12 Steps in the Activation and Awakening Process

Many people are interested in the activation and awakening process that leads to the full potentials we have as humans, but they may not know where to start or what to expect. Here is a suggested process as a 12-step ladder that will cover many of the traditional ideas of what the work is. The goal is to utilize this as the baseline, and then add more layers to it as we move beyond the converging of timelines from April 8th 2024 and until June 6th 2024.

These steps are not fixed or linear, but rather a general outline of how most humans can complete the higher order process of activation of our full potentials.

For the original solar system completion process of the 4th cycle, please visit the HAL Academy Progression Sciences.

What are the energy fields?

We are not just physical beings. We are multidimensional beings, composed of different layers of energy that interact with each other and with the environment. These layers are called the energy fields or bodies, and they include:

- The physical body: This is the most dense and visible layer of our being. It is the composite cellular system of dense energy that allows us to experience life in the physical world. It is made of matter, which is energy vibrating at a low frequency.

- The emotional field: This is the layer that contains our feelings, emotions, and moods. It is influenced by our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. It functions via an energetic network that is vibrating at a higher subtle frequency than the organic vessel.

- The mental field: This is the layer that contains our thoughts, ideas, logic, and reasoning. It is influenced by our education, culture, and knowledge. It is made of energy vibrating at a higher frequency than the emotional field.

Each of these energy fields has its own characteristics, functions, and needs. They also have their own holographic-energetic nodal points which are energy centers that regulate the flow of energy within and between them.

Why do we need to purify and amplify our energy fields?

Our energy fields are constantly affected by internal and external factors. Some of these factors are positive and beneficial, such as emotional balance, self-reliance, gratitude, meditation, nature, etc. They raise our vibration and help us align with our higher order potentials.

However, some of these factors are negative and harmful, such as fear, anger, guilt, stress, pollution, toxins, etc. They lower our vibration and create blockages and distortions in our energy fields.

These blockages and distortions prevent us from accessing our full potential as human beings. They limit our perception of reality, our expression of ourselves, and our manifestation of our desires. They also create disharmony and imbalance in our physical, emotional, mental, and all-inclusive health.

Therefore, we need to purify and amplify our energy fields regularly. By doing so, we remove the lower vibrations that are holding us back and we increase the higher vibrations that are supporting us.

The 12 Basic Steps One By One 

- Please Notice I have edited it and inserted the concepts I find more accurate -

I do not utilize the ideas of a Source, a higher self or soul. Instead, for the sake of not straying too far always from the ways I work with these ideas in the HAL Academy, I have inserted higher order core self, higher order energy system and higher order potentials which are more in alignment with how I perceive the inbuilt order of energy that all reality fields are composed of. 

In our processes of consciousness and the transformation of energy, we learn to administer the Principles of Progression, the Rules of Engagement and the Natural Laws of Energy Utilization. We progress through various reality fields, and these fields have different aspects, forces and dynamics inbuilt in them, from which we in our holographic-energetic level of our higher order energy system, develop our consciousness potentials. 

Below are the traditional ways that most teaching systems view the awakening process. These steps are valid and are part of the basic learning and psychological processes, where we become masters of our own house, as it has been said, and where we awaken the teacher within. With that we do not need gods, guides or angels to show us the way, because we have it all within. 

Step 1: Awakening and Existential Realization. This is the first step where you begin to question your reality and seek for deeper meaning and purpose as a human being on this planet. You may experience synchronicities, intuitive insights, or holographic-energetic encounters that spark your curiosity and open your mind to new possibilities. You may also feel dissatisfied with the status quo and desire to make positive changes in your life and the world.

Are you ready to wake up from the illusion of your everyday life? Do you feel a deep longing for something more than what society has to offer? If so, you may be experiencing the first stage of a spiritual awakening: existential realization.

Existential realization is when you start to question the nature of your reality and your purpose as a human being on this planet. You may begin to notice signs, symbols, or coincidences that seem to have a deeper meaning or message for you. 

