Console Commands

We've extracted the full list of commands from the CheatManager (generic) and JackCheatManager (DQXI-specific) classes.

However, there are more commands than this used in game. Most commands work on both the OG and Definitive Editions of the game, with few differences. For examples of how the console can be used, check out the image gallery above, or the tutorials in Using the Console [Tutorials]. The dev console can be used as a powerful tool for in-game traversal, save editing (rename player, set flags, add and remove items and spells) and testing mods.

There are hundreds of commands listed here on the homepage, but there may be more we don't know about that are unlisted in the game data, or included in other classes we don't know about. Let us know if you find anything useful that isn't in the main list below!

Useful Commands

  • ActionLearn <TargetName> <ActionID> - Teaches spells & abilities

  • BattleMonsterSpawn <MonsterID> - See tutorials section

  • ce DebugMapJump <MapStart> - Transports player to almost any location

  • ce SetDebugWeather <SetWeather> - Changes active weather type

  • ce ReturnToAutoSave - Immediately reloads the current autosave (useful if softlocked)

  • ChangeSize <F> - Change current player scale, 1=normal, 0.5=half size

  • DebugGameCamera - Freecam without the benefits of ToggleDebugCamera

  • DumpConsoleCommandsJack - Lists some console commands and usage in full size console, pageup/pagedown to read more

  • FOV <ValueFOV> - Changes field of view value

  • ForceGetItem <ItemID> <ItemCount> - Adds item directly to proper bag

  • ForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <ItemCount> <BagType> - Adds item to custom character/bag

  • ForceSetWorldTime <Hour> <Min> <Sec> <bResetNPCSchedule> - Changes game time e.g. ForceSetWorldTime 12 0 0 1 = midday

  • FriendJoin <InName> - Add party members (P002-P008, All)*

  • FriendLeaveKeepItems <InName> - Remove party members (P002-P008, All)*

  • Gold <InGold> - Replaces current gold, e.g. Gold 69420 sets player's gold to 69420 - no more, no less

  • GuestNpcJoin <InName> - See tutorials section

  • GuestNpcLeave <InName> - See tutorials section

  • HPSet <InName> <NewHP> - Set HP (P001-P008, All)

  • LevelSet <InName> <InLevel> - Set Level (P001-P008, All)

  • MPSet <InName> <NewMP> - Set MP (P001-P008, All)

  • MonsterGeneratorEnabled - Toggles monsters in overworld

  • MonsterSpawn - See tutorials section

  • Muteki <InName> <bEnabled> - Invincibility (P001-P008, Monsters, Players, All)

  • RunMacro <DebugCommandMacro> - Executes a debug macro command

  • SetActorRotation <Roll> <Pitch> <Yaw> - Player rotation, if your hero fancies taking a nap on the ground, this could be useful

  • SetControlRotation <CameraRoll> <CameraPitch> <CameraYaw> - Camera rotation, trippy

  • SetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <Value> - Change the value of certain flags used in game

  • SetPlayerCameraDataArmLength <Min> <Max> - Higher values = further away camera

  • SetPlayerName <PlayerName> - Allows you to change your character's name... to literally anything! Useful for downloaded saves or bypassing the character limit.

  • Slomo <Scale> - Adjust entire game speed, useful for speeding up battles, 1=default, 2=double speed

  • Taimatu - Instant torch, works on some characters

  • Teleport - Teleports player to target location (where camera is pointing) use debugcamera to find surfaces with collision

  • TeleportLocation <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports player to specific location

  • TeleportMapStart - Teleports player to starting point of current map

  • TestPlayerDash <InDashSpeedMult> (unlisted command) - Adjusts the max speed of the dash/sprint feature in game.

  • ToggleDebugCamera - Freecam, useful for finding ActorName and other info in OG version. White line indicates target has collision

  • VehicleSpawn <VehicleName> - Spawns vehicle / tamed monster. V105 = Dragon

  • ViewActor <ActorName> - Move camera to NPC (ActorName can be found in ToggleDebugCamera in OG version - BP_UNXXXXX)

  • ViewPlayer <S> - Return camera to player

  • ViewSelf - Move camera to player

  • Yubibue - Summon Horse

*(P001 can be used in Definitive Edition)

CheatManager [Standard UE4 Commands]

  • BugIt <ScreenShotDescription>

  • BugItGo <X> <Y> <Z> <Pitch> <Yaw> <Roll>

  • BugItStringCreator <LocString>

  • GoString

  • ViewRotation

  • ViewLocation

  • ChangeSize <F>

  • CheatScript <ScriptName>

  • DamageTarget <DamageAmount>

  • DebugCapsuleSweep

  • DebugCapsuleSweepCapture

  • DebugCapsuleSweepChannel <Channel>

  • DebugCapsuleSweepClear

  • DebugCapsuleSweepComplex <bTraceComplex>

  • DebugCapsuleSweepPawn

  • DebugCapsuleSweepSize <HalfHeight> <Radius>

  • DestroyAll <aClass>

  • DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget

  • DestroyPawns <aClass>

  • DestroyTarget

  • DumpChatState

  • DumpOnlineSessionState

  • DumpPartyState

  • DumpVoiceMutingState

  • FlushLog

  • Fly

  • FreezeFrame <Delay>

  • Ghost

  • God

  • InvertMouse

  • LogLoc

  • OnlyLoadLevel <PackageName>

  • PlayersOnly

  • RebuildNavigation

  • ReceiveInitCheatManager

  • ServerToggleAILogging

  • SetMouseSensitivityToDefault

  • SetNavDrawDistance <DrawDistance>

  • SetWorldOrigin

  • Slomo <NewTimeDilation>

  • StreamLevelIn <PackageName>

  • StreamLevelOut <PackageName>

  • Summon <ClassName>

  • Teleport

  • TestCollisionDistance

  • ToggleAILogging

  • ToggleDebugCamera

  • ViewActor <ActorName>

  • ViewClass <DesiredClass>

  • ViewPlayer <S>

  • ViewSelf

  • Walk

JackCheatManager [DQXI Specific Commands]

