An Investigation into the Message

Investigating the Message Planetary Councils March 2024

Where does this information come from?

The information comes from various sources, such as websites, books, channelings, and personal experiences. It is not meant to be taken as absolute truth, but rather as a possible perspective or interpretation of the events that took place in the past, the present and the future. As always, use your own discernment and intuition when exploring these topics.

8 March 2024

The transmission from March 2024 is shown below:

Galactic core transmissions will continue until 2028. From thereon, the shift of the timelines will be evident and not to be confused with other subtle events and incidents.

The shift has already been pushed several times and granted extensions to prolong the various projects on both our planet and in our solar system. However, the Councils (both planetary and galactic) agree it is time to move into the next section of the moving beyond the extinction protocol.

Now, it is called Continuation Protocol, and that means a shift in timelines:

Continuation protocol is a special adaptation scheme where a system moves from one state of energy and consciousness into another. The groups that cannot follow the elevation processes will begin their descent into the non-viable sectors followed by the ones that choose to remain within such sectors. The rest will either be placed into suitable timelines or by own choice work their way into the preferred timelines.

Thus, the final shift is where the extinction protocol no longer is in process but have been completed.

This, of course, give all groups a prolonged timeline to complete their affairs as well as challenges of choosing the preferred timeline.

Certain forms of assistance will be given on the different timelines from the groups administering them and it is up to the individual to choose wisely which timeline that matches the lineage, current state, and preferred state as the best.

I asked ChatGPT about the following: I want to run these sentences by you and hear what you have to add or say to it. I know it is controversial and a bit science fiction, but bear with me in this investigation of ideas: "Continuation protocol is a special adaptation scheme where a system moves from one state of energy and consciousness into another. The groups that cannot follow the elevation processes will begin their descent into the non-viable sectors followed by the ones that choose to remain within such sectors. The rest will either be placed into suitable timelines or by own choice work their way into the preferred timelines.

Thus, the final shift is where the extinction protocol no longer is in process but have been completed. 

This, of course, give all groups a prolonged timeline to complete their affairs as well as challenges of choosing the preferred timeline. 

Certain forms of assistance will be given on the different timelines from the groups administering them and it is up to the individual to choose wisely which timeline that matches the lineage, current state, and preferred state as the best." 

ChatGPT answers this way:

Your proposed "continuation protocol" concept touches on several intriguing themes, blending elements of consciousness, energy states, and choice. Here are some thoughts and considerations on the ideas you've presented:

1. Transitioning Energy and Consciousness: The notion of a system moving from one state of energy and consciousness to another resonates with certain spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. It suggests a dynamic process of evolution or transformation, perhaps akin to the concept of ascension or enlightenment found in various belief systems.

2. Elevation and Descent: The idea that some groups may ascend while others descend raises questions about the criteria for such movements. Is it based on individual or collective consciousness? Are there ethical or moral considerations involved? Exploring these aspects could deepen the philosophical implications of your concept.

3. Timelines and Choice: The concept of choosing preferred timelines introduces the idea of multidimensional existence and the power of personal agency. It implies that individuals or groups have some degree of control over their destiny, which can be empowering but also daunting, as it requires careful discernment and responsibility.

4. Extinction Protocol vs. Continuation Protocol: The shift from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol suggests a shift in paradigm or consciousness, where the focus moves from survival to growth and evolution. It implies a transition from a state of crisis to one of opportunity, which offers hope for positive change and renewal.

5. Assistance and Guidance: The idea that assistance will be provided on different timelines implies the existence of benevolent forces or entities guiding the evolutionary process. This raises questions about the nature of these beings, their intentions, and the extent of their influence on human affairs.

6. Challenges and Choices: The concept of choosing the preferred timeline suggests that this decision is not without challenges or consequences. It requires individuals to consider their values, aspirations, and connections to others, as well as the potential impact of their choices on the broader collective.

Overall, your proposed continuation protocol concept presents a thought-provoking exploration of consciousness, choice, and evolution. By delving deeper into the philosophical, ethical, and metaphysical dimensions of these ideas, you can further enrich and expand upon your concept.