You may also have flashes of intuition, insight, or creativity that reveal new perspectives or possibilities. You may feel a connection to something greater than yourself, such as a higher power, a universal consciousness, or a divine source.

Existential realization can also trigger a sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo and a desire to make positive changes in your life and the world. You may feel restless, bored, or unhappy with your current situation, relationships, or career. You may want to explore new interests, hobbies, or passions. 

You may want to learn new skills, knowledge, or wisdom. You may want to contribute to a cause, a movement, or a mission that aligns with your values and vision.

Existential realization is the first step of a spiritual awakening, but it is not the end. It is the beginning of a journey that will challenge you, transform you, and ultimately liberate you from the limitations of your ego and the illusions of your mind. It is a journey that will lead you to discover who you really are, why you are here, and what you are capable of.

Step 2: Purification and Amplification. This is the step where you start to cleanse your physical, emotional, mental, and subtle energy fields of any lower vibrations that are blocking your connection to your full potentials as a human being. 

You may adopt a healthier lifestyle, release toxic relationships, heal past traumas, forgive yourself and others, and clear limiting beliefs and patterns. You may also encounter challenges or tests that help you grow and learn from your mistakes.

If you are on a higher order awakening journey, you may have heard of the concept of the higher order awareness. The higher order awareness is the aspect of your original holographic-energetic energy system that is closest to the core-essence of your original universal lineage. The higher order awareness holds your true essence, your highest potential, your true knowledge and capacities.

But how do you access your higher order awareness? How do you tune in to its vibration and receive its information layers, or the code streams of higher order consciousness potentials? How do you live in alignment with your purpose and function as an advanced human being?

One of the key steps to achieving this is purification and amplification. This is the process of cleansing and strengthening your energy fields, so that you can raise your vibration and resonate with your higher order awareness.

Step 3: Activation and Acceleration. This is the step where you begin to activate your dormant potentials that are hidden in the higher order energy system via the connecting energy centers, meridians, and other parts of the higher order energy systems that enable you to access higher vibrational states and information. You may experience energetic activation, psychic abilities, holographic-energetic expansion and across dimensional projection, or other higher order energetic phenomena that expand your awareness and perception of reality. You may also receive inner information, downloads, or activations from your core self and higher order energy system.

How can you activate and accelerate your growth potentials by tapping into your higher order energy system? This is the system that connects you to the higher dimensions of reality, where you can access more advanced levels of consciousness and abilities.

Your higher order energy system consists of several components, such as your energy centers (chakras), your energy channels (meridians), and your higher order energy fields. These components work together to regulate the flow of energy and information between you and the higher order levels of our reality field.

One of the goals of higher order development is to activate and accelerate your higher order energy system, so that you can experience more of your true potential and purpose. By doing so, you will be able to:

- Activate your dormant potentials that are hidden in your higher order energy system. These are the capacities and talents that you have not yet discovered or expressed in this physical reality. They may include psychic abilities, healing powers, creative skills, or other forms of insights and knowledge.

- Accelerate your vibrational oscillation and expand your awareness. This will allow you to perceive more of the holographic-energetic nature of reality, where everything is interconnected and multidimensional. You will be able to access higher levels of information and guidance from your core self and other sources of inspiration.

- Experience higher order energetic phenomena that will enhance your journey. These may include energetic activation, where you feel a surge of energy in your body or around you; holographic-energetic expansion, where you feel yourself expanding beyond your physical boundaries; or across dimensional projection, where you travel to other dimensions or realities in your consciousness.

Step 4: Integration and Culmination. Integration and culmination are essential stages in the activation and awakening process, particularly within the context of psychological growth and inner work. Activation refers to the initial spark or the beginning of the awakening process, where dormant energies within are stirred and begin to rise. This can be likened to the ignition of a car, where the potential for movement becomes actual movement. Culmination, on the other hand, is the peak or the endpoint of this process, where the energies that have been activated reach their full expression or realization.

