
  1. Input Price Discrimination by Resale Market,” (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

  2. Third-Degree Price Discrimination in Oligopoly with Endogenous Input Costs,” (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming.

  3. Pass-Through as an Economic Tool – On Exogenous Competition, Social Incidence, and Price Discrimination,” (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), Journal of Political Economy, 129: 323-335, January 2021.

  4. Market-Share Contracts, Exclusive Dealing, and the Integer Problem,” (with Zhijun Chen), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 11: 208-242, February 2019.

  5. Managing Channel Profits When Retailers Have Profitable Outside Options,” (with Roman Inderst), Management Science, 65: 642-659, February 2019.

  6. Apple’s Agency Model and Most-Favored-Nation Clauses,” (with Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), Rand Journal of Economics, 48: 673-703, Fall 2017.

  7. Private Contracting with Externalities: Divide and Conquer?,” (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 50: 460-472, January 2017.

  8. Naked Exclusion with Private Offers,” (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 8: 174-194, November 2016.

  9. Naked Exclusion with Minimum-Share Requirements,” (with Zhijun Chen), Rand Journal of Economics, 45: 64-91, Spring 2014.

  10. Exclusionary Discounts,” (with Janusz A. Ordover), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31: 569-586, September 2013.

  11. Contract Design with a Dominant Retailer and a Competitive Fringe,” (with Sreya Kolay), Management Science, 59: 2111-2116, September 2013.

  12. Optimal Low-Price Guarantees with Anchoring,” (with Morten Hviid), Quantitative Marketing and Economics (lead article), 10: 393-417, December 2012.

  13. Mergers and Partial Ownership,” (with Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), European Economic Review, 55: 916-926, October 2011.

  14. Resale Price Maintenance and Restrictions on Dominant Firm and Industry-Wide Adoption,” (with Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29: 179-186, March 2011.

  15. Market-Share Contracts as Facilitating Practices,” (with Roman Inderst), Rand Journal of Economics, 41: 709-729, Winter 2010.

  16. Slotting Allowances and Scarce Shelf Space,” (with Leslie M. Marx), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 19: 575-603, Fall 2010.

  17. Matching Own Prices, Rivals’ Prices, or Both?,” (with Morten Hviid), Journal of Industrial Economics (lead article), 58: 479-506, September 2010.

  18. Break-Up Fees and Bargaining Power in Sequential Contracting,” (with Leslie M. Marx), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28: 451-463, September 2010.

  19. How Loyalty Discounts Can Perversely Discourage Discounting: Comment” (with Assaf Eilat, Jith Jayaratne, and Janusz A. Ordover), CPI Antitrust Chronicle, Vol 4 (1), 2010.

  20. Comparative Advertising and In-Store Displays,” (with Florian Zettelmeyer), Marketing Science, 28: 1144-1156, November-December 2009.

  21. Market Power, Price Discrimination, and Allocative Efficiency in Intermediate-Goods Markets,” (with Roman Inderst), Rand Journal of Economics, 40: 658-672, Winter 2009.

  22. Market-Share Contracts with Asymmetric Information,” (with Adrian Majumdar), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 18: 393-421, Summer 2009.

  23. Price-Matching Guarantees, Retail Competition, and Product-Line Assortment,” (with Anne Coughlan), Marketing Science, 28: 580-588, May-June 2009.

  24. Bundling and Menus of Two-Part Tariffs: Comment,” (with Nava Kahana, Chemi Gotlibovski, and Sreya Kolay), Journal of Industrial Economics, 56: 863, December 2008.

  25. Rent Shifting and the Order of Negotiations,” (with Leslie M. Marx), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25: 1109-1125, October 2007.

  26. Wholesale Access in Multi-Firm Markets: When is it Profitable to Supply a Competitor,” (with Janusz A. Ordover), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25: 1026-1045, October 2007.

  27. Upfront Payments and Exclusion in Downstream Markets,” (with Leslie M. Marx), Rand Journal of Economics, 38: 823-843, Autumn 2007.

  28. Retail Mergers, Buyer Power, and Product Variety,” (with Roman Inderst), Economic Journal, 117: 45-67, January 2007.

  29. On the Use of Low-Price Guarantees to Discourage Price Cutting,” (with Maria Arbatskaya and Morten Hviid), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24: 1139-1156, November 2006.