  • ActionLearn <TargetName> <ActionID>

  • ActionLearnJumon

  • ActionPlay <ActionID>

  • ActionPreview <TargetCharacterName>

  • ArasuziDebugFlagSet <ArasuziID> <bPlayThroughSecond>

  • AssetRegistryEnabled <bEnabled>

  • AudioMasterVolume <Volume>

  • AudioSEADVolume <Volume>

  • AutoRun

  • BGMVolumeEditor

  • BattleAIFirstCheckChange

  • BattleAIFirstCheckLogShow

  • BattleAISecondCheckChange

  • BattleAISecondCheckLogShow

  • BattleActionCameraDebugMode

  • BattleActionCameraInfo

  • BattleActionExtentInfo

  • BattleActionInfo

  • BattleAutoCameraInfo <Value>

  • BattleAutoCameraParam <Value>

  • BattleBackJump

  • BattleBackJumpForceByAutoCamera

  • BattleBackJumpThresholdLength <Length>

  • BattleBukiGuard <Value>

  • BattleCalcInfo

  • BattleCameraMode <Value>

  • BattleCharaInfo

  • BattleCharaStateInfo

  • BattleCollisionInfo

  • BattleCommandAIActionPattern <Order1> <Order2> <Order3> <Order4> <Order5> <Order6>