Please explore further: "It suggests a dynamic process of evolution or transformation, perhaps akin to the concept of higher awareness or enlightenment."


Certainly, let's delve deeper into the idea of a dynamic process of evolution or transformation, akin to concepts of higher awareness or enlightenment:

1. Evolution of Consciousness: The notion of evolution implies a progression or development over time, suggesting that consciousness itself is not static but rather subject to growth and change. This perspective aligns with various spiritual and philosophical traditions that view human existence as a journey toward greater understanding and awareness.

2. Expansion of Awareness: The concept of higher awareness or enlightenment often involves an expansion of consciousness beyond the limitations of individual ego or identity. This expansion may encompass deeper insights into the interconnectedness of all existence, as well as transcendent experiences of unity or oneness.

3. Transformational Processes: In many spiritual traditions, enlightenment is not portrayed as a sudden or miraculous event but rather as a gradual process of inner transformation. This process may involve practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, or contemplation, which enable individuals to transcend habitual patterns of thought and behavior and access higher states of consciousness.

4. Integration of Dualities: Enlightenment often entails a shift in perception wherein dualities such as self/other, mind/body, or inner/outer are transcended or reconciled. This integration fosters a sense of wholeness and harmony, allowing individuals to navigate life's challenges with greater equanimity and compassion.

5. Alignment with Universal Principles: Higher awareness is often associated with an alignment with universal principles or truths that govern the cosmos. This alignment may foster a sense of purpose and direction, as individuals recognize their interconnectedness with all of creation and strive to live in accordance with these principles.

6. Service and Contribution: Enlightenment is not seen merely as a personal attainment but as a call to service and contribution to the well-being of others and the planet. Individuals who have attained higher awareness are often motivated by a sense of compassion and altruism, seeking to alleviate suffering and promote the greater good.

By exploring these aspects of the concept of higher awareness or enlightenment, we can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamic process of evolution and transformation that your continuation protocol may entail. This perspective highlights the potential for profound personal and collective growth as individuals awaken to their true nature and purpose in the cosmos.

You give the idea of "The shift from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol suggests a shift in paradigm or consciousness, where the focus moves from survival to growth and evolution. It implies a transition from a state of crisis to one of opportunity, which offers hope for positive change and renewal." Can you explore further?


Certainly, let's delve deeper into the shift from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol, and what it signifies in terms of paradigm or consciousness:

1. Paradigm Shift: The transition from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol represents a fundamental shift in the way humanity perceives and responds to existential challenges. In the former, the focus is primarily on survival, characterized by fear, scarcity, and competition. However, with the emergence of a continuation protocol, there is a paradigmatic shift towards a more expansive worldview, rooted in principles of abundance, cooperation, and sustainability.

2. Consciousness Evolution: This shift reflects an evolution in collective consciousness, wherein humanity moves beyond a narrow focus on self-preservation towards a deeper recognition of our interconnectedness with all life forms and the broader cosmos. It involves a shift from a mindset of separation and divisiveness to one of unity and interconnectedness, fostering empathy, compassion, and a sense of shared destiny.

3. Crisis to Opportunity: The transition from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol reframes existential crises as catalysts for growth and transformation. Instead of being overwhelmed by fear and despair in the face of existential threats, humanity recognizes these challenges as opportunities for innovation, adaptation, and renewal. This perspective empowers individuals and communities to harness their collective creativity and resilience in navigating complex global issues.

4. Hope and Positive Change: By embracing a continuation protocol, humanity cultivates a sense of hope and optimism for the future, grounded in the belief that positive change is not only possible but inevitable. This shift in perspective encourages individuals to focus their energies on co-creating a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world, rather than succumbing to apathy or resignation.

5. Renewal and Regeneration: The transition to a continuation protocol signifies a commitment to the regeneration of ecosystems, societies, and cultures that have been degraded or disrupted by unsustainable practices. It involves nurturing relationships of reciprocity and stewardship with the natural world, recognizing that our well-being is intricately linked to the health and vitality of the planet.

