Known Associates

A social media analysis was conducted to identify who spends a material amount of time with Elizabeth Teckenbrock, currently. The authors found these:

Trisha Teckenbrock (Mom) - Indianapolis, IN

All these filings can be found on the State of Indiana website at by searching the name to see the list of filings. 

Civil Collection Case #32C01-2307-CC-001088, Hendricks Circuit Court, Indiana. Filed by Midland Credit Management in 7/23

Civil Collection Case #32C01-2209-CC-001171, Hendricks Circuit Court, Indiana. Filed by Midland Credit Management in 6/23

Small Claims Case #32D02-2102-SC-000129, Hendricks Superior Court 2, Indiana. Filed by Greg Asher in 5/21

Civil Collection Case #32C01-1601-CC-000004, Hendricks Circuit Court, Indiana. Filed by Smithville Fiber in 1/16

Readers will be able to verify the monies still owed under each case. More details coming soon...

Charity Teckenbrock (Sister) - Indianapolis, IN 

All these filings can be found on the State of Indiana website at by searching the name to see the list of filings. 

Evictions Case #29D05-2107-EV-005092, Hamilton Superior Court 5, Indiana. Filed by Mezz 42 Apartments in 7/21

Small Claims Case #32D05-2011-SC-001254, Hendricks Superior Court 5, Indiana. Filed by Barrett & Stokely Management in 11/20

Civil Tort Case #06D01-2103-CT-000383, Boone Superior Court 1, Indiana. Filed by Charity Teckenbrock in 11/20. Note that this filing is different from the others, where in Cherity TEckenbrock is actually the petitioner and not the respondent

Readers will be able to verify the monies still owed under each case. More details coming soon...

Jessica Viola Pierce (Friend) - Tampa, FL (COMING SOON)

Appears to be involved in Elizabeth Teckenbrock's business "ventures". Come back soon to check for updates.

This is an active list and will be updated as things change on social media and in the public domain. There is no implication being made about their involvement. However, research is ongoing and please check back to see updated information on these individuals.

But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecords 

Stay safe

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