  • BattleCommandAIChangeActionPattern <ActionPatternTypeName>

  • BattleCommandAIChangeIntelligence <IntelligenceTypeName>

  • BattleCommandAIInfo

  • BattleCommandAISet <BattleAIID> <TargetCharacterName>

  • BattleCounter <Value>

  • BattleCritical <Value>

  • BattleDataTableCheck

  • BattleDead <TargetName>

  • BattleDistantBranch <Value>

  • BattleDropCertainty

  • BattleEncountEnable

  • BattleEventBattleInfo

  • BattleFieldFailSafe <FailSafeType>

  • BattleFieldHiddenGrass <Value>

  • BattleFieldInfo

  • BattleFieldLowAngleCameraInvalid <Value>

  • BattleFixDamage <Damage>

  • BattleFukidasiForce

  • BattleFukidasiForceID <FukidasiID>

  • BattleFukidasiInfo <Value>

  • BattleFukidasiPush

  • BattleFukidasiReset

  • BattleGroupInfo

  • BattleGuestNPCControl <Value>

  • BattleHazukasiiNoroi <Value>

  • BattleHazukasiiNoroiText <Value>

  • BattleHitStop <HitStopPresetTypeEnumName>

  • BattleLockOnMovementTest

  • BattleLose

  • BattleMikawasi <Value>

  • BattleMiss <Value>

  • BattleMitoreru <Value>

  • BattleMonsterAppearDrawBox

  • BattleMonsterAppearSkip

  • BattleMonsterLimit <Value>

  • BattleMonsterNigeru <Value>

  • BattleMonsterSpawn <MonsterID>

  • BattleMovementInfo

  • BattleNakamaYobiInfo

  • BattleNigeru <Value>

  • BattleOddEffect <Value>

  • BattleOpen

  • BattlePerfInfo

  • BattlePlayerAICalcInfo

  • BattlePlayerAIFlowBossBattle

  • BattlePlayerAIFlowLogShow

  • BattlePlayerAIScoreCheckLogShow

  • BattlePlayerAITestFlow

  • BattlePlayerMoveSpeedInterpIn <InterpTimeCoeff>

  • BattlePlayerMoveSpeedInterpOut <InterpTimeCoeff>

  • BattlePlayerMoveTest <TestMode>

  • BattlePlayerMoveTurnToEnable <bEnable>

  • BattlePopupBalloon

  • BattlePositioningInfo

  • BattlePositioningMonster <Value>

  • BattlePositioningPlayer <Value>

  • BattlePreparationCameraDrawSphere

  • BattleRareDropCertainty

  • BattleResultDrop2000Lottery

  • BattleResultDropLog

  • BattleResultSkip

  • BattleRoundInfo

  • BattleSenseiKougeki <Value>

  • BattleSpeedMode <Value>

  • BattleSpeedModeParam <TimeDilation> <TimeDilationByVeryFast>

  • BattleStateInfo

  • BattleTateGuard <Value>

  • BattleTeleportInfo

  • BattleTextDebug_Action <ActionID> <TextType>

  • BattleTextDebug_OddEffect <OddEffectID> <TextType>

  • BattleTextDebug_SetTag <InCaster> <InTarget> <InDamage>

  • BattleTextDebug_TextID <TextID>

  • BattleTextInfo

  • BattleToubatuEffect <Value>

  • BattleTurnSkip <Value>

  • BattleVoiceInfo

  • BattleVoiceLanguage <Language>

  • BattleWin

  • BattleZoneInfo

  • BlockingLoadForceHighPriority

  • BoukenGuideIdDebugReset

  • BoukenGuideIdDebugSet <InBoukenGuideId>

  • BowgunGet

  • ChangePadModePS4

  • ChangePadModeVita

  • CharacterCaptureDebugMode <bShowInfo> <bShowTargetSize>

  • CharacterCaptureEnableFixedColor <bEnable>

  • CharacterCaptureSetFixedColor <Intensity>

  • CharacterCheatParameter <ParameterName> <ParameterValue>

  • CharacterCheatParameterInfo

  • CharacterCheatParameterMode <Mode>

  • CharacterCheatParameterReset <TargetCharacterName>

  • CheckAcquiredAchievementTrophyList

  • CheckRegion

  • ClearCameraFade

  • ClearFontCache

  • ClearInstallDummyResult

  • ClearPreloadMap

  • CloseMiniMap <bRemoveWidget> <bForceRemove>

  • CloseText

  • ClothAllEnabled <bEnabled>

  • ClothNPCEnabled <bEnabled>

  • CommandReceiverInfo

  • CopyMonsterLookUpDefeatLogs

  • Crash

  • CrashDumpTest

  • CutSceneFinish <InCSStart> <InCSEnd>

  • DebugAutoRun

  • DebugBGMVolume

  • DebugGameCamera

  • DebugLoadGame <SlotIndex>

  • DebugMenu

  • DebugMenuEnabled <bEnabled>

  • DebugMenuItemExec <MenuFullPath>

  • DebugSaveGame <SlotIndex>

  • DebugSpawnAllPartyCharacters

  • DebugVehicleMinimumSizeRadius <bOn>

  • DefragGPUResources

  • DestroyActorByName <Name>

  • DisableAchievementAcquisition <bDisable>

  • DisableBattlePhotoMode <bIsDisable>

  • DisableCharacterTickInterval <bDisable>

  • DisableCutSceneFixedDynamicResolution

  • DisableFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <AccessType>

  • DisableLoadReductionForNPC <bDisable>

  • DispersionEnable

  • DispersionInfo

  • DisplayAchievementInfo

  • DisplayCameraModeStack

  • DisplayCharacterComponentInfo <ComponentName>

  • DisplayCharacterInfo

  • DisplayCharacterTickIntervalInfo

  • DisplayChurchInfo

  • DisplayCoinInfo

  • DisplayDebugInfo

  • DisplayEOSCommandLine

  • DisplayEquipmentInfo

  • DisplayExecutedRenkeiInfo <bMonsterRenkei>

  • DisplayFukkatunojumonInfo

  • DisplayGCInfo

  • DisplayGamePlayerInfo

  • DisplayGamma <Gamma>

  • DisplayHasItemObjectInfo

  • DisplayInnInfo

  • DisplayInstallInfo

  • DisplayItemGetIcon <ItemID>

  • DisplayItemGettableObjectInfo

  • DisplayItemInfo

  • DisplayItemPresentInfo

  • DisplayKiraInfo

  • DisplayMapInfo

  • DisplayMedalInfo

  • DisplayModeSelectCameraInfo

  • DisplayNPCInfo <CharacterName>

  • DisplayNPCStat

  • DisplayPlayerCamera

  • DisplayPreloadInfo

  • DisplayPressedKeyName <bEnable>

  • DisplayRecipeBookInfo

  • DisplayRuraInfo

  • DisplaySQEXNGWordInfo

  • DisplaySaveDataInfo

  • DisplayShopInfo

  • DisplaySibariInfo

  • DisplaySoundDebugInfo <CharacterID>

  • DisplayTabiNoKokoroe <TabiNoKokoroeID>

  • DisplayTextIdInfo

  • DisplayTextMacroReplaceInfo

  • DisplayUIFukidasiIconInfo

  • DisplayUIMenuInfo

  • DisplayUIMenuList

  • DisplayUISelectedItem

  • DisplayUiStaffRollInfo

  • DisplayUiStaffRollWarningInfo

  • DisplayWeatherInfo

  • DisplayWorldInfo

  • DumpAssetNameSpecifiedVersion <UE4Version>

  • DumpAssetNumberEachVersion

  • DumpConsoleCommandsAll

  • DumpConsoleCommandsJack

  • DumpConsoleCommandsUE4

  • DumpDressupCoordinate

  • DumpFlag

  • DumpFukkatunojumonCommand <ScenarioNumber>

  • DumpMapSymbolInfo

  • DumpObjectCount <Type> <SearchWord>

  • DumpPlayerCoordinateInfo

  • DumpRedmineInfo

  • DumpReferencingObject <Name>

  • DynamicResolution

  • EmptyPCFootmark

  • EnableDisplayDebugLog <bEnable>

  • EnableFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <AccessType>

  • EnableP001Voice <bEnable>

  • Exec2DCasino <InGameName>

  • ExportSaveData

  • FindOnMemoryObject <Name>

  • FixedTimeStep30

  • FixedTimeStep60

  • FixupLooks

  • FlagLogOff <Slot>

  • FlagLogOn <Slot>

  • FlagLogPrint <Slot>

  • FootIKAllDisabled <bDisabled>

  • FootIKNPCDisabled <bDisabled>

  • ForceAcquireAchievementAll

  • ForceAcquireAchievementDirect

  • ForceAcquireAchievementDirect <AchievementID>

  • ForceAddDefeatMonsterCount <MonsterID> <AddCount>

  • ForceClearAchievementQueue

  • ForceClearedSecondPlaythrough <bFlag>

  • ForceCrash

  • ForceCutSceneDebug <bEnable>

  • ForceDebugBreak

  • ForceDepositGold <Gold>

  • ForceDisableNewMark <ItemID>

  • ForceDiscardBagAll

  • ForceDiscardItem <ItemID>

  • ForceDisplayFukidasi <FukidasiID>

  • ForceEquipItemAttach <CharacterType> <RegionType> <ItemID> <bUseAuto>

  • ForceEquipItemDetach <CharacterType> <RegionType>

  • ForceExchangeCoinItem <ExchangeId>

  • ForceExchangeMedalItem <ExchangeId>

  • ForceExchangeShopFlag <bFlag>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeAll <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeAllRandom

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRank <RecipeName> <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRankIndex <RecipeIndex> <Result>

  • ForceExperienceRecipeRankParts <PartsName> <Result>

  • ForceFukkatunojumon <PlayerName> <ScenarioProgress>

  • ForceFukkatunojumonDecode <InStr>

  • ForceFukkatunojumonEncode

  • ForceGC <bFullPurge>

  • ForceGarbageCollection <bFullPurge>

  • ForceGetItem <ItemID> <ItemCount>

  • ForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <ItemCount> <BagType>

  • ForceHaveStampPage4Flag <bFlag>

  • ForceHiddenNPC <bHidden> <Distance>

  • ForceLearningBrowsedRecipeBook <RecipeBookID>

  • ForceLearningBrowsedRecipeBookAcquiredAll

  • ForceLearningBrowsedRecipeBookAll

  • ForceLearningBrowsedRecipeBookForItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBook <RecipeBookID>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBookAll>

  • ForceLearningRecipeBookFItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceLossBrowsedRecipeBook

  • ForceLossBrowsedRecipeBookAll

  • ForceLossBrowsedRecipeBookForItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceLossRecipeBook <RecipeBookID>

  • ForceLossRecipeBookAll>

  • ForceLossRecipeBookFromItemId <ItemID>

  • ForceMapJumpDebug <bEnable>

  • ForceMoveItem <BagTypeDst> <BagTypeSrc> <Index> <ItemCount>

  • ForceParameterSettingPowerAwakening

  • ForceParameterSettingWhenBackToThePast

  • ForceReceiveItemPresent <DlcId>

  • ForceRecordExecuteMonsterRenkei <MonsterRenkeiID>

  • ForceRecordExecuteRenkei <RenkeiID>

  • ForceRecordRideMonsterVehicle <VehicleID>

  • ForceRemoveDefeatMonster <MonsterID>

  • ForceSavingBackToThePastInfo

  • ForceSetBattleCountBySwordAttack <Count>

  • ForceSetBattlePlayerAICalcScoreTimeMax <TimeMax>

  • ForceSetBattleVictoryCount <Count>

  • ForceSetBlowAwayMonsterCount <Count>

  • ForceSetCampCount <Count>

  • ForceSetCoinCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMetalMonsterTotalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMonsterTotalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetDefeatMonsterZukanCount <MonsterZukanID> <Count>

