Law Enforcement Communication Initiative
Our country's amazing law enforcement agents & prosecutors juggle massive caseloads everyday to keep us safe. We understand that the work is never-ending & we thank them for everything they do.
Since the authors have put in so much effort already in compiling case information on this topic, we're announcing our desire & intent to communicate & cooperate with & support law enforcement & prosecutors.
Under this 3-pronged initiative, We Will:
1) Willingly share information we already have with LE & prosecutors
The authors are aware that finding relevant information and/or filings across multiple counties is a time consuming effort. Once LE or prosecutors formally request & identify themselves, we will evaluate these requests for authenticity, etc. & then gladly share what has been found.
Note that the authors are also willing to share information (with authorities ONLY) that has not yet been published on this website for several reasons. Authorities are invited & encouraged to validate any information requested & received from this website
2) Willingly share information that YOU may want to share with authorities
There are times when readers may have information but they are cautious about sharing with LE or prosecutors for fear of retaliation, etc. In such situations, please feel free to contact us via this form. State in your message if you want that information to be shared with authorities, or not. The authors are unable to validate everything received but they will attempt to validate & share with authorities per 1) above.Â
3) Retain & attempt to research all text messages, files & screenshots (real or fake) related to communication with Elizabeth Teckenbrock
As discussed on this page, Anna Delvey would probably create fictional stories & events using an intricate web of fake texts, screenshots, emails, law firms, etc. The authors will attempt to research any such files received & provide to law enforcement per 1) above
Please feel free to contact us at this link
Thank you.
Stay safe.
But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecordsÂ
Stay safe
Have something to say? Please contact us. All conversations will be kept confidential unless both sides provide explicit consent
This website is not owned or endorsed by, or affiliated with, Elizabeth Teckenbrock. Guilt is only established by the courts system & judges, not a website. Read our detailed Disclaimer.