Visual Programming

Visual Programming (Digital Technologies Hub)


Digital Technologies Hub

Example of a visual programming language (Scratch) and what you can make:







Scratch Jr


Daisy the Dinosaur

8 visual programming apps (includes Tickle, and Pyonkee)

Edison robotics - with visual programming

Scratch guides and workbooks:

Courses, Tutorials and Learning Communities:

  • Scratch Tutorial (version 2 - skills transferrable to version 3.0)
  • Scratch Ed is an online community where teachers exchange resources and share stories. It forms part of a connected set of resources, including ScratchJR targeting F-2, and Scratch, supporting 8+.
  • Scratch Programming with Steve Sweeney (YouTube playlist) - teaches variables, inputs, outputs, operators and more.
  • Introduction to Programming in Scratch in Education MOOC (via CourseBuilder). Five module course takes you through the ins and outs of programming with Scratch and prepares teachers for introducing students to Scratch. Currently not running officially but course still open.
  • Creative Computing was a six-week online workshop for educators who want to learn more about using Scratch and supporting computational thinking in the classroom and other learning environments. The workshop was held in 2012 but the materials are still available online.
  • Kodu Game Lab Community. Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and Xbox via a simple visual programming language. Some of the curriculum resources aren't working (404s) but you can download the full zip file (40MB). There are some resources for teachers or a self-learn section of resources.
  • Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming. By the end of these games, it is suggested that players are ready to use conventional text-based languages. Suitable introduction for all ages (and could be used for PL). Develop computational thinking skills.
  • Coding and Programming webinar with Tim Bell on Digital Technologies Hub
  • Code Club Projects Consider setting up a code club at your school or local library and use these resources to kick start your program.

Code Blocks for printing and laminating

Scratch Jnr Code Blocks

more Scratch Jnr Code Blocks

Scratch Code Blocks (version 2)

more Scratch Code Blocks (version 3.0)