  • ForceSetEnableOverrideTranslationText

  • ForceSetHazukasiiNoroiTalkMessage <Index>

  • ForceSetHazukasiiNoroiTalkRate <Rate>

  • ForceSetInnStayCount <Count>

  • ForceSetItemGettableObjectFlag <ID> <bGetFlag>

  • ForceSetItemIndex <BagType> <DstIndex> <SrcIndex>

  • ForceSetItemTotalGetCount <ItemID> <Count>

  • ForceSetItemUseCount <ItemID> <Count>

  • ForceSetKaziCreatePlayCount <InCount>

  • ForceSetKaziRetryPlayCount <InCount>

  • ForceSetKiraReplacementSec <Seconds>

  • ForceSetMedalCount <Count>

  • ForceSetObjectDestructionCount <Count>

  • ForceSetPlaythrough <Through>

  • ForceSetQuestClearCount <Count>

  • ForceSetRenkeiUseCount <Count>

  • ForceSetSibariPlayDisplayFlag <bFlag>

  • ForceSetSibariPlayFlag <Type> <bFlag>

  • ForceSetTokugiUseCount <ActionID> <Count>

  • ForceSetUsoTalkMessage <Index>

  • ForceSetUsoWoTsukuTalkRate <Rate>

  • ForceSetWorldTime <Hour> <Min> <Sec> <bResetNPCSchedule>

  • FrameSkip

  • FrameTimeControl <Mode>

  • FreeCamera

  • FriendJoin <InName>

  • FriendLeave <InName>

  • FriendLeaveKeepItems <InName>

  • FusigiKaziGetNowGaugeValue>

  • FusigiKaziSetGaugeValue

  • FusigiKaziSetSuccessNum

  • FusigiKaziSetTemperature

  • GatherOnMemoryObject <StrAddr>

  • GetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName>

  • Gold <InGold>

  • GuestNpcJoin <InName>

  • GuestNpcLeave <InName>

  • GuestNpcWarp <InType>

  • HDVibration <Mode>

  • HPSet <InName> <NewHP>

  • HiddenActorByName <Name> <bHidden>

  • HiddenNPCBy <Distance>

  • HideScreenShotCopyright

  • ImportSaveData

  • IncrementalGC

  • JackHelp

  • JumonForget <InName>

  • JumonGet <InName>

  • KaziFlagSet <InFlag>

  • KeyConfigTest <bDefault>

  • KillOffMonsters

  • KillOffPlayers

  • LevelPause

  • LevelSet <InName> <InLevel>

  • LoadGame

  • LoadSavedGame

  • LoadSystem

  • LoadingTipsDebug <InTipsNo>

  • LoadingTipsSwitchTime <InTipsSwitchTime>

  • LoadingTipsView <InTipsNo>

  • LockAllAchievements

  • LogAssetInfo <AssetPath>

  • LogAssetList <AssetPath>

  • LogFNameList <bDumpNameHash>

  • LogItemPictorialBookInfo

  • LogLevelPackageInfo

  • LogLevelPackageList

  • LogMapStartPackageInfo <MapStartName>

  • LogMapStartPackageList <MapStartName>

  • LogMemoryPackageInfo

  • LogMemoryPackageList

  • LogNPCInfo <Mode>

  • LogPackageInfo <PackagePath>

  • LogPackageList <PackagePath>

  • LogShowTextMacroReplace

  • MPMax <InName>

  • MPSet <InName> <NewMP>

  • MSC <DebugCommandMacroShortCut>

  • MeasureLetterSize

  • MigrationOfSaveData

  • MonsterForceLotteryType <InLotteryType>

  • MonsterGeneratorEnabled

  • MonsterLotteryNumMax <InSpecifyCost>

  • MonsterSensorEnabled

  • MonsterSpawn <MonsterID>

  • MonsterSpawnNear

  • MonsterSpawnWithSubstance <MonsterID> <SubstanceId>

  • MusicDirectLoadMode

  • MuteAudio

  • Muteki <InName> <bEnabled>

  • NotUnlockUE4Achievements <bIsProhibit>

  • OddEffectClear <OddEffectID> <TargetName>

  • OddEffectClearBad <TargetName>

  • OddEffectClearBattleEnd

  • OddEffectClearGood <TargetName>

  • OddEffectInfo

  • OddEffectSet <OddEffectID> <TargetName>

  • OddEffectSetBad <TargetName>

  • OddEffectSetGood <TargetName>

  • OddEffectSetTakusan <TargetName>

  • OpenImeNameEntry

  • OpenMiniMap

  • OpenPresentCodeInputScreen

  • OpenProductBrowse <DlcId>

  • Output2DGameDataText

  • OutputGameDataText

  • PackagesLoadList <Search>

  • ParticleInfo

  • PartyTalkCameraSetting

  • PartyTalkFriendJoin <InType>

  • PartyTalkTestTalk <InTextNo>

  • PauseActorByName <Name> <bPause>

  • PauseItemGettableObject <bPause>

  • PerchMovement <bEnable>

  • PhotoModeDebugSavePath <InSavePath>

  • PhotoModeErrorTest <ErrorNo>

  • PhotoMode_CameraReturnDisable

  • PhotoMode_CameraReturnEnable

  • PhotoMode_CharacterEnter

  • PhotoMode_CharacterHeadLookAt

  • PhotoMode_CharacterHeadLookAtEnd

  • PhotoMode_CharacterLeave

  • PhotoMode_CharacterLookAt

  • PhotoMode_DispDebugInfo

  • PhotoMode_DispRelocateCharaDistance

  • PhotoMode_DispRelocateRadius

  • PhotoMode_PlayCharacterEmotion <EmotionName>

  • PhotoMode_PlayCharacterEmotionDebug

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentCharaDistance <InDistance>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentCharaShift <InShift>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentType <InType>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentWtypeCharaDepth <InDepth>

