support intervention

As professionals we all want the best for our pupils / students and for them to make progress.

There are times when having a mathematics intervention will really make a difference to that pupil / student when quality first teaching hasn't done so.

This online toolkit can aid with planning interventions as the progression tables will help track progress to a place of security for the individual or group.

Having interactive links to materials through the toolkit will save time to locate quality resources so that time can be invested into how they can be used most effectively. We believe that spending time at this stage and considering the use of fewer quality resources will enable more pupils to become more secure.

Using pre-teaching as an intervention

Pre-teaching can be a useful approach for pupils / students who are less confident in mathematics and may struggle within a lesson.

Some schools use a pre-teaching model.

Pre-teaching involves a small group working with an adult prior to the lesson looking at the maths they will cover in their next lesson.

As a result of pre-teaching pupils can feel more confident as they are more able to access class learning.

The use of the Enigma Essence toolkit can be useful to support and scaffold pre-teaching including the following:

  • Language structures from the Exemplification powerpoints

  • Core representations and structures

  • Links with prior learning

Enigma Maths Hub Case Studies