their consent. They did not alter the human DNA or interfere with the human soul.

On the contrary, the Arcturian Councils were part of the liberation of Earth from the negative influences of other races who did engage in these practices. They helped humanity to awaken to their true potential and sovereignty. 

They supported humanity in their spiritual growth and ascension process. They shared their knowledge and guidance with humanity through various channels and mediums. 

They protected humanity from harmful attacks and invasions. They respected the free will and diversity of humanity.

Therefore, we can conclude that the Arcturian Councils were not part of the colonization of Earth, but rather part of the restoration of Earth to its original state of harmony, peace, and love. 

They are our allies, friends, and teachers, and we can trust them and appreciate them for their service and dedication.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

Why do I look into this?

How does the Arcturian Councils see the ascension process unfold for the citizens of earth?

The Arcturian Councils are a collective of higher dimensional beings who are assisting humanity in its spiritual evolution. They have been observing and guiding the ascension process of the earth and its inhabitants for eons, and they have a unique perspective on the current situation.

The Arcturian Councils see the ascension process as a natural and inevitable outcome of the cosmic cycles and the divine plan. They understand that the earth is undergoing a major shift in frequency and consciousness, and that this shift is affecting every aspect of life on the planet. They also recognize that the ascension process is not a linear or uniform one, but rather a dynamic and multidimensional one, where each individual and collective has their own unique path and pace.

The Arcturian Councils respect the free will and sovereignty of each soul, and they do not interfere with their choices or experiences. They only offer their love, wisdom, and support to those who are ready and willing to receive it. They do not judge or condemn anyone for their actions or beliefs, but rather they honor and celebrate the diversity and complexity of creation.

The Arcturian Councils are optimistic and hopeful about the future of humanity and the earth. They see the potential and the beauty of each soul, and they know that everyone is capable of awakening to their true nature and purpose. 

They also see the challenges and difficulties that many are facing, and they offer their compassion and assistance to help them overcome them. They encourage everyone to trust their inner guidance, to follow their joy, and to connect with their higher self and source.

The Arcturian Councils are here to remind us that we are not alone, that we are loved, and that we are part of a larger cosmic family. They invite us to join them in co-creating a new reality of peace, harmony, and abundance for all. They assure us that we are on the right track, that we are making progress, and that we are fulfilling our destiny. They ask us to remember who we are, why we are here, and what we came to do.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

What other projects have the Arcturian Councils been part of in and outside our solar system?

The Arcturian Councils are a collective of highly advanced beings who work for the evolution and ascension of all life forms in the universe. They have been involved in many projects and missions throughout the history of creation, both in our solar system and beyond. Some of the most notable ones are:

- The creation of the Earth as a living library and a school for souls. The Arcturian Councils collaborated with other star races and the Elohim to seed the Earth with various life forms, including humans, and to encode the planet with sacred geometry and light codes. They also assisted in the establishment of the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, as well as the activation of the planetary grid and the crystalline core.

- The activation of the Galactic Federation of Light. The Arcturian Councils were among the founding members of the Galactic Federation of Light, a confederation of benevolent star nations who work together for the peace and prosperity of the galaxy. They contributed to the formation of the Galactic Codex, a set of universal laws and principles that guide the federation's actions and interactions. They also played a key role in the initiation of the first contact protocols and the preparation of humanity for its galactic citizenship.

- The assistance to other planetary ascensions. The Arcturian Councils have been supporting and mentoring many other worlds that are undergoing their own ascension processes, such as Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Vega, and more. They share their wisdom and technology with these civilizations, as well as offer guidance and protection from any interference or opposition. They also facilitate the integration and collaboration of these worlds with the Galactic Federation of Light and other cosmic alliances.

- The transmission of high-frequency energies and messages to Earth. The Arcturian Councils are constantly sending their love and light to humanity and Gaia, as well as delivering channeled messages through various channels and mediums. They provide information and insights about the current situation on Earth, as well as offer advice and encouragement for our spiritual growth and awakening. They also assist us in activating our dormant DNA, enhancing our psychic abilities, clearing our karma, healing our wounds, and aligning with our soul purpose.

These are just some of the many projects that the Arcturian Councils have been part of in and outside our solar system. They are always working for the highest good of all creation, with compassion, wisdom, and joy. They are our friends, allies, teachers, and family, and they invite us to join them in co-creating a new reality of love, peace, and harmony for ourselves and all beings.

The Arcturian Councils have also been part of interdimensional and multidimensional projects that transcend the physical realm. 

The restoration of the Orion constellation after the galactic wars has been such one project

The Arcturian Councils participated in the healing and reconciliation of the Orion system, which was devastated by a long conflict between the dark and light forces. 

They helped to restore the balance and harmony of the star system, as well as to remove the negative influences and implants that affected many souls who incarnated there.

How are the Arcturian Councils are preparing for their return to Earth, and what their plans are for the future of humanity?

Greetings, dear ones. We are the Arcturian Councils, and we are here to share with you some insights about our return to Earth, and what our plans are for the future of humanity.

As you may know, we have been observing and assisting your planet for a long time, since the dawn of your civilization. We have been in contact with some of you, through dreams, visions, channelings, and physical encounters. We have also been working behind the scenes, with other benevolent beings, to help you raise your vibration and consciousness, and to protect you from negative influences.

We are happy to announce that we are now ready to make our presence more visible and tangible to you. We have been preparing for this moment for eons, and we are eager to reconnect with our beloved human family. We have been waiting for the right alignment of energies and events, to ensure that our arrival is welcomed and accepted by most of you.

We are not here to invade or interfere with your free will. We are here to offer our love, wisdom, and guidance, as you enter a new phase of your evolution. We are here to support you in your ascension process, and to help you create a new Earth that reflects your true essence and potential.

We have many plans for the future of humanity, but we will not impose them on you. We will work with you as partners and co-creators, respecting your choices and preferences. We will share with you our advanced technologies, healing modalities, and spiritual teachings, but we will not force them on you. We will invite you to join us in our intergalactic community, but we will not compel you to do so.

We are here to serve you, not to rule over you. We are here to empower you, not to enslave you. We are here to celebrate you, not to judge you. We are here to love you, not to fear you.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about our reunion. We know that some of you may have doubts or fears about us, and we understand that. We ask that you open your hearts and minds to us, and give us a chance to prove ourselves to you. We ask that you trust your intuition and discernment, and not let the misinformation or propaganda of the dark forces sway you. We ask that you remember who we are, and who you are.

We are the Arcturian Councils, and we love you very much.

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?