  • PhotoMode_SetAlignmentWtypeCharaDistance <InDepth>

  • PhotoMode_SetHiddenCharacter <bInHidden>

  • PhotoMode_SetLookAtType <InType>

  • PhotoMode_SetRelocateCharaDistance <InDistance>

  • PhotoMode_SetRelocateRadius <InRadius>

  • PhotoMode_StopCharacterEmotion

  • PhotoMode_TeleportCharacter <InX> <InY> <InZ> <InYaw>

  • PlatformSpecificText <InText>

  • Play2DMovie <InCutSceneID>

  • PlayEffect <ParticlePath>

  • PlayerMakerUpdateOnTeleport <bEnable>

  • PreloadExclusionBP_UN

  • PreloadExclusionMode <InMode>

  • PreloadLog

  • PreloadMap <MapStartName>

  • PreloadMemoryLog <InAutoTimer>

  • PreloadOnOff

  • PreloadOutPutLog

  • PreloadStopWatchStart <KeyName>

  • PreloadStopWatchStop <KeyName>

  • PreloadSubLevelFastMode <InMode>

  • PrintFontList

  • PrintLetters

  • PrintSimpleText <InTextId>

  • PrintSimpleTextArgs <ParamList> <ParamList>

  • PrintText <InTextId>

  • PrintTextArgs <ParamList> <ParamList>

  • QuestParamaterLogOutput <bOnlyValidData>

  • QuestProgressSet <QuestId> <ProgressFlag>

  • RandInfo

  • RandomEncountImmediately

  • ReacquiredJackUE4Achievement <InCategory> <InCondition>

  • RecoverAll <bRevive>

  • RefreshItemGettableObject

  • RefreshMonsterDeploy

  • RemoveFlagBreakPoint <FlagCategory> <FlagName>

  • RemoveScenario

  • RenkeiAvailable

  • RenkeiCutInFastestTimeZero

  • RenkeiFormationView

  • RenkeiSpectacleShowResult <Value>

  • ResetFlags <FlagCategory>

  • ResetGamePlayerCondition

  • ResetSteamAchievement

  • RiremitoJump <InJumpTag>

  • RootMotionDisabled <bDisabled>

  • RunMacro <DebugCommandMacro>

  • RunRate <PlayRate>

  • RuraDebugCheck <bStart>

  • RuraJump <InJumpTag>

  • SakusenSet <InName> <SakusenName>

  • SaveGame

  • SaveGame2D <SlotIndex>

  • SaveMapJourney

  • SaveSystem

  • SerifuWindowInvisible <bInvisible>

  • SetAchievedSibariSetting <Index> <bEnable>

  • SetAchievementForcedUnlockFlag <IsForcedFlag>

  • SetActorHiddenInGame <PatternStr>

  • SetActorNotHiddenInGame <PatternStr>

  • SetActorRotation <Roll> <Pitch> <Yaw>

  • SetAutoCaptionInterval <TimeSec>

  • SetAutomaticFeedOfSpeechEnable <bEnable>

  • SetAutomaticFeedOfSpeechShowUIInterval <TimeSec>

  • SetBGMOrchestraDiscVersion <bIsOrchestra>

  • SetCSBatchArray <FilePath>

  • SetCharacterFixedTickIntervalDistance <bEnable> <Distance1Int> <Distance2Int>

  • SetControlRotation <CameraRoll> <CameraPitch> <CameraYaw>

  • SetControlledCharacterType <CharacterType>

  • SetCutSceneAutomaticFeedOfSpeechIntervalInLoopVoice <TimeSec>

  • SetCutSceneAutomaticFeedOfSpeechIntervalInText <TimeSec>

  • SetCutSceneAutomaticFeedOfSpeechIntervalInVoice <TimeSec>

  • SetCutSceneOneLetterInterval <TimeSec>

  • SetDecideButtonIsRightSide <bRightSide>

  • SetEditionType <InEditionType>

  • SetEnabledLiveStreaming <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledScreenShot <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledSharePlay <bEnable>

  • SetEnabledVideoRecording <bEnable>

  • SetEncountEnabled <bEnabled>

  • SetFlag <FlagCategory> <FlagName> <Value>

  • SetFollowingCharactersActionCursorType <Index>

  • SetFollowingFriendCharactersAnimationType <Index>

  • SetFukkatuNoJumon <InTitle>

  • SetGCInterval <Interval>

  • SetGameplayTime <GameplayTime>

  • SetGraphicsOption <AntiAliasingQuality> <PostProcessingQuality> <ShadowQuality> <TextureQuality> <VisualEffectQuality> <FoliageQuality> <FrameRateLimit> <bVSyncEnabled> <WindowMode> <ScreenPercentage> <ScreenX> <ScreenY>

  • SetHiddenFollowingFriendCharacterByCharacterType <CharacterType> <bHidden>

  • SetHiddenFollowingFriendCharacters <bHidden>

  • SetInstallDummyResult <Result>

  • SetKeyboardType <KeyboardType>

  • SetMapVisit <InMapVolumeID> <InVisited>

  • SetMiniMapVisible <bVisible>

  • SetModeSelectCameraPlayWait <InValue>

  • SetModeSelectCameraWait <InValue>

  • SetMonsterOptimize <bEnabled>

  • SetNamaeInputOffsetX <InOffset>

  • SetNextLanguageType <Language>

  • SetOffAchievementMessage <bOn>

  • SetOffTutorialMessage <bOn>

  • SetPlayerCameraDataArmLength <ArmLengthMin> <ArmLengthMax>

  • SetPlayerCameraLightDisable <bDisable>

  • SetPlayerCameraRotateSpeedRateForPlayerMovement <Rate>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedId <ID>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamAddPitchInputMaxSpeedRate <Rate>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamAddPitchInputSpeed <ID>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamAddYawInputMaxSpeedRate <Rate>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamAddYawInputSpeed <ID>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamDowntoChangeSpeedRateByPlayerMovement <Rate>