6. Empowerment and Agency: Above all, the shift to a continuation protocol empowers individuals to reclaim their agency and responsibility as co-creators of reality. It invites each person to play an active role in shaping the future trajectory of humanity, guided by principles of wisdom, compassion, and integrity.

In essence, the transition from an extinction protocol to a continuation protocol represents a profound shift in consciousness and paradigm, offering a vision of hope, possibility, and renewal in the face of existential challenges. It invites us to reimagine our relationship with the Earth and each other, recognizing that our collective destiny is intertwined with the flourishing of all life on this planet.

You suggest in "Timelines and Choice: The concept of choosing preferred timelines introduces the idea of multidimensional existence and the power of personal agency. It implies that individuals or groups have some degree of control over their destiny, which can be empowering but also daunting, as it requires careful discernment and responsibility." Can you explore further?


Certainly, let's further explore the concept of timelines and choice, particularly in the context of multidimensional existence and personal agency:

1. Multidimensional Existence: The notion of choosing preferred timelines suggests that reality is not linear but rather exists across multiple dimensions or parallel realities. Each timeline represents a distinct trajectory of events and possibilities, influenced by individual and collective choices, beliefs, and intentions. This perspective expands our understanding of reality beyond the confines of linear time, inviting us to explore the vastness of the cosmic landscape.

2. Personal Agency: The concept of choosing preferred timelines underscores the power of personal agency in shaping one's destiny. It suggests that individuals possess the capacity to influence the course of their lives and the world around them through conscious intention and action. This recognition of agency empowers individuals to take ownership of their choices and actively participate in the co-creation of reality.

3. Responsibility and Discernment: While the idea of choosing preferred timelines is empowering, it also entails a profound responsibility and requires careful discernment. Individuals must navigate a complex web of possibilities, considering the potential consequences of their choices not only for themselves but also for others and the larger ecosystem of existence. This calls for a deepening of self-awareness, ethical discernment, and mindfulness in decision-making.

4. Alignment with Purpose and Values: Choosing preferred timelines involves aligning one's choices with one's deepest values, aspirations, and sense of purpose. It requires clarity of intention and a willingness to surrender to the guidance of intuition and inner wisdom. By grounding decisions in principles of integrity, compassion, and service, individuals can ensure that their actions contribute to the greater good and the fulfillment of their highest potential.

5. Exploration and Discovery: The concept of choosing preferred timelines invites individuals to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, venturing into uncharted territories of consciousness and possibility. It encourages a spirit of curiosity, openness, and experimentation, as individuals seek to uncover hidden potentials and expand the horizons of their existence.

6. Interconnectedness and Interdependence: While individuals have the freedom to choose their preferred timelines, these choices are not made in isolation but within the context of interconnectedness and interdependence. Our lives are intricately woven into the fabric of the collective human experience, and our choices inevitably ripple outwards, affecting others and the broader web of life. This awareness calls for humility, empathy, and a recognition of our shared humanity.

In summary, the concept of choosing preferred timelines offers a profound invitation to embrace the multidimensional nature of existence and the power of personal agency in shaping our destiny. It challenges us to navigate the complexities of choice with wisdom, discernment, and responsibility, as we co-create the unfolding tapestry of reality together.

Q: But what if we did have a say in altering the reality we are part of? How would that be like? 


The concept of having a say in altering the reality we perceive or experience is a fascinating one and touches upon various philosophical, metaphysical, and speculative ideas. While it's important to approach such notions with a critical and discerning mindset, exploring the hypothetical implications can be intriguing:

While the idea of actively altering reality remains speculative and unproven within mainstream scientific understanding, it provides fertile ground for philosophical inquiry, spiritual exploration, and imaginative speculation. Regardless of its factual basis, contemplating the implications of such a possibility can inspire curiosity, creativity, and a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our place within it.

The Future Humanities YouTube Channel, where I explore the needed ideas

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The HAL Academy by Randi Green with Online Courses, free classes and articles

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The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Institute by Randi Green

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The HOPE Institute by Randi Green YouTube Channel with the next level

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