  30. Bargaining, Bundling, and Clout: The Portfolio Effects of Horizontal Mergers,” (with Daniel P. O’Brien), Rand Journal of Economics, 36: 573-595, Autumn 2005.

  31. Slotting Allowances and Optimal Product Variety,” Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol 5: Iss. 1, Article 3, 2005.

  32. Opportunism and Menus of Two-Part Tariffs,” (with Leslie M. Marx), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22: 1399-1414, December 2004.

  33. Advertising in a Distribution Channel,” (with Florian Zettelmeyer), Marketing Science, 23: 619-628, Fall 2004.

  34. All-Units Discounts in Retail Contracts,” (with Sreya Kolay and Janusz A. Ordover), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 13: 429-459, Fall 2004.

  35. Opportunism in Multilateral Vertical Contracting: Nondiscrimination, Exclusivity, and Uniformity: Comment,” (with Leslie M. Marx), American Economic Review, 94: 796-801, June 2004.

  36. On the Incidence and Variety of Low-Price Guarantees,” (with Maria Arbatskaya and Morten Hviid), Journal of Law & Economics, 47: 307-332, April 2004.

  37. Bundling and Menus of Two-Part Tariffs,” (with Sreya Kolay), Journal of Industrial Economics, 51: 383-403, September 2003.

  38. Competitive One-to-One Promotions,” (with Z. John Zhang), Management Science, 48: 1143-1160, September 2002.

  39. When Good News About Your Rival is Good for You: The Effect of Third-Party Information on the Division of Channel Profits,” (with Florian Zettelmeyer), Marketing Science, 21: 273-293, Summer 2002.

  40. Pay to Switch or Pay to Stay: Preference-Based Price Discrimination in Markets with Switching Costs,” (with Z. John Zhang), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 9: 397-424, Fall 2000.

  41. Hassle Costs: The Achilles’ Heel of Price-Matching Guarantees,”(with Morten Hviid), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 8: 489-521, Winter 1999.

  42. Unequal Treatment of Identical Agents in Cournot Equilibrium,” (with Stephen W. Salant), American Economic Review, 89: 585-604, June 1999.

  43. Predatory Accomodation: Below-Cost Pricing Without Exclusion in Intermediate Goods Markets,” (with Leslie M. Marx), Rand Journal of Economics, 30: 22-43, Spring 1999.

  44. Promises to Match or Beat the Competition: Evidence from Retail Tire Prices,” (with Maria Arbatskaya and Morten Hviid), Advances in Applied Microeconomics, 8: 123-138, 1999.

  45. Optimal Asymmetric Strategies in Research Joint Ventures,” (with Stephen W. Salant), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16: 195-208, March 1998.

  46. Nonlinear Supply Contracts, Exclusive Dealing, and Equilibrium Market Foreclosure,” (with Daniel P. O’Brien), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 6: 755-785, Winter 1997.

  47. Competitive Coupon Targeting,” (with Z. John Zhang), Marketing Science, 14: 395-416, Fall 1995.

  48. On Vertical Restrictions and the Number of Franchises,” Southern Economic Journal, 62: 264-268, July 1995.

  49. Rendering Alternative Offerings Less Profitable with Resale Price Maintenance,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 3: 639-662, Winter 1994.

  50. The Welfare Effects of Forbidding Discriminatory Discounts: A Secondary-Line Analysis of the Robinson-Patman Act,” (with Daniel P. O’Brien), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 10: 296-318, October 1994.

  51. On the Dampening-of-Competition Effect of Exclusive Dealing,” (with Daniel P. O’Brien), Journal of Industrial Economics, 41: 215-221, June 1993.

  52. Vertical Control with Bilateral Contracts,” (with Daniel P. O’Brien), Rand Journal of Economics (lead article), 23: 299-308, Autumn 1992.

  53. Capturing Strategic Rent: Full-line Forcing, Brand Discounts, Aggregate Rebates and Maximum Resale Price Maintenance,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 39: 557-575, September 1991.

  54. Slotting Allowances and Resale Price Maintenance: A Comparison of Facilitating Practices,” Rand Journal of Economics, 22: 120-135, Spring 1991.