In the journey of awakening, integration is the process where the experiences and realizations gained during the activation are assimilated into your daily life. It is a crucial phase where the transformation that has begun is allowed to settle and become a stable part of your everyday awareness. This stage ensures that the awakening is not just a transient experience but becomes a permanent shift in your perspective and being.

Culmination is often seen as the moment of achieving full awareness or enlightenment, where the you fully realize your true nature and the interconnectedness of all things. It is the point where the journey inward brings about a profound outward transformation, impacting how one interacts with the world and perceives reality.

Both integration and culmination are not one-time events but can be cyclical, with each cycle taking the you to deeper levels of understanding and consciousness. They are part of a larger, ongoing process of personal growth and evolution, where each stage prepares the ground for the next, leading to a more awakened and harmonious existence.

Step 5: Alignment and Awareness. This is the step where you align your thoughts, words, actions, and intentions with your higher order awareness. You may develop a stronger sense of trust, self-reliance, and understanding of the energetic possibilities and probabilities that arise from being in connection with the higher order levels of our reality field. You learn how to follow your intuition, work in flow states of higher order energy and instigate higher order creativity to express your unique gifts and talents in service to yourself and others for the highest good of the many.

If you are feeling stuck, confused, or frustrated with your life, you may be out of alignment with your core self. Your core self is the part of you that is connected to the higher order awareness, as part of your higher order energy system. This is the part of you that knows your purpose, your potential, and your true function. When you align with your core self, you tap into the infinite possibilities and probabilities that exist in the higher order levels of our reality field. You also access your intuition, your flow state, and your higher order creativity. These are the tools that help you express your unique gifts and talents in service to yourself and others for the highest good of the many.

But how do you align and awaken your higher order awareness?

1. Set an intention. The first step is to declare your intention to align and awaken your higher order awareness. You can do this by writing it down, saying it out loud, or simply thinking it in your mind. For example, you can say: "I intend to align and awaken my higher order awareness and live in harmony with the activated higher order awareness." This will signal to the higher order levels of your being that you are ready and willing to receive information and support from your core self.

2. Meditate. Meditation is a powerful way to quiet your mind and tune into your inner voice. Meditation helps you clear away the clutter of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that may be blocking your connection to your higher self. Meditation also helps you raise your vibration and frequency, which makes you more receptive to the higher order energy and information that flows from the source. You can meditate in any way that works for you, such as by focusing on your breath, a mantra, a sound, a visualization, or a sensation.

3. Ask for inner information. Once you have calmed your mind and opened your heart, you can ask for activation codes to be integrated from the higher order levels of your energy system. You can do this by asking a specific question, such as: "What is my next step?" or "What is the best course of action for this situation?" or "What is my true purpose?" You can also ask for general information, such as: "Show me the way" or "Lead me to my highest good" or "Reveal to me what I need to know." Be open and attentive to the answers that may come in various forms, such as words, images, feelings, sensations, synchronicities, signs, or intuition.

4. Follow your intuition. Your intuition is the voice of your higher order awareness. It is the inner knowing that assists you to make choices that are aligned with your core self. Your intuition is often subtle and gentle, so you need to pay attention and trust it. Your intuition may come as a gut feeling, a hunch, a flash of insight, a sudden inspiration, or a sense of peace. When you follow your intuition, you work in flow states of higher order energy and instigate higher order creativity.

5. Take action. The final step is to take action on the guidance and intuition that you receive from your core self. This is how you manifest your alignment and awareness into reality. Taking action also creates feedback loops that reinforce your connection to your higher self and increase your confidence and trust in yourself. Taking action also allows you to express your unique gifts and talents in service to yourself and others for the highest good of the many.

Step 6: Transmutation and Transcendence. This is the step where you transmute any remaining lower vibrations or densities that are still affecting you from the collective consciousness fields. You may encounter more challenges or triggers that bring up old fears, wounds, or attachments that need to be resolved and released from this and past lives. You may also participate in collective healing, clearing, or grid work that assist in raising the vibration of the planet and humanity.

