Collections & Monetary Filings


And how many collections, small claims and such judgements should a multi-millionaire have on their records?

Records for unpaid dues by Elizabeth Teckenbrock go all the way back to 2015, when she lived in Indiana, and continue into the present day in Florida.

For some of these cases, the amounts are still outstanding when this page was written, in spite of the court's judgement.

It is difficult to assume that the "ex-husband" had anything to do with these - Elizabeth Teckenbrock wasn't married when the Indiana cases were filed.  Interesting to note that about the time when the Indiana cases were filed is when Elizabeth Teckenbrock moved to Florida. In fact, if you read the cases, there is even an entry where she informs the court that she cannot come to court as she now "lives in Florida". Pretty sure its all just a coincidence and a huge misunderstanding.

Read below for more information from the cases. Click the links to read for yourself. Note that the authors of this website are not legal professionals, but do take the time to read & research.

Stay safe.

Harris, T of Indiana

Putnam, IN | CASE  # 67D01-1504-SC-000302 | Filed Apr 2015

Click the gavel image to read the developments in the case with above case number.

As of 9/15/23, it appears that a balance of $9,559.67 remains due.


Marion, IN | CASE  # 49D11-1505-CC-016120  | Filed May 2015

Click the gavel image to read the developments in the case with above case number.

It appears that garnishing was eligible for both co-defendants but the balance was finally paid off several months later.


Pinellas, FL | CASE  # 23-000629-CI | Filed Feb 2023

This case is about the coffee shop that has been previously referred to on the Evidence of Fraud page.

The Landlord is suing because rents & dues were never received.

But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecords 

Stay safe

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