

Next, the goal was to see exactly how rich "multi-millionaire" Elizabeth Teckenbrock is, i.e.,  income and/or assets. A person's income is a very sensitive topic, so we start with our tried & tested approach of looking at the court system to see if any income or asset information can be found.

And it was. See image carousel below, followed by a text analysis. Stay Safe.

Current Income (Per Above Image Carousel) is ~$4,000 per month

The 6 pages you see constitute the Financial Statement Affidavit as filed by Elizabeth Teckenbrock on 5/1/23.  Readers can see this document filed as Doc #103 under Case #22-001060-FD in Pinellas County by clicking here.

Per the above images, Elizabeth Tecckenbrock makes $4,000 per month ($2,500 monthly salary + $1,500 income from managing rental properties). Her living expenses, as declared, are $3,150per month, leaving her with $850 to spare, per month.

Total assets are $1,000 (cash on hand), and total liabilities are $43,000 (auto loan). 

These income numbers are sworn to by her under oath and she agrees that punishment for falsifying includes fines and/or punishment. 

Well, the reader may say that $850 per month is just not enough to support her kind of lifestyle with yacht days, concert tickets, expensive tables at exclusive night clubs, fancy trips, driving an expensive car, the best dinners and such.

Perhaps there is a possibility that there is another source of income? So let's go back to court records and search some more...

So is there an "Other" Source of Income? A "Benefactor"?

In looking at Elizabeth's felony charges case #23-CF-006183-A in Hillsborough County, it appears that she was bailed out by a certain individual, who for privacy & respect, we will call Mr. ABC.  This can be verified on the Hillsborough website by using the case # or searching for Elizabeth Teckenbrock.

Subsequently, it appears that Elizabeth is telling people that Mr. ABC is her uncle. After extensive research, the authors have been unable to find such an "uncle" in the Teckenbrock family. So who is this gentleman?

On further research, it appears that the expensive car Elizabeth owns may actually belong to Mr. ABC. The car was purchased on 6/7/23 and it appears that Elizabeth Teckenbrock has been driving it since then.

The lease agreement for her residence is also most likely in Mr. ABC's name, but admittedly the authors are awaiting final confirmation on that as of this writing. Recall that in her financial affidavit filed in Pinellas County, Elizabeth states that her rental or mortgage expense is $0. So who is paying her rent?

So Mr. ABC bailed her out, recently bought a rather expensive car that Elizabeth drives, may potentially be paying her rent, and does n not appear to be an "uncle" or relative. So how exactly is he related to Elizabeth Teckenbrock?

What does this mean for people partaking in Elizabeth's spending?

As listed above, Elizabeth Teckenbrock states her income is $4,000 per month at best, yet it is felt that she lives a lifestyle of a "multi-millionaire". So where is this money coming from?

In the absence of this information, our opinion is that we would be nervous about enjoying Elizabeth's hospitality. We worry about the legal implications, or at the very least, the moral and ethical implications of consuming such money. But to each their own, and readers should make their own informed decisions.

But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecords 

Stay safe

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