Literacy - Embedding DT in Literacy activities

This page is for links, articles, videos and resources to support schools with literacy as their DTiF project focus.

(See also - Integrating Digital Technologies with English)

Aligning Literacy Capabilities with Computational Thinking - F- 6 examples

Below are some files that show some suggestions for activities that could be used in the classroom to support Computational Thinking and relevant sections of the Literacy learning continuum. These are some ideas to kickstart your thinking about how you could incorporate computational thinking whilst engaging students in literacy activities.


PowerPoint Slide Deck from Literacy Webinar #3


Combining Literature study and Digital Technologies

The following lessons combine a book study with robotic devices and Digital Technologies concepts. One uses an Ozobot and the other uses a Sphero. Other robots like Dash or Bluebot could also be utilised and produce similar learning outcomes.

The Wizard of Ozo

Students are introduced to Ozoblockly and basic programming concepts. Using Ozoblockly, students program Ozobot to follow a path and travel through a maze that they have created.

Sphero and the Chocolate Factory

Students are introduced to Sphero-edu and basic programming concepts. Using Sphero-blockly, students program Sphero to visit different themed rooms from the story.