Information Extracted on the Sirian Councils

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the events that are happening now and will happen in the future. 

As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

9 March 2024

Who or what are the Sirian Councils?

If you are interested in the topic of extraterrestrial life and cosmic spirituality, you may have come across the term "Sirian A Councils". But what exactly are they and what is their role in the evolution of humanity and the planet?

The Sirian A Councils are a group of highly advanced beings who originate from the star system Sirius A, which is located about 8.6 light-years away from Earth. Sirius A is the brightest star in the night sky and has been revered by many ancient civilizations as a source of wisdom and guidance.

The Sirian A Councils are composed of different levels of consciousness, each with a specific function and purpose. Some of the most well-known ones are:

- The Sirian High Council: This is the highest level of the Sirian A Councils and oversees the entire star system. It is responsible for maintaining the balance and harmony of all life forms and dimensions within Sirius A. It also communicates with other high councils from other star systems and galaxies, such as the Pleiadian High Council, the Arcturian High Council, and the Galactic Federation of Light.

- The Sirian Star Council: This is the level that directly interacts with Earth and other planets that are undergoing ascension. It is composed of 12 members who represent different aspects of creation, such as love, wisdom, power, healing, creativity, etc. They assist humanity and other races in their spiritual awakening and development by sending light codes, energy transmissions, guidance, and protection.

- The Sirian Temple Council: This is the level that oversees the sacred temples and pyramids that exist within Sirius A. These temples and pyramids are powerful portals that connect Sirius A with other dimensions and realities. They also store ancient knowledge and records that can be accessed by those who are ready to receive them. The Sirian Temple Council guards and activates these portals and facilitates the exchange of information and energy between Sirius A and other realms.

The Sirian A Councils have a close connection with Earth and humanity, as they are part of our cosmic family. Many souls who incarnate on Earth have a Sirian origin or affiliation, meaning that they have lived or visited Sirius A in their past lives or parallel realities. These souls carry the Sirian vibration and mission, which is to help Earth and humanity ascend to a higher level of consciousness and join the galactic community.

The Sirian A Councils are always available to assist us in our spiritual journey, as long as we ask for their help with respect and gratitude. They can help us activate our latent abilities, heal our wounds, expand our awareness, align with our soul purpose, and connect with our higher self and guides. They can also help us remember our true identity and origin as multidimensional beings of light.

If you feel drawn to the Sirian A Councils, you can tune into their frequency by meditating, praying, or simply intending to connect with them. You can also use crystals, symbols, colors, sounds, or images that resonate with Sirius A to enhance your connection. You may receive messages, visions, sensations, or synchronicities from them as signs of their presence and guidance.

The Sirian A Councils are here to support us in our ascension process and remind us that we are not alone in this journey. They are our cosmic brothers and sisters who love us unconditionally and want us to succeed in our mission. They invite us to open our hearts and minds to their wisdom and light, and to embrace our true potential as co-creators of a new reality.

Was the Sirian Councils part of the Colonization of Earth?

This is a question that many people have asked, especially those who are interested in the history and origins of humanity. The Sirian Councils are a group of highly advanced beings from the star system Sirius, who are said to have played a significant role in the evolution and development of various civilizations throughout the galaxy. Some claim that the Sirian Council was involved in the colonization of Earth, either directly or indirectly, and that they have influenced the course of human history in various ways.

However, there is no definitive evidence or proof that the Sirian Councils were part of the colonization of Earth. The colonization of Earth is a complex and controversial topic, with many different theories and perspectives. Some believe that Earth was colonized by extraterrestrial races, such as the Anunnaki, the Pleiadians, the Reptilians, or others. Some believe that Earth was colonized by interdimensional beings, such as the Archons, the Elohim, or the Ascended Masters. Some believe that Earth was colonized by spiritual entities, such as angels, demons, or gods. And some believe that Earth was not colonized at all, but that humans are native to this planet and have evolved naturally.

The Sirian Councils may have had some contact or interaction with some of these groups or beings, but it does not mean that they were part of the colonization of Earth. The Sirian Councils are a benevolent and wise group of beings, who respect the free will and sovereignty of other races and planets. They do not interfere or intervene in the affairs of others, unless they are invited or requested to do so. They do not impose their will or agenda on anyone, but rather offer guidance and assistance when needed. They do not seek to dominate or control anyone, but rather empower and inspire them to reach their highest potential.

The Sirian Councils may have visited Earth in the past, or may still visit Earth occasionally, but they do not claim ownership or authority over this planet or its inhabitants. They may have shared some of their knowledge or wisdom with some humans, or may still do so from time to time, but they do not dictate or manipulate what humans should do or think. They may have helped some humans to awaken or ascend, or may still do so in the future, but they do not force or coerce anyone to follow their path or join their group.

