What Kind of Changemaker Are You?


It is not just about being a social entrepreneur, that is one dimension of it, it is also a psychological process into knowing our own strengths and weaknesses, along with the understanding of the outer environment. 

As HAL Changemakers, we need to be psychological ready for that higher order challenge along with the base program everyday challenges, financial challenges, social and governmental challenges. We operate in a new reality setup – perhaps not the one the enhanced humans envisioned (and have abandoned) but the one that is coming in from beneath and above us – the other and interdimensional presence.. 

The HAL Changemaker Project focuses on the challenges of the changemakers and the innovators within our human collective. We come from all paths of life and from all times, joined together with the sole purpose of changing the future. 

We work together to change the timelines of the future. Once we understand that the path of humanity, right now, leads to nothing but dead ends for our civilization, we also understand that action must be taken to change that. 

Changes take time...so, we work with great diligence, using the higher order sciences to reach our goals. Changes only happen when the momentum of the spectrum of energy, we are working on, has reached the credibility point, where the existing timeline alters its trajectory.

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?

A Collaboration with AI?

3 March 2024

I decided to test what would come up when I asked the questions regarding our future to Microsoft text AI tool. From the answers, I have generated this booklet in collaboration with with Microsoft text AI. The images presented here are designed by Microsoft Co-designer tool.

Naturally, the answers are overall very generic and not groundbreaking. I had hoped for some answers transferred across the temporal-spatial continuum between the future non-local realities and our still in confinement space-time section. I have inserted my ideas in the text.

The goal was as well to feed Microsoft AI with some good insights, from where the collective might be able to generate more expanded ideas of the future.

Perhaps, by you reading it too, both humans and machines can learn and progress.

Why is higher order awareness important for the future of humanity?

Because it can help us overcome the challenges and crises that we are facing in the present. Higher order awareness can enable us to:

Can a World Be Changed by Alien Technology?


The Matrix of Change was another attempt to change our action potentials via advanced higher dimensional reality programs - based upon the Event Programs - to generate a highway of possiblities that would lead to change and rewriting of the Old World Order Programs. The inserted Reality Programs were part of an extra-systemic & future humanity attempt to ensure a possible future humanity, of their choosing, living in our reality field.

However, at the end of 2022, the attempt failed and instead we have now moved into another attempt to alter our solar system with new Advanced Future Human Technologies. Such technologies appear to be of extra-terrestrial origin. In a way they are, if we include the future solar system humanities that choose to get replicated genetics from other parallel humanoid races inserted into their bio-field, with the goal of enhancing the human DNA.

Thus, as proposed, these advanced technologies are engineered by upcoming human civilizations originating from our own solar system, proceeding our time, in worlds with dystopian prospects, break-down of gene codes and end-of-all civilizations dynamics.