Digital Language

Digital Language or Learning to speak geek.

Following are a range of sources of Digital Tech words, jargon or anagrams.

Some words are suitable for multiple year groups and should form part of the essential Digital Language students and educators learn (a list of suggested words are following). Other words may become more target specific for year groups or topic.

How you teach the Geek language is up to you. Some explicit teaching is inevitable but there are many engaging Digital ways to learn the Geek language and practice ICT skills at t he same time.

I can recommend Kahoot and Socrative apps as an engaging method to assist in assessing knowledge of students and educators.

ACARA Glossary

SCaSA (WA Curriculum Authority) Glossary Online or PDF

24 Ed-Tech Terms you should know - Educator tech learning buzzwords.

99 Terms you need to know when you're new to tech - Jargon and acronyms explained for Digital Tech in the areas of Social Media, Online Marketing, Graphic Design, User Experience (UID), Typography, Coding CSS, Website Development (Front end and Back end), Systems, Data and Mobile

55 Important Technology terms you should know if you're starting a new job.- Lot's of Acronyms that we as educators and student's come across or may come across.

Digital Terminology.pdf

Great for diagnostic and Summative Assessment - Year 5 upwards - 8 Questions

If you search for coding in Kahoot there are heaps of other quiz's that may suit or inspire.

If you search for 'Digital Terminology' in Kahoot there are already many quiz's available.

Geek Speak

Socrative quiz for Assessment at the end of semester. Year group 4 upwards. Great for raising teachers awareness about the Digital language and the history of icons & the language.

This glossary contains many terms – some of which you will most likely have heard before, but it also contains lingo that might have escaped your awesomeness. It’s always a good thing to read up on your tech lingo since it will not only keep you in the conversation, but it will also keep you updated on what’s going on in the tech world.

Imagine that you are librarian and people depend on you every day to help them find exactly what they need. For that you need to know every book, what is inside of them and how books are related to each other. Your system has to ingest a lot of information and choose the best answers for the given questions. In this case Google is the librarian who collects information of every page on the web so they can help people find exactly what they are looking for. Every search engine has its own secret recipe called an algorithm that presents the information into useful search results.

The key to higher rankings is making sure your website meets all the requirements and have the necessary ingredients search engines require. The list is not exhaustive but includes using the right words (keywords), page titles, links between websites and words in links (anchor text).

FaceBook Ad Glossary - Infographic

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Verbs

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy isn't about the tools or technologies rather it is about using these to facilitate learning. Outcomes on rubrics are measured by competence of use and most importantly the quality of the process or product. For example. Bookmarking a resource is of no value if the resource is inappropriate, invalid, out of date or inaccurate.

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy lends itself to problem and project based learning where the student must work through the entire process of development and evaluation.

Blooms Digital Taxonomy Verbs.pdf
Blooms Digital Taxonomy Activities.pdf