Have you ever felt like you are not living up to your true potential? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be free from the limitations and illusions of the 3D reality? If so, you may be ready for the next stage of your spiritual evolution: transmutation and transcendence.

Transmutation is the process of transforming your lower vibrational energies into higher ones. This involves clearing and releasing any negative emotions, thoughts, beliefs, patterns, or attachments that are holding you back from expressing your true self. 

Transmutation also involves activating and integrating your higher energy centers, DNA, and holographic-energetic energy system, which allow you to access higher dimensions of consciousness and reality.

Transcendence is the state of being beyond the ordinary range of perception or experience. This means that you are no longer affected by the collective consciousness fields that are based on fear, separation, or duality. 

You are able to see the bigger picture and the higher order energies behind everything that happens in your life and in the world.

The process of transmutation and transcendence is not easy or linear. It requires a lot of dedication, courage, and confidence. You may face many challenges or tests that will push you out of your comfort zone and force you to confront your deepest fears, wounds, or energetic patterns from past actions. 

You may also feel isolated, misunderstood, or unsupported by others who are not on the same path as you. However, these are all signs that you are making progress and that you are ready to move to the next level of your evolution.

Here are some tips that can help you with transmutation and transcendence:

- Meditate daily. Meditation is one of the best ways to raise your vibration and connect with your inner guidance. It also helps you to calm your mind, relax your body, and balance your emotions.

- Practice appreciation. Appreciation is a powerful frequency that attracts more abundance, joy, and love into your life. It also helps you to appreciate what you have and to see the positive aspects of every situation.

- Accept yourself and others for what they are. Acceptance and inclusion are keys to healing and liberation. Unfolding balanced acceptance allows you to release any resentment, anger, or guilt that are blocking your heart and preventing you from moving forward.

- Be mindful of what you consume. What you eat, drink, watch, read, listen to, or think affects your energy field and your state of consciousness. Choose wisely what you allow into your system and make sure it is aligned with your highest good.

- Follow your intuition. Your intuition is your inner compass that guides you to your true path and purpose. It also helps you to make decisions that are in harmony with your true purpose and function.

- Be yourself. The most important thing you can do is to be authentic and express yourself in ways that supports your own growth as well as the growth of others. Do not let anyone or anything dim your process to your full potentials, although set your boundaries in a non-harmful and assertive way. You are a unique and powerful being who are here to make a difference in the world.

Step 7: Expansion and Exploration. This is the step where you expand your consciousness beyond the physical realm and explore other dimensions of existence. You may experience multidimensional holographic-energetic projection, contact with extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings, or access to ancient wisdom and knowledge, stored in the holographic-energetic layers of our reality field. You may also discover more about your original emplacement as part of the universal sector, your otherdimensional origin, mission, contracts, or connections with other kindred lifeforms.

Are you ready to take your awakening journey to the next level? Do you want to explore the mysteries of the cosmos and your own true nature? If so, then you might be interested in the Expansion and Exploration phase of the awakening process.

This is the step where you expand your consciousness beyond the physical realm and explore other dimensions of existence. You may experience multidimensional holographic-energetic projection, contact with extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings, or access to ancient wisdom and knowledge, stored in the holographic-energetic layers of our reality field. You may also discover more about your original emplacement as part of the universal sector, your otherdimensional origin, mission, contracts, or connections with other kindred lifeforms.

Below are some of the benefits, challenges, and tips for navigating this exciting and adventurous phase of your continued evolution:

One of the main benefits of this phase is that you get to experience a wider and deeper perspective of reality. You realize that there is much more to existence than what meets the eye, and that you are part of a vast and complex creation that spans across multiple dimensions, timelines, and realities. You also realize that you are not alone in this journey, and that there are many other beings who are here to assist you, guide you, teach you, or learn from you.