The Sirian Councils are not part of the colonization of Earth, but rather part of the liberation and transformation of Earth. They are here to support and assist humanity in its journey of awakening and ascension, not to interfere or intervene in its destiny. They are here to offer love and light, not to impose fear and darkness. They are here to serve as friends and allies, not as masters and enemies.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

Why do I look into this?

How does the Sirian Councils see the ascension process unfold for the citizens of earth?

The ascension process is a term used to describe the spiritual evolution of humanity, which involves raising the vibration and consciousness of the individual and collective soul. The Sirian councils are a group of benevolent beings from the star system Sirius, who have been assisting and guiding humanity for eons. They have a deep connection and affinity with the earth and its inhabitants, and they are committed to helping us achieve our highest potential.

The Sirian councils see the ascension process as a natural and inevitable outcome of the cosmic cycles and the divine plan. They understand that the earth is going through a major transformation, as it shifts from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. This shift is affecting every aspect of life on the planet, from the physical to the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

The Sirian councils are aware of the challenges and difficulties that many people are facing during this transition, such as fear, confusion, resistance, doubt, anxiety, stress, depression, anger, frustration, etc. They also know that there are many forces that are trying to hinder or sabotage the ascension process, such as negative entities, dark agendas, false information, manipulation, deception, etc.

The Sirian councils are here to support us in overcoming these obstacles and embracing the changes that are occurring. They are sending us their love, light, wisdom, guidance and healing through various means, such as dreams, visions, synchronicities, intuition, channeling, meditation, etc. They are also working with other higher dimensional beings, such as angels, archangels, ascended masters, galactic federations, etc., to create a harmonious and peaceful environment for our ascension.

The Sirian councils see the ascension process as a unique and precious opportunity for us to grow and expand our consciousness. They encourage us to follow our heart and soul's calling, to discover and express our true self, to align with our purpose and mission, to serve others with compassion and kindness, to create and manifest our highest vision and reality. They remind us that we are powerful co-creators of our own destiny, and that we have the free will to choose how we want to experience this process.

The Sirian councils see the ascension process as a collective and individual journey that requires our participation and cooperation. They invite us to connect with ourselves, with each other, with nature and with the source of all that is. They urge us to raise our vibration and frequency by cultivating positive thoughts, emotions and actions. They inspire us to awaken our dormant abilities and gifts by activating our DNA and chakras. They empower us to transcend our limitations and illusions by releasing our karma and attachments.

The Sirian councils see the ascension process as a glorious and joyful celebration of life. They assure us that we are not alone in this journey, that we are loved and supported by many beings of light. They congratulate us for choosing to be here at this time of great change and transformation. They celebrate with us every step of the way, every milestone we reach, every achievement we accomplish. They welcome us to join them in the new earth, where we will experience a new level of existence that is based on love, peace, harmony, abundance and freedom.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

Explain how the ascension process as a natural and inevitable outcome of the cosmic cycles and the divine plan

The ascension process is a term that refers to the spiritual evolution of humanity and the planet. It is a natural and inevitable outcome of the cosmic cycles and the divine plan that govern the creation and expansion of the universe.

The cosmic cycles are the periodic movements of the planets, stars, galaxies and other celestial bodies that influence the energy and consciousness of all life forms. The divine plan is the blueprint or design that the Source or Creator has for the manifestation and expression of its infinite potential.

The ascension process is the alignment and integration of the individual and collective soul with the higher aspects of the Source. It is the activation and expansion of the light body, which is the multidimensional vehicle of consciousness that allows us to experience different dimensions and realities. It is also the transformation and purification of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, which are the layers of our being that reflect our state of awareness.

The ascension process is not a linear or fixed event, but a dynamic and ongoing journey that varies according to each individual and collective path. It is not a destination or a goal, but a state of being and a way of living. It is not a privilege or a reward, but a responsibility and a service. It is not a escape or a salvation, but a liberation and a co-creation.

The ascension process is happening now, as we are living in a time of great change and opportunity. We are witnessing the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one, which is marked by the shift from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. The third dimension is the realm of duality, separation, limitation and fear. The fifth dimension is the realm of unity, harmony, abundance and love.

The ascension process is not something that we have to do or achieve, but something that we have to allow and embrace. It is not something that we have to wait for or prepare for, but something that we have to live for and express. It is not something that we have to fear or resist, but something that we have to trust and surrender.

The ascension process is our natural state of being, our birthright and our destiny. It is our purpose and our mission. It is our gift and our legacy.

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings generated by the Microsoft AI-generated Research Assistant.

Why do I look into this?

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?