Coming Soon!

The authors' continue work on unwinding the complex web of history...using public records as always of course. Here are sections that are expected to come soon. Note that sections maybe deleted or added as necessary without prior notice.

Cars, repossessions & the license plate switcharoo

History of cars owned, paid by who, repossessions/sales as applicable, owned how long, co-owners and owners, and license plate switches & switchbacks. Validation underway. Coming soon.

More on "Cancer"

Pics, proof & "following the money" raised. Validation underway. Coming soon.

Mortgage foreclosure

Interesting story, including more stories about credit cards created. Validation underway. Coming soon.

Documents - Real or Fake?

Validation underway. Coming soon.

This is an ongoing analysis at this time & no implications are being made at all. Come back soon

But as always remember that #MyExDidit and #DontBelieveMyCourtRecords 

Stay safe

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