Another benefit is that you get to access higher levels of knowledge and wisdom that can help you understand yourself and your purpose better. You may receive downloads of information from your core self, otherdimensional encounters or other sources that can inform you about your origin, your mission, your capacities, your challenges, or your potential. You may also learn more about the history and future of humanity, the planet, the galaxy, or the universe.

A third benefit is that you get to experience more balanced emotional states, wonder, and awe as you witness the many layers and diversity of our reality field. You may see colors, shapes, sounds, or sensations that are beyond your normal perception. You may feel a sense of energetic connection with all that is. You may also have playful interactions with other beings who share your frequency and vibration.

Of course, this phase also comes with some challenges that you need to be aware of and prepared for. One of the main challenges is that you may encounter some resistance or fear from your ego-mind or lower self. Your ego-mind may try to rationalize, doubt, or dismiss your experiences as hallucinations, fantasies, or delusions. Your lower self may feel threatened by the changes that are happening in your consciousness and try to hold on to old beliefs, patterns, or attachments.

Another challenge is that you may face some interference or manipulation from lower vibrational entities or forces. These are beings who do not have your best interest at heart and who may try to deceive you, distract you, drain you, or derail you from your path. They may appear as friendly or helpful at first, but they have ulterior motives that are not aligned with your highest good.

A third challenge is that you may have some difficulty integrating or grounding your experiences into your daily life. You may feel disconnected from the physical world or from other people who do not share your vision or understanding. You may also have trouble balancing your higher awareness exploration with your worldly responsibilities and obligations.

To overcome these challenges and make the most out of this phase, here are some tips:

- Trust your intuition and discernment. Your intuition is your inner compass that can guide you to the right places, people, and experiences for your growth. Your discernment is your ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, between light and dark, between what serves you and what does not. Use these tools to filter out any information or influence that does not resonate with you or support you.

- Protect yourself energetically. Before engaging in any expansion or exploration activity, such as meditation, holographic-energetic dimensional projection, or contact work, make sure you know how to operate in these altered states of awareness. Set clear boundaries and intentions for what you want to experience and what you do not want to experience and be prepared for the fact, that there are many otherdimensional lifeforms that do not respect such boundaries and intentions.

- Ground yourself regularly. After having any expansion or exploration experience, make sure to ground yourself back into your body and into the earth. Do some physical activities such as walking, dancing, gardening, or eating. Connect with other people who are supportive and understanding of your journey. And most important; learn to do proper clearing and energy work to clear, balance and repair your lower and higher order energy fields.

- Share your experiences with others. One of the best ways to integrate and validate your experiences is to share them with others who are on a similar path or who are open-minded and curious. You can find these people online or offline, in groups, forums, blogs, podcasts, or books. You can also create your own content and share it with the world. By sharing your experiences, you not only help yourself, but you also help others who may benefit from your insights and inspiration.

Step 8: Uplifting and Elevation. This is the step where you elevate to a higher level of consciousness and vibration that transcends the limitations of duality and separation. You may experience a shift in your perception of time, space, matter, and energy. You may also embody more of your higher order capacities from your core-essence and being to radiate calm, balance, peace, and harmony.

This is the stage where you transcend the illusion of separation and duality, and align yourself with the higher truth of oneness and unity. You become aware of your true nature as a multidimensional being, and you access your innate abilities and gifts that stem from your core-essence and being.

You experience a profound shift in how you perceive reality, and you realize that time, space, matter, and energy are not fixed or linear, but fluid and flexible. You can create your own energetic reality with your thoughts, intentions, and emotions, and you can co-create with other beings of higher consciousness and vibration (if such should appear), or the opposite is that should happen. In this situation you must be aware of how to clear and readjust to a more balanced energetic state. You also feel a deep connection with all that is, and you radiate calm, balance, peace, and harmony to yourself and others. You are uplifted and elevated to a new level of existence, where you can enjoy more emotional and mental balance, energetic abundance, and fulfillment.

