The HAL Future Humanities Update March 2024

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the events that are happening now and will happen in the future

As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

8 March 2024

Listen to the HAL Update March 2024


We are moving rapidly into the 3 main and converging timelines of our reality field, aka the future settings of the outer domain. 

But what does that imply for us? What are the challenges in this? The ideas and the sciences that will arise from the new reality configuration?

The 5 Possible Timelines and their Futures

When we talk about the future, there are many aspects to consider. It is not the naïve straight forward solutions that will make it, but the human higher order abilities to generate produce a sort of governmental agile project management. Because a human future that will make it, must be a human future that can progress, change, and adapt to the challenges ahead. 

Implications and Ideas

The notion of moving rapidly into three main and converging timelines within our reality field implies a significant shift in the fabric of our existence. It suggests that multiple potential futures are coming together, potentially merging or intertwining in some way. This convergence could have profound implications for us as individuals and as a society.

One challenge that arises from this convergence is the increased complexity of navigating these intertwined timelines. As different future possibilities merge, it may become more difficult to anticipate and prepare for the outcomes of our actions. This could lead to uncertainty and ambiguity about the consequences of our decisions, requiring us to adapt and develop new strategies for decision-making and planning.

Furthermore, the convergence of timelines may challenge our traditional notions of linear time and causality. As multiple timelines intersect, causality becomes more fluid, and events may no longer unfold in a predictable sequence. This could lead to a reevaluation of our understanding of cause and effect, as well as our perception of the past, present, and future.

On the other hand, the convergence of timelines also presents opportunities for innovation and discovery. As different future scenarios merge, new ideas and possibilities emerge that were previously inaccessible. This could lead to the development of new technologies, scientific theories, and philosophical insights that are inspired by the merging of diverse futures.

In terms of science, the convergence of timelines may give rise to interdisciplinary fields that bridge previously separate areas of study. For example, researchers may explore the intersections between quantum mechanics, cosmology, and psychology to understand the nature of reality in this new configuration. Similarly, advances in fields like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration may be influenced by the convergence of timelines, leading to breakthroughs that redefine our understanding of the universe.

Overall, the convergence of timelines presents both challenges and opportunities for humanity. Navigating this new reality configuration will require flexibility, adaptability, and open-mindedness as we explore the implications of this profound shift in our understanding of time and existence.

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and worlds beyond our system. 

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality. For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. 

But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and what must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?

Why is higher order awareness important for the future of humanity?

Because it can help us overcome the challenges and crises that we are facing in the present. Higher order awareness can enable us to:

The idea of a human future that can progress, change, and adapt to challenges ahead suggests a need for a holistic approach to governance and project management. Traditional top-down, rigid structures may not be sufficient in navigating the complexities of the future. Instead, there is a call for agile and adaptive frameworks that harness human higher-order abilities to innovate, collaborate, and problem-solve.

In theory, this implies a shift towards more decentralized and participatory forms of governance, where decision-making processes are transparent, inclusive, and responsive to diverse perspectives. It involves empowering individuals and communities to actively engage in shaping their futures, rather than relying solely on centralized authorities.

At the same time, it requires cultivating and nurturing human higher-order abilities such as creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and ethical reasoning. These abilities enable individuals to navigate uncertainty, think innovatively, and adapt to changing circumstances. Education and lifelong learning play a crucial role in developing these skills from an early age and throughout adulthood.

Furthermore, the concept of governmental agile project management suggests the need for flexible and adaptive approaches to addressing complex challenges. This involves breaking down silos between different sectors and disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and leveraging technology to facilitate data-driven decision-making and rapid iteration.

In practice, this may involve implementing agile methodologies borrowed from the tech industry, such as Scrum or Kanban, within government agencies and organizations. These methodologies emphasize iterative development, continuous feedback, and adaptive planning, allowing projects to respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities.

Overall, the idea of a human future that can progress and adapt to challenges ahead calls for a paradigm shift in governance and project management. It requires embracing agility, inclusivity, and human-centered approaches that prioritize collaboration, innovation, and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Can a World Be Changed by Alien Technology?


The Matrix of Change was another attempt to change our action potentials via advanced higher dimensional reality programs - based upon the Event Programs - to generate a highway of possiblities that would lead to change and rewriting of the Old World Order Programs. The inserted Reality Programs were part of an extra-systemic & future humanity attempt to ensure a possible future humanity, of their choosing, living in our reality field.

However, at the end of 2022, the attempt failed and instead we have now moved into another attempt to alter our solar system with new Advanced Future Human Technologies. Such technologies appear to be of extra-terrestrial origin. In a way they are, if we include the future solar system humanities that choose to get replicated genetics from other parallel humanoid races inserted into their bio-field, with the goal of enhancing the human DNA.

Thus, as proposed, these advanced technologies are engineered by upcoming human civilizations originating from our own solar system, proceeding our time, in worlds with dystopian prospects, break-down of gene codes and end-of-all civilizations dynamics.

The Future Humanities YouTube Channel, where I explore the needed ideas

Find it here

The HAL Academy by Randi Green with Online Courses, free classes and articles

Find the Academy here

The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Institute by Randi Green

Find the Institute here

The HOPE Institute by Randi Green YouTube Channel with the next level

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