Who Is "Mayra Teckenbrock"?


Thanks to comments from our readers, the authors ran a new public records search for "Elizabeth Teckenbrock" (2/2/24). Interestingly, a new alias shows up - Mayra Teckenbrock. This appears to be the same person as Elizabeth Teckenbrock. 

New phone numbers from Chicago & Indiana also appear to be connected to this "Mayra" or "Elizabeth" Teckenbrock. Details -

1) Mayra Teckenbrock

A simple Google search will show the readers results associated with the "Mayra" and Elizabeth Teckenbrock name. It appears that the "Mayra" name came into use recently, ie, a few months ago. So, this could either be a new alias, or a technology glitch. But since the same result appears in multiple databases, the probability of a technology glitch appears to be low.

2) Chicago & New Phone Numbers

The following numbers now seem to be associated with both Mayra Teckenbrock & Elizabeth Teckenbrock:

847-404-xxxx (Chicago, IL area)

765-719-xxxx (Indianapolis, IN area)

Based on recent sightings, social media analysis & reader comments, it appears that Elizabeth or Mayra is spending an increasing amount of time in the Chicago area. The authors are researching whether the "Mayra" alias and new Chicago phone number, etc are an effort to create a whole new persona. This has not been proven or confirmed so readers are encouraged to research independently

3) But why "Mayra"? Is there a real Mayra?

Of all the names in the universe, if and only if an alias is being created, why would one pick "Mayra" and not some other name?

It turns out there is ONE real Mayra Teckenbrock. She does not live in Florida and does NOT appear to be connected with Elizabeth Teckenbrock. BUT, she is born in the same year as Elizabeth Teckenbrock. Coincidence? The authors struggle to believe in such coincidences.

ASSUMING that an alias is intentionally being created, it would make sense to pick a name of a person born in the same year and such, so as to appear to be a real person to the casual researcher.

The authors are attempting to contact the real Mayra Teckenbrock to learn more. This is an ongoing analysis so please check back for updates.

Thank you to our readers for all the feedback. If you have more to share, Please feel free to contact us at this link

Thank you.

But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecords 

Stay safe

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