Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspectives

Digital Technologies with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives Focus

Page dedicated to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Language

The Australian Universities Indigenous Cultural Competency Framework provides guiding principles for developing cultural competency and for developing a cultural competence framework. Of particular relevance is the comprehensive bibliography within the National Best Practice Framework.

Find out more about Reconciliation Action Plans and how to commence the process for your organisation.


Refer to the ACARA RAP PDF.

Great tips at Creative Spirits

Acknowledgment of

Country Creation


Indigital StoryTelling -

Indigital Storytelling is an augmented reality Indigenous cultural app that brings the world's oldest living stories to everyone through the world's newest technology.


Welcome to Country

The Welcome to Country iPhone app. delivers a simple Welcome to Country video introduction~ to Australian indigenous culture, including basic cultural protocols that are tribal boundary geo-specific

CSIRO Indigenous Seasons

Bureau of Meteorology

Indigenous Seasons across Northern Australia

Indigenous calendars - Ngangi

Noongar Indigenous Seasons - ECU Nyoongar Six Seasons


The 8 way learning model explained at the Australian Indigenous College

Eight Aboriginal Ways of Learning

Going forward into the twenty-first century, indigenous pedagogies connect the deep past of human history with contemporary experiences and multimodal learning

Story Sharing: Approaching learning through narrative.

Learning Maps: Explicitly mapping/visualising processes.

Non-verbal: Applying intra-personal and kinaesthetic skills to thinking and learning.

Symbols and Images: Using images and metaphors to understand concepts and content.

Land Links: Place-based learning, linking content to local land and place.

Non-linear: Producing innovations and understanding by thinking laterally or combining systems.

Deconstruct/Reconstruct: Modelling and scaffolding, working from wholes to parts (watch then do).

Community Links: Centring local viewpoints, applying learning for community benefit.