Books, Book Chapters, Policy Reports

  1. Does Apple’s Agency Model Raise Ebook Prices” (with Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind), VoxEU, 14 November 2013, available at

  2. Impact of Reverse-Fixed-Payments on Competition, report commissioned by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), London: UK, 306 pages, 4 July 2013, published at

  3. Anti-Competitive Effects of Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) in Fragmented Markets, report commissioned by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), London: UK, 189 pages, 7 February 2013, published at

  4. The Economics of Parities and Differentials, report commissioned by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), London: UK, 69 pages, 2 September 2012.

  5. The Economics of Price Discrimination,” (with Janusz A. Ordover and Doug Fontaine), Vodafone Policy Paper Series, 11: 27-51, April 2010.

  6. Buyer Power in Merger Control,” (with Roman Inderst), in W.D. Collins (Ed.), Issues in Competition Law and Policy (pp. 1611-1635), Chicago: American Bar Association, 2008.