Computational Thinking

Computational thinking is both central to computer science and widely applicable throughout education and the workforce. Computational thinking, which is complementary to coding and computer science, provides students a necessary skillset for solving complex problems and is relevant throughout K-12 education in all subjects.

What is computational thinking? - a simple explanation for primary students (and teachers) video by Linda Liukas, Digital Champion, Finland

Useful Links

Wing, J Computational Thinking, COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM March 2006/Vol. 49, No. 3 (Computational Thinking for K-12 Education)

CSIRO Digital Careers - Bebras

Computational Thinking for a Computational World (pdf)

Tutorials on computational thinking - videos from DLTV

Computational Thinking - unplugged lesson video

A model curriculum Paper including appendices with sequence for teaching and assessing Computational Thinking (Colorado USA)

Using Computational Thinking to remember secure passwords video

Google for Education - Computational Thinking Resources

BBC-Bitesize - Computer Science Resources

Barefoot Computing - Computational Thinking Resources (need to register)

Google Computational Thinking for Educators Course (Secondary teachers)

Key Computational Thinking Strategies




Modelling and Simulation

Decomposition (Breaking problems into smaller parts)

Decomposition Infographic (DLTV)

Decomposition in plain English (DLTV) video


See also: Algorithm

BBC-Bitesize - What is an Algorithm?

Algorithms in plain English (DLTV) video

What's an algorithm? (National Computing Science Project)

Learning the fundamentals of algorithms - a computer will only do what it is told (CS-Unplugged)

Making algorithmic thinking visible Classroom activities and tools includes flowchart conventions (CSER webinar)

The friendship algorithm (using a flowchart with branching and decision making) from TV show - Big Bang Theory

Modelling and Simulation

Great site to teach computer modelling and simulation - Star Logo Nova

Continuum of Computational Thinking in the Australian Curriculum- Digital Technologies F-10 DRAFT 040718.pdf
Continuum of Computational Thinking in the Australian Curriculum- Digital Technologies F-10 with sample activities.pdf