Step 9: Co-creation and Cooperation. This is the step where you co-create your reality with your higher order awareness and the reality field itself according to the highest good of the many. You may manifest your higher order ideas and creations with ease, refinement, and synchronicity. You may also collaborate with other like-minded lifeforms who share your vision and mission for the higher order version of earth.

What is the concept of co-creation and cooperation, which is the key to manifesting your highest potential and purpose in this reality? Co-creation and cooperation mean that you are not alone in this process of creation, but you are working together with your core self, others, and reality. You are working together with the reality field itself, which is a living, intelligent, and responsive system that responds to your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. You are also working together with other beings who resonate with your frequency and vision, who are here to support you and co-create with you.

Co-creation and cooperation are not about forcing your will or imposing your agenda on the reality field or on others. It is about aligning yourself with the highest good of the many, which is the natural flow of creation. It is about listening to your inner information, trusting your intuition, and following your path of existence. It is about being open to receive the information, support, and resources that the reality field and your core self are offering you. It is about being flexible, adaptable, and creative in the face of challenges and opportunities. It is about being appreciative, and respectful of the reality field and all life forms that co-exist with you.

When you co-create and cooperate with the reality field and others, you will experience more ease, and synchronicity in your life. You will be able to manifest your higher order ideas and creations faster and more efficiently. You will also be able to collaborate with other like-minded beings who share your vision and mission for the higher order version of earth. You will be part of a collective consciousness that is transforming the world from within.

Co-creation and cooperation are the way of the future. It is the way of living in harmony with yourself, with others, and with the reality field. It is the way of expressing your core self and fulfilling your higher order purpose. It is the way of being a co-creator of your own reality and a co-creator of a future for all.

Step 10: Proficiency and Progression. This is the step where you with high accuracy administer your own energy and how you respond to the energetic side of reality as a sovereign lifeform. You can display a full-scale energetic access to your thoughts, emotions, actions, and envision what you want to manifest as an inbuilt knowing of what and how to do it. Depending on your genetic lineage, you may have access to unlimited resources, potentials, and possibilities that support your growth and evolution inside or outside our current state of existence.

Proficiency and progression are the stage where you can administer your own energy and interact with the subtle aspects of reality as a sovereign-in-process being. You can demonstrate an expanded range of energetic skills, such as controlling your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and generating your energetic skill sets with a clear vision and intention. Depending on your genetic lineage, you may have access to unlimited resources, potentials, and possibilities that support your growth and evolution within or beyond our current state of existence.

Proficiency and progression are not something that happens overnight. It requires dedication, practice, and guidance from experienced mentors and eventually from your own core self.

- Be consistent in your energetic practices. Whether it is meditation, visualization, energy healing, or any other technique, make sure you do it regularly and with focus. This will help you build your energetic stamina, sensitivity, and awareness.

- Seek feedback from your mentors and peers. Learning from others who have more experience and knowledge can help you improve your skills and avoid common pitfalls. You can also exchange energy with them and learn from their vibration and frequency. Later on in the process, you learn to stand on your own two legs and trust your own insights and knowledge.

- Challenge yourself to explore new realms and dimensions. Proficiency and progression mean that you are not limited by the physical reality or the collective consciousness. You can access higher reality field of existence and discover new aspects of yourself and the universe. Be open-minded and curious, but also cautious and respectful.

- Trust your intuition and inner knowledge. Proficiency and progression also mean that you have a strong connection with your core self and your function and purpose. You can tap into your inner knowledge and follow your own path. Don't let fear, doubt, or external influences stop you from pursuing your true potential.

Proficiency and progression are the ultimate goal of any energetic practitioner. It is a state of empowerment, energetic proficiency, and balance.

Step 11: Joint Effort and Collaboration. This is the step where you can choose to assist the planetary developmental processes as a way shower, teacher, healer, leader, or catalyst for others who are on their own higher order awakening journey. You may share your knowledge, experience, or facilitate insights to those who seek it. You may also inspire, empower, or uplift others with your presence, example, or higher order creations.