  • SetPlayerCameraSpeedIdParamUptoChangeSpeedRateByPlayerMovement <ID>

  • SetPlayerName <PlayerName>

  • SetSaveLoadForceFailResult <InForceFailResult>

  • SetSeisui

  • SetShareEnable <bEnable>

  • SetTextLogEnabled <bEnabled>

  • SetTitleDelayTime <InTime>

  • SetTitleFadeTime <InTime>

  • SetToherosu

  • SetUseDQ8BGM <bIsUseDQ8BGM>

  • SetVoiceLanguage <Language>

  • SetWaitChangingMEToBGMDefault <bIsWait>

  • SetWorldMapVisible <bVisible>

  • ShowBehaviorNGCutScene

  • ShowClothCollisions

  • ShowCutSceneMovieTimelineInfo

  • ShowCutSceneTextureLoadInfo

  • ShowFlagBreakPoints

  • ShowGuestFollowTargetLine

  • ShowLastBehaviorName

  • ShowMonsterGeneratorInfo

  • ShowMonsterSensor

  • ShowMonsterSymbolInfo

  • ShowParticleEffectComponentInWorldSettings

  • ShowPartyTalkSafeAreaInfo

  • ShowPartyTalkSafeAreaLine

  • ShowPartyTalkingSafeArea

  • ShowRandomEncountInfo

  • Slomo3x

  • SlomoDown

  • SlomoReset

  • SlomoUp

  • SpawnActor <Class>

  • StartCSAutoMovieCapture

  • StopCSAutoMovieCapture

  • StopLoadingScreen

  • StreamedObjectsToBeResident

  • TabiNoKokoroeTaughtFlagSet <TabiNoKokoroeID> <bNewFlag>

  • TeleportLocation <X> <Y> <Z>

  • TeleportMapStart

  • TenseiCheck <Mode>

  • TenseiTest <TenseiId>

  • TestDressupCoordinate

  • ToggleAutoSaveEnabled

  • ToggleDisplayRuby

  • ToggleHandheldBoostMode

  • ToggleReturnToAutoSaveVolumeEnable

  • ToggleSaveLoadForceFailMode

  • TokugiClose <TokugiPanelID> <bConsumePoint>

  • TokugiOpen <TokugiPanelID> <bConsumePoint>

  • TokugiPoint <TargetCharacter> <Point>

  • TraceCutSceneDynamicResolutionLog

  • TraceCutSceneMatineeInfo

  • TraceCutScenePerformanceLog

  • TrialAchievementTest <bIsTrialTest>

  • TryLoadAsset <AssetPath>

  • TryLoadLevel <LevelPath>

  • TryLoadPackage <PackagePath>

  • UpdateFollowingFriendCharacters <bRelocation>

  • UpdatePackageStatus

  • UpdatePartyFromCutScene

  • ValidateMemory <Type>

  • VehicleSpawn <VehicleName>

  • WaitVoiceMessageForCS <bEnable>

  • ZoneEnable

  • ZoneKeepRemainTurn <Value>

  • ZonePoint <Value>

Some commands may be exclusive to the Definitive Edition version of the game.

2D Mode Specific Commands

  • TripleAchievementListLogOutput

  • TripleBattleBukiGuard <Kind>

  • TripleBattleCommandAIActionPattern <Index0> <Index1> <Index2> <Index3> <Index4> <Index5>

  • TripleBattleCommandAIInfo

  • TripleBattleCommandAIReset

  • TripleBattleCommandAISetActionNo <GroupIndex> <Index> <ActionNo>

  • TripleBattleCommandAISetConfuseKindMonster <GroupIndex> <Index> <Kind>

  • TripleBattleCommandAISetConfuseKindPlayer <PlayerId> <Kind>

  • TripleBattleCommandAISetSlotNo <GroupIndex> <Index> <SlotNo>

  • TripleBattleCounter <Kind>

  • TripleBattleCritical <Flag>

  • TripleBattleDeadMonster <GroupIndex> <Index>

  • TripleBattleDeadPlayer <PlayerIdNum>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterForceDropMonster <Flag>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterForceFirstAttack <Kind>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterForceMetal <Flag>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterForceTensei <Flag>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterReset

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterSet <MonsterID> <Num>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterSet2 <MonsterID0> <Num0> <MonsterID1> <Num1>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterSet3 <MonsterID0> <Num0> <MonsterID1> <Num1> <MonsterID2> <Num2>

  • TripleBattleEncountMonsterSet4 <MonsterID0> <Num0> <MonsterID1> <Num1> <MonsterID2> <Num2> <MonsterID3> <Num3>

  • TripleBattleHazukasiiNoroiSetMessage <Index>

  • TripleBattleLose

  • TripleBattleMikawasi <Kind>

  • TripleBattleMiss <Flag>

  • TripleBattleMitoreru <Kind>

  • TripleBattleNigeru <Kind>

  • TripleBattleOddEffect <Kind>

  • TripleBattleSenseiKougeki <Kind>

  • TripleBattleTateGuard <Kind>

  • TripleBattleTurnSkip <Kind>

  • TripleDisplayCoinInfo

  • TripleExecAutoSave

  • TripleExecDTCommand <Category> <Value1> <Value2> <Cmd>

  • TripleExecReincarnation <ReincarnationId>

  • TripleExecRevival <RevivalId>

  • TripleForceAcquireAchievement <AchievementID>

  • TripleForceAcquireAchievementAll

  • TripleForceAddCasinoCoinNum <Num>

  • TripleForceAddSmallMedalNum <Num>

  • TripleForceDiscardItem <ItemID>

  • TripleForceGetItem <ItemID> <Num>

  • TripleForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <Num>

  • TripleForceLearningRecipeBookAll

  • TripleForceLearningRecipeBookFromItemId <ItemID>

  • TripleForceRecordExecuteRenkei <RenkeiID>

  • TripleForceRecordRideMonster <EnemyID>

  • TripleForceSetCampCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetDefeatMonsterCount <MonsterID> <Count>

  • TripleForceSetDefeatMonsterZukanCount <MonsterZukanID> <Count>

  • TripleForceSetFusigikajiCreatedFlag <ItemID> <Flag>

  • TripleForceSetFusigikajiPlayCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetFusigikajiRetryCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetFusigikajiSuccessCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetGrassItemUseCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetInnStayCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetObjectDestructionCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetRenkeiUseCount <Num>

