
Self-Teaching Activities

See the links below to activities where you can explore how to code in a variety of different ways.

Step 1: Coding with Draw

· __Draw 1: Shapes__

· __Draw 2: Spelling__

· __Draw 3: Perimeter__

Step 2: Block-Based Coding

· __Blocks 1: Intro (The Basics)__

· __Blocks 2: Lights__

· __Blocks 3: Variables__

Step 3: Text Coding (for the advance users who want to learn Javascript)

· __Text 1: Hello World__

Create a Sphero-graph

Spherographs - introduction (fun with polygons and art)

Sphero in the Maths Classroom

View these resources from an ISTE workshop presentation in 2018: Crack the Code: Spheros in the Math Classroom by Kate Mellone Janet Meyers Lisa Sampson Sara Strelow