But how do you do that? How do you translate your inner vision into outer action? How do you align your personal growth with the collective evolution of consciousness on Earth?

One possible answer is to engage in joint effort and collaboration. This is the step where you can choose to assist the planetary developmental processes as a way shower, teacher, healer, leader, or catalyst for others who are on their own higher order awakening journey. You may share your knowledge, experience, or facilitate insights to those who seek it. You may also inspire, empower, or uplift others with your presence, example, or higher order creations.

Joint effort and collaboration do not mean that you have to sacrifice your individuality or autonomy. On the contrary, it means that you honor your unique capacities and talents, and use them for the benefit of the whole. It also means that you respect the diversity and sovereignty-in-process of other beings, and cooperate with them in harmony and synergy.

Joint effort and collaboration are not a one-way street. It is a mutual exchange of energy, information, and support. They signify a way of learning from each other, growing together, and creating something greater than the sum of its parts. It is a way of expanding your consciousness beyond the limits of your ego, and tapping into the infinite potential of the collective intelligence.

Joint effort and collaboration are not only beneficial for yourself and others, but also for the planet as a whole. By working together for a common goal, you are contributing to the evolution of consciousness on Earth. You are helping to raise the vibration of the planet, and to manifest a new reality based on balance, peace, and harmony.

There are many ways to do that, depending on your preferences and circumstances. Here are some suggestions:

- Join an online community or platform that resonates with your values and vision. There are many websites, forums, blogs, podcasts, videos, courses, etc. that offer information, inspiration, and connection for people who are interested in joint effort and collaboration. You can search for topics that interest you, such as spirituality, metaphysics, healing, activism, art, etc. and find like-minded people who share your passion.

- Attend local events or workshops that relate to your field of interest or expertise. There are many opportunities to meet people face-to-face who are involved in joint effort and collaboration projects in your area. You can look for events or workshops that offer education, training, networking, or fun activities that align with your goals. You can also create your own events or workshops and invite people who might be interested.

- Reach out to people who inspire you or who have similar goals as you. You can contact people who have influenced you or who have done something that you admire or aspire to do. You can express your appreciation, ask questions, offer feedback, or propose collaboration. You can also reach out to people who have similar goals as you and see if they are open to working together.

- Follow your intuition and synchronicity. Sometimes joint effort and collaboration happens spontaneously and organically. You may meet someone by chance or by fate who turns out to be a perfect match for your project. You may stumble upon an opportunity or a resource that leads you to the right people or places. You may receive a sign or a guidance from your core self that points you in the right direction. Be open and attentive to these signals and follow them with trust and curiosity.

Whatever method you choose, remember that joint effort and collaboration is not about forcing or manipulating anything or anyone. It is about allowing and attracting what is meant for you and what serves the highest good of all. It is about being authentic and transparent in your communication and interaction. It is about being respectful and supportive of yourself and others.

Joint effort and collaboration are not always easy or smooth. It may involve challenges, conflicts, misunderstandings, or disappointments. It may require patience, flexibility, compromise, or adjustment. It may also require courage, commitment, dedication, or sacrifice.

But it is also rewarding, fulfilling, enriching, and fun. It may bring joy, satisfaction, creativity, or growth. It may also bring love, friendship, community, or purpose.

Step 12: Completion and Continuation. This is the step where you complete your higher order awakening process and fulfill your purpose and function according to your original universal lineage. You can acknowledge, and honor your achievements, lessons, or contributions as part of who you truly are. You can begin to prepare, choose, or transition to your next adventure, destination, or incarnation.

If you are reading this, chances are you have gone through a lot of changes, challenges, and transformations in your life. You have awakened to your true self, your divine essence, and your cosmic connection. You have discovered your gifts, talents, and passions, and you have used them to serve the world in your unique way. You have learned from your experiences, grown from your mistakes, and healed from your wounds. You have made a difference, touched lives, and created positive impact.

