Threatened Plants

Disclaimer: The Republic of Palau has not yet adopted an official Endangered Species List. Until an official National Endangered Species List is adopted by MAFE, GEF6 policies on Endangered and Threatened Species shall only apply to GEF6-funded projects.

Policy Statement: GEF6 projects are to avoid removing, reducing the populations of, or negatively impacting any species on the Palau Endangered and Threatened Species List (adopted or proposed).

Plants of Concern

(no plants are legally protected in Palau unless in a Protected Area)

Sources: Draft Endangered Species Act list (unpublished). Native Trees of Palau (Kitalong, DeMeo, and Holm, 2008,2013) and Ethnobotany of Palau (Vol. 2) (Balick & Kitalong, 2020). Threatened Endemic Plants of Palau (Costion, 2013). 

Aglaia mariannensis (Also known as Aglaia palauensis)

Palauan: Mesecheues

Grows in the understory of the primary forests of Babeldaob and the Rock Islands. This species is found in Palau and Pohnpei. Other varieties are found throughout the Marianas. Forest birds feed on fruit.

Cycas micronesica

Palauan: Ocheall; Kokeall

Parkia parvifoliola

Palauan: Kmekumer

Rare endemic. The main population is in Ngeremlengui and individual trees have been found in Ngiwal and Ngchesar. 

It is a nitrogen-fixing tree.

Ponapea palauensis

Palauan: Chesebouch

Palau Palm

Hydriastele palauensis (Also known as Gulubia palauensis)

Palauan: Bochelauchererak

Rock Island Palm

Endemic. Found only on limestone islands in Koror and Airai.

Xylocarpus moluccensis

Palauan: Demedemkur; Tiuelchelamedechiibelau

Tree known for its magical powers of softening the heart of a person. Also known from the legend of Medichiibelau. (Balick and Kitalong, 2020)

Garcinia matsudai

Palauan: Tilol

Endemic. Limestone forests and Babeldaob forests. Related to mangosteen.

Terminalia samoensis

Palauan: Chesemiich

Sonsorolese: Safaireng

Terminalia crassipes

Palauan: Chesemiich

Rhizophora x. lamarckii

Mangrove Tree

A naturally-occuring hybrid of Rhizophora apiculata (Palauan: bngaol) and Rhizophora stylosa 

Ceriops tagal

Mangrove Tree

Palauan: Biut

Small mangrove tree found in the middle of the mangrove forest and occasionally along channels.

Avicennia marina

Mangrove Tree

Palauan: Dadaiit