Learning from home surveys

You can use the templates below to design your own Survey Monkey type surveys to capture this data. If you are a DTiF school then an email with links to the DTiF project online version of the surveys should be in your email. Let your Curriculum Officer know if you did not receive these links. There is also a draft letter you could use to alert your school community of the surveys.

Email to schools:

Dear xxx,

As a result of COVID-19, most Australian schools have needed to provide some form of learning from home for their students. While this experience is fresh in the minds of students, parents and teachers it may be a good time as schools re-open to gain some insights. The DTiF team have created a set of surveys to help you gain valuable information on how your students, parents and teachers felt about the experience. Having students actively participating in the decision-making process at school helps shape their educational experiences. Through the results, you may find there have been a number of opportunities that students have had that they would like to see continue within the school setting. Likewise, you may find there were experiences which students, parents and teachers can see being implemented differently should the need arise.

The student survey has two components:

  • Student online questions (completed individually by students):
  • Teacher-led group reflection (completed as a whole class or with small groups)

We have also developed:

  • Parent survey
  • Teacher survey

This data collection is optional. If you decide to conduct the surveys, please advise which options you will undertake. The data will be collated and sent to you for further consideration. As a result of the feedback from all key members of your school community, you may be able to develop an action plan on what elements of the home learning experience can or could continue at your school.