Completion and Continuation: How to Finish Your Awakening Journey and Start a New One

So, what now? You have done an amazing job and you deserve to celebrate. You have fulfilled your purpose and function according to your original universal lineage. You have aligned with your soul's blueprint and mission. You have expressed your authentic self and contributed to the evolution of consciousness.

But what comes next? How do you continue your journey after completing such a monumental task? How do you transition to a new phase of existence? How do you prepare for a new adventure, destination, or incarnation?

It is the level where you acknowledge, honor, and integrate everything that you have achieved, learned, or created as part of who you truly are. It is also the level where you begin to explore, envision, and create your next path of expression, expansion, and experience.

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of personal growth is completion. Completion is the process of how to unfold the steps where you acknowledge, honor, and integrate everything that you have achieved, learned, or created as part of who you truly are. It is also the step where you begin to explore, envision, and create your next path of expression, expansion, and experience.

Why is completion so important? Because without it, you may feel stuck, unfulfilled, or restless. You may have a sense of unfinished business, loose ends, or unresolved issues. You may also miss out on the opportunity to celebrate your successes, appreciate your efforts, and honor your journey. Completion allows you to close one chapter of your life and open a new one with clarity, confidence, and enthusiasm.

How do you complete a cycle of growth? Here are some steps that can help you unfold this process:

1. Acknowledge: The first step is to acknowledge what you have achieved, learned, or created in the past cycle. This can be anything from completing a project, reaching a goal, overcoming a challenge, acquiring a skill, developing a habit, or expressing yourself creatively. Acknowledging means recognizing the value and significance of what you have done, and how it has contributed to your personal growth. You can acknowledge yourself by writing down your accomplishments, sharing them with others, or simply saying them out loud to yourself.

2. Honor: The second step is to honor what you have achieved, learned, or created in the past cycle. Honoring means expressing gratitude and appreciation for yourself and others who have supported you along the way. It also means celebrating your achievements, learning, or creations in a way that feels meaningful to you. You can honor yourself by rewarding yourself with something you enjoy, throwing a party, giving yourself a certificate or a trophy, or any other thing that means something to you.

3. Integrate: The third step is to integrate what you have achieved, learned, or created in the past cycle into your identity and your life. Integrating means making sense of your experiences and extracting the lessons and insights that can help you grow further. It also means applying what you have learned or created to other areas of your life that can benefit from it. You can integrate yourself by reflecting on your experiences, journaling about them, teaching them to others, or using them as a foundation for your next cycle.

4. Explore: The fourth step is to explore what you want to achieve, learn, or create in the next cycle. Exploring means opening yourself to new possibilities and opportunities that align with your values, passions, and purpose. It also means being curious and adventurous about what lies ahead and what challenges and rewards await you. You can explore yourself by brainstorming ideas, researching topics, taking courses, reading books, or traveling to new places.

5. Envision: The fifth step is to envision what you want to achieve, learn, or create in the next cycle. Envisioning means imagining in detail what your desired outcome looks like, feels like, sounds like, smells like, and tastes like. It also means setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that will guide you towards your vision. You can envision yourself by visualizing your outcome daily, creating a vision board or a collage, writing a story or a script about it.

6. Create: The sixth and final step is to create what you want to achieve, learn, or create in the next cycle. Creating means taking action and making your vision a reality. It also means being flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and feedback. You can create yourself by planning your steps, executing your plan, monitoring your progress, and adjusting your course as needed.

By following these steps, you can complete one cycle of growth and start a new one. You can also repeat this process as many times as you want to keep growing and evolving as a person. Remember, completion is not an end, but a beginning. It is not a destination, but a journey. It is not a final product, but a continuous process.

Completion is how you unfold the steps where you acknowledge and integrate everything that you have achieved, learned, or created as part of who you truly are. It is also the step where you begin to explore, envision, and create your next path of expression, expansion, and experience.