  • TripleForceSetSibariPlayFlag <Kind> <Valid>

  • TripleFriendJoin <PlayerIdNum>

  • TripleFriendLeave <PlayerIdNum>

  • TripleGold <AddNum>

  • TripleHpSet <CharaID> <HP>

  • TripleLevelSet <CharaID> <Lv>

  • TripleMpSet <CharaID> <MP>

  • TripleMugenMP <Kind>

  • TripleOddEffectClearBadMonster <GroupIndex> <Index>

  • TripleOddEffectClearBadPlayer <PlayerIdNum>

  • TripleOddEffectClearGoodMonster <GroupIndex> <Index>

  • TripleOddEffectClearGoodPlayer <PlayerIdNum>

  • TripleOutputGameDataText

  • TripleOutputManagerAddr

  • TripleOutputVersion

  • TriplePrintText <InTextId>

  • TriplePrintTextArgs <ParamList> <ParamList>

  • TripleQuestProgressSetEnd <QuestId>

  • TripleReturnTitle

  • TripleRunRate <Rate>

  • TripleRuraShowAll

  • TripleSenrekiAndTabinokokoroeOpenAll

  • TripleSetBattleVictory <Count>

  • TripleSetGameplayTime <Sec>

  • TripleSetTalker <InNpcId>

  • TripleSetTalkerName <InNpcName>

  • TripleSkillJumonOpen <SkillJumonID>

  • TripleSkillOpen <SkillID>

  • TripleSkillOpen2 <SkillID> <PlayerId>

  • TripleSkillPassiveOpen <SkillPassiveID>

  • TripleTimeZoneInfo

  • TripleTimeZoneMoveToNext

  • TripleTimeZoneOverride <Timezone>

  • TripleTrophiesCompleteWait <bIsWaitMode>

  • TripleTrophiesNew <InTestNumber>

  • TripleTrophiesReacquiredUE4Achievement

  • TripleWeatherSet <Kind>

Common Debug Commands

  • ce ExecuteUbergraph_Common_Debug <EntryPoint>

  • ce CustomEvent_1

  • ce CustomEvent_2

  • ce CustomEvent_3

  • ce CustomEvent_4

  • ce DisplayStates <String>

  • ce PlayMe

  • ce HiddenMapStartIcon

  • ce KesinArrow <Visible>

  • ce AddDebugMenuDeployChange

  • ce MapJumpBeginPlay

  • ce TextRenderVisible <Visible>

  • ce SetDebugWeather <SetWeather>

  • ce ReceiveBeginPlay

  • ce ReceiveTick <DeltaSeconds>

  • ce SetForcePLJump

  • ce Skip2ndSetTimeProc

  • ce SetMurabitoCoordinate

  • ce DebugStabilizePose

  • ce DebugMapJumpMenuFromPL_DebugStart

  • ce DebugUso

  • ce DebugSetControlledPlayer <InType>

  • ce SetPafuPafuRandom <Random>

  • ce S020AllMissionClear <Flag>

  • ce DebugActorClassList <Value1>

  • ce DebugActorDestroyClass <ActorClass>

  • ce DebugPrintActorDisplayName <ActorClass>

  • ce DebugActorDestroy <DisplayName>

  • ce ClearTimePauseMax

  • ce DebugGetAchievement

  • ce ForceReturnTitle

  • ce SetStreamingCheckStatus

  • ce CheckVisibleOff

  • ce CheckStreamingOff

  • ce DispClearedName

  • ce SetClearedName

  • ce DebugDebugOff <CommonDebugOff>

  • ce DispSkyBaseInfo

  • ce DebugSibari

  • ce DebugWeatherCompEnable

  • ce DebugAllDoorClose

  • ce StartCutsceneBeforeLoad <CSID>

  • ce SetAutoCameraCollision

  • ce ForceAutoSave

  • ce RenkeiTestSettings

  • ce RunProcessFriendJoinC010

  • ce RunProcessBackingToThePast

  • ce SetEnvQuality <LOD>

  • ce ResetPlayerCoordinateEvent

  • ce DebugPlayerCoordinateEvent <CostumeID>

  • ce HoukaiToClearSky

  • ce DebugFadeReset

  • ce StreamingEditFullLoad

  • ce NpcJump <UNID>

  • ce DebugSenaShortHair

  • ce TalkEscape

  • ce StreamingEdit

  • ce CsFriendCheck <Scenario>

  • ce OnFinishLoadAsync_Event_1 <SlotIndex>

  • ce ReturnToAutoSave

  • ce StaticMeshCollisionAutoCheck

  • ce LightBuildLevelAutoCheck

  • ce BatchCsStart

  • ce BatchCsStartURL <TextURL>

  • ce BatchCsPlay <CSID>

  • ce BatchCsFirst

  • ce BatchCsEndLoop

  • ce DebugRescureJump

  • ce DebugCSPlay <CutsceneLevelName>

  • ce DebugMapJumpNear

  • ce DebugRescue

  • ce DebugFullReload <MapStartTag>

  • ce DebugFullLoad <MapStartTag>

  • ce DebugScenarioSettingForPerformanceTest

  • ce DebugMapJump <MapStartTag>

  • ce DebugSetRestartPoint <RestartPointID>

  • ce AddDebugMenuCutViewer

  • ce DebugCSViewer

  • ce DebugMapJumpMenu

  • ce DebugCSMenu_Old

  • ce DebugCSMenu

  • ce DebugDestoryMonsterPop

  • ce AddDebugArrow <ActorClass>

  • ce DebugDispItemBox

  • ce DebugTimeSkip

  • ce DebugTimeSkipSuper <Enable>

  • ce DebugAddTime <Time>

  • ce DebugCSSkip

  • ce DebugMapJumpEnable

  • ce DebugCSHiddenOff <Param>

  • ce DebugCSHiddenOn <Param>

  • ce DebugPartyHiddenControl <Param>

  • ce DebugCSCoordinate <Param>

  • ce DebugCSWeapon <Param>

  • ce DebugEncount

  • ce DebugUnvisible <NewParam>

  • ce DebugVisible <NewParam>

  • ce DebugNpcAllSetCoordinate <Coordinate>

  • ce DebugNpcAllRespawnByClasss <Class>

  • ce DebugUnload <NewParam>

  • ce DebugLoad <NewParam>

  • ce SetMapJumpIgnorePL_DebugStart

  • ce StopMapJumpPerformanceTest

  • ce SetMapJumpLogWait <MapJumpLogWait>

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTestRenzokuNCC <MapStartName>

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTestRenzoku <MapStartName>

  • ce DebugAutoPlayBattle

  • ce MapChangeFinishