For # 375 - 12/10/2023

Thucydides Trap - Wiki

History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

Thucydides’ Trap Dials Back a Notch - Bloomberg

Athens vs Sparta (Peloponnesian War explained in 6 minutes)

Re-emergence of Thucydides Trap and India - THE TIME OF INDIA

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison (18:43)


UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There, by Garrett Graff -- ON PBS (6:22)

Thucydides' Trap not an inevitability as long as both sides handle ties with vision and wisdom: China Daily editorial - CHINA DAILY

Can US and China Avoid the Thucydides Trap? The Structural Limits to a US-China Reset, 17 NOV 2023, By Professor Stephen Nagy

戦史 (トゥキュディデス)


トゥキュディデスの罠 - 東洋経済

米中首脳会談とトゥキディデスの罠 - NRI


最古の戦争史に学ぶ 人が戦争に向う原理 - 人はなざ戦争を選ぶのか -- ジョハンナ・ハニンク著


「トゥキディデスの罠」アメリカは正気に戻って中国との戦争を回避できるか, Newsweek 日本版, 2020年10月07日 by 木村正人 

For # 374 - 12/03/2023

Javier Milei - Wiki

Donald Trump: Three decades -- 4,095 lawsuits

Trump unlikely to attend Milei inauguration in Argentina

Litigation Tracker: Pending Criminal and Civil Cases Against Donald Trump

How Donald Trump's trial dates overlap with his 2024 election campaign - REUTERS

Trump tells Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei he plans to visit Buenos Aires - AP

How similar is Argentina’s Javier Milei to Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro? - FINANCIAL TIMES

Trump court cases: A list of all current and pending legal cases on the ex-president's docket

Laura Italiano, Jacob Shamsian, and Jake Swearingen Updated Nov 26, 2023

The Cases Against Trump: A Guide -- Fraud. Hush money. Election subversion. Mar-a-Lago documents. One place to keep track of the presidential candidate’s legal troubles. By David A. Graham -- The Atlantic

ハビエル・ミレイ - Wiki

【そもそも解説】トランプ氏の裁判と選挙の行方 有罪でも大統領に?

トランプ前大統領が抱える裁判とは?予備選期間中に公判も – 2023年11月1日

アルゼンチンのトランプ氏”勝利 代表的株価指数 20%超上昇 – 2023年11月22日

トランプ前大統領が出廷、判事と衝突しながら不正否定 一族企業めぐる民事裁判

中銀廃止は「交渉の余地なし」=アルゼンチン次期大統領・ロイター編集 - 2023年11月27日

トランプ氏、アルゼンチン次期大統領と電話 訪問を計画 – ロイター編集・2023年11月24日

“アルゼンチンのトランプ” 自国通貨を廃止「ドル化」 5匹の犬と「テレパシーで対話」 11/22(水)

“アルゼンチンのトランプ”経済学者出身のハビエル・ミレイ氏が大統領選で勝利 トランプ氏も祝福 -- 2023年11月20日

For # 372 - 11/19/2023

Rome Statute 

The ICC in 3 minutes (3:38)

ICC - International Criminal Court

It’s Time for the United States to Join the ICC

Should the ICC Allow the United States to Become a State Party?

Why is the International Criminal Court under attack? - BBC News (2:35)

Israel, Hamas and the laws of war: A primer - WBUR (47:31) - November 13, 2023

Q&A: The International Criminal Court and the United States - HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH

The U.S. has long been wary of the I.C.C., but relations have been thawing - The New York Times

It’s Time for America to Join the International Criminal Court, by Kelebogile Zvobgo - October 19, 2023 - Foreign Affairs




「刑事責任が生じる」国際刑事裁判所の検察官 イスラエルに警告

パレスチナ人権団体、ICCにイスラエルの戦争犯罪調査を要請 - ロイター編集

国際刑事裁判所、プーチン氏に逮捕状 逮捕は可能なのか - BBC NEWS JAPAN (1:26)

HRW - ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ - アメリカ合衆国に基盤を持つ国際的な人権NGO

ロシア当局が国際刑事裁判所の赤根智子裁判官を指名手配 プーチン大統領らに逮捕状で|TBS NEWS DIG (0:32)

各国はイスラエル・パレスチナについて国際刑事裁判所の捜査を支持すべき - 法的正義のために声を上げる重要な機会, by Balkees Jarrah, Associate Director, International Justice Program 

For # 371 - 11/12/2023

World War I reparations

World War II reparations

Shashi Tharoor's Oxford Union speech


Britain’s role in the occupation of Palestine (3:46)

The Palestine Mandate - Historical context - GCHQ

When will Britain face up to its crimes against humanity?

UK Parliament - Israeli-Palestinian conflict: what hope of a solution?

Britain should pay reparations for its colonial past -- DEBATING MATTERS

Academic insights on Israel and Gaza - 02 November 2023 - King's College London

UK announces £10 million humanitarian aid for civilians in Occupied Palestinian Territories - GOV.UK

Has the UK paid reparations to any specific party in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

戦争賠償: 第一次世界大戦第二次世界大戦





チャールズ英国王、植民地時代の「暴力行為」に言及 ケニア公式訪問で


西欧諸国につきまとう「植民地支配」賠償の悪夢 -- アジア、アフリカ諸国からの賠償要求は今後も続く -- 東洋経済

ガザはなぜ“天井のない監獄”になったのか…イスラエルによるパレスチナ占領とハマス台頭の歴史とは?【サンデーモーニング】|TBS NEWS DIG (4:02)

Shashi Tharoor's Oxford Union speech – 2015年5月28日のオックスフォード・ユニオンでの討論会で、インド国会議員、外交官、作家のシャシ・タルール氏は、「英国は旧植民地に賠償の義務がある」という動議を支持する演説を行った。 

FOR # 367 - 10/15/2023

Iron Dorm

State of Palestine

International recognition of the State of Palestine

Israel attack: PM says Israel at war after 250 killed in attack from Gaza - BBC

Why Palestinian Statehood Is a Question for the U.N. -- The Brookings Institution

To recognize or not to recognize: EU recognition of Palestine - Middle East Institute

Why Hamas Attacked—and Why Israel Was Taken by Surprise - A Conversation With Martin Indyk -- October 7, 2023 (Martin Indyk) – FOREIGN AFFAIRS




パレスチナの基礎データ BY 日本国外務省

パレスチナ問題がわかる イスラエルとパレスチナ 対立のわけ -- NHK

パレスチナ問題ってなに? 1からわかる!イスラエルとパレスチナ(1)-- NHK

ガザ地区からイスラエルへ相次ぐ砲撃、多数死傷 「これは戦争」とイスラエル首相

2023年10月7日 - 更新 2023年10月8日 BBC JAPAN


How Israel's Iron Dorm Works - WSJ (2:27)

How the Hamas Attack on Israel Unfolded | WSJ (2:56)

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history - Vox (10:18)

Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History 223 (12:52)

【アニメで解説】パレスチナ問題の前提となる歴史3000年分を一気に!▼ (10:34)

【5分で解説】パレスチナ問題とは?戦争が起きた理由を解説します【イスラエル】 by たかまつなな of 株式会社笑下村塾


FOR # 354 - 07/16/2023

Why Do We Laugh by Web MD

Can AI make you laugh?  (7:36)

Tell me a joke, computer! Can AI be funny? lengoo

ChatGPT Can Craft Jokes, But Can AI Make Us Laugh?

Can AI laugh? We investigated. BIG THINK - Listen to this article

What’s So Funny? The Science of Why We Laugh - SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

Why can't scientists teach a robot to laugh? - study - THE JERUSALEM POST

[] Why Do We Laugh? (6:30)

[] Tanzanian Laughter Epidemic - Clip from Laughology (2:01)

[] What Type of Laugh Do You Have? (4:13)

#1: Ventriloquist

#2: The Evil Laugh

#3: The Silent Laugh

#4: The Machine Gun Laugh

#5: The Fake Laugh

#6: The Chortle

#7: The Heavy Breather

#8: The I'm Too Good Laugh

#9: The Snort

#10: The Boomer 

#11: I Don't Really Get It...

#12: Laughs with Hand Gesture

株式会社わたしは竹之内大輔, CEO

笑いの構造 by 中津山幹男 - FC研 (PDF)

芸人・永野「幸せな人間に人を笑わせることはできない」 【芸人・永野の「THE CHANGE」】#2

株式会社わたしは 社歌 あったまひとつ ~My Name is~ (株)わたしは社員一同 feat. Hawknest&虎猫

AIは人を笑わせられるのか? ボケの自動生成を競う、お笑いAIバトルの舞台裏 - 電笑戦 ~AIは人を笑わせられるのか ? 挑戦を支える技術とAWS~

人工知能にインプットするべき倫理的行動目標の優先順位に関する提言 -- より一層倫理的な振る舞いを見せるAIロボットに関する道徳的ジレンマに焦点を当てて -- A proposal for priorities of the ethical behavioural goal to be input to Artificial Intelligence (PDF) 

FOR # 351 - 06/25/2023

Artificial intelligence in government

Are AI Chatbots A Powerful Tool for Political Manipulation?

How political campaigns can effectively use chatbots and AI

How Chatbots will disrupt governance and elections by ISH JINDAL

Writer, Adviser, Poet, Bot: How ChatGPT Could Transform Politics - VOA

The Hidden Dangers of Chatbots in Politics: Are Our Democracies at Risk?


Chatbot Marketing for Politicians: How AI Chatbots will disrupt governance and elections !!!

COMMENTARY - TECHTANK - BROOKINGS - The politics of AI: ChatGPT and political bias

Jeremy Baum and John Villasenor - Monday, May 8, 2023

COMMENTARY - TECHTANK - TechTank episode 71: How AI disrupts elections and influences voter choices by Darrell M. West and Sarah M.L. Bender - Monday, June 5




AIに政治はできるか 達せない人間の感性 - 日経新聞




「習氏は良い指導者?」中国チャットボット答えず -- 中国版チャットGPTに難題、政治的話題どう回避するか -- WSJ (with a video) !! 

FOR # 344 - 05/07/2023

Dementia is a terrible word. Why do people still use it?  It’s important to get an early diagnosis but the word is offensive and takes power away from people.  The Guardian

National Institute of Aging – What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types, and Diagnosis !!!

This New Alzheimer’s Test Looks Beyond a Single Problem Gene - WIRED

Why is it important to get dementia diagnosed? By Alzheimer’s Society

Should you be tested for dementia? By Harvard Medical School

Dementia Genetic Testing — Would you want to know? (3:52) !!

The Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing

Genetic testing for dementia

About Dementia - CDC

認知症 - Wiki


認知症の診断と治療 -- 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 -- 老年・総合内科学

「MCIスクリーニング検査」「APOE遺伝子検査」 -- 日本医学臨床検査研究所

「発症時期」に着目する、アルツハイマー病の新しい遺伝子検査サーヴィスが実用化へ - WIRED


アルツハイマー病・認知症の診断・治療 - 地域の医療機関と協力して、正確な診断 - アルツハイマー病とは?近畿大学病院

精度80%!あなたが3年後に認知症になるリスクをAIが事前予測 熱視線そそがれる最新技術に迫る【ウェークアップ】 (11:08) !!! 

FOR # 342 - 04/23/2023

Spies as agents of peace - AUGUST 19, 2022 - JOSHUA ROVNER

Secrets and spies: can espionage ever be justified? FINANCIAL TIMES

The Annotated Art of War (Parts 13.7-13: Five Classes of Spies) -- XIII. The Use of Spies

Bond or Blofeld: war, espionage and secrecy in the twenty-first century - AUGUST 16, 2022 - RICHARD ALDRICH & CHRISTOPHER MORAN

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spying? – Harry Cooper

Former Senior Executive - Retired at Central Intelligence Agency (1988–2017)

If, when you say “spying”, you mean intelligence collection, there are clear advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it gives our country advance warning of any military or political action by another country that could endanger our sovereignty. For international agreements and coalitions it gives us a strategic advantage to know what the other country’s bottom line or strategy is in advance. Militarily the advantages of having intelligence on adversaries is clear.

The disadvantage is that our own citizens often believe we are collecting intelligence on them despite laws to the contrary and when we get caught collecting information there are political repercussions and a loss of any advantage we might have had.

スパイ - コトバンク !!


スパイになるための方法とは? by indeed

CIAが採用している「スパイたちの意外な前職」とは - DIAMOND online

現在のスパイ活動、人との接触はいまだ重要 by スイス公共放送協会の国際部

池上彰氏「ウクライナには旧ソ連のスパイが大量にいた」 - 日経 BOOK PLUS 

FOR # 334 - 02/26/2023

Crimes Against Humanity - United Nations

Sending Salt to Your Enemy - An interesting Japanese saying

Crime Against Humanity vs War Crime - multiple videos on YouTube on 2/21/2023

How to Handle your Enemies? 11 Quotes to Wisely Handle all your Enemies in Life (2;19)

Make Your Enemies Your Allies, by Brian Uzzi and Shannon Dunlap -- Harvard Business Review

How to Love Your Enemies -- The behavioral science of DIY depolarization -- SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

Can We Truly Love Our Enemies? Philosopher Jerome Neu argues that our emotional responses can be trained. HARPER'S

We should value our enemies because they provide us with unique opportunities to practice patience, tolerance and forbearance. –  Dalai Lama – What does that mean? Why is having opposition important?

Where can I apply this in my life?

利敵行為 - English

人道に対する罪 – Wiki

人道に対する罪とは – ICC

戦争犯罪 - YouTube上・多数のビデオ

上杉謙信の美談「敵に塩を送る」実は打算だった -- そもそも武田信玄に無償で送った史実はない

 -- 東洋経済 ONLINE

歴史から学ぶこと~敵に塩を送る~ 「争っている相手が苦しんでいるときに、争いの本質ではない分野について援助を与える」の意味がある?


First Idea by MA

Considering the temperature in Ukraine, February is one of the coldest months. In times of extreme weather conditions, access to basic necessities like heating can be limited or unavailable, especially for vulnerable populations. Sending "Hokkairo" to areas suffering from severe cold can be a useful voluntary activity that can make a positive impact on people in need.

Aside from donating "Hokkairo" and other disposable products, clothes, toys, or food to a shelter, you can raise your voice to urge organizations and institutions to churn out new products and technologies to save vulnerable populations, such as "pop up shelter" used in natural disaster, Heat-tech clothing in cold area and instant food for people in crisis situations.

It is often said that war fields are typically where militaries test and evaluate new weapons and technologies to assess their effectiveness and capabilities. But very few organizations will test their new products and technologies to assess their effectiveness in war zone for supporting civilian life during and after the war.

Second Idea by HM

In my childhood, we were taught that one of the most important virtues was to do one good thing a day. In western society, they celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week from February 14 to February 20 annually. It's a celebration of all the ways they can become a positive influence in each other's lives. Even one small act of kindness might mean a great deal to somebody. The world could be selfish and cruel sometimes and not everyone receives the same kind of support they need. Therefore, it is important for them to constantly be reminded to be kind to one another and to give others hope whenever we can.

I have seen and heard of some of my acquaintances who selflessly extend their kindness to those around them on a daily basis. For example, one of my supervisors said, almost every day, "I did one good thing today." In fact, despite being a busy corporate director, he was a weekend umpire for youth softball.

Until a few years ago, I worked as a member of the promotion group for Global Warming Prevention Activities. However, partly because I am already enough old, I have not been involved in any outward environmental activities that would be useful to others. Therefore, I only continue the 5Rs around me: Refuse, Reuse, Repair, Reduce, and Recycle. Among the 17 goals in the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the following goals form the basis of my small activities:

13th "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"

7th "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all"

One of the proverbs I learned as a child is "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

 A small and random gesture of kindness can go a long way. The amount of greenhouse gases and energy I can save in a day might seem to be almost negligible. However, as it is difficult to achieve the cumulative greenhouse gas reduction target proposed by the UN, my family's 5R activities contribute to reduce our household emissions, coupled with control of energy consumption via "HEMS (Home Energy Management System)", even if the amount is like "a drop in the ocean". "


Random Acts of Kindness Week – February 14-20, 2023

革新的CO2分離回収技術シンポジウム ~地球温暖化防止に貢献する固体吸収材及び膜による分離回収技術の最新動向~(2023年2月13日開催)

CDR・CCS技術の位置づけと展望 -- 2022.2.13 -- 地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE) -- 理事・研究所長・下田 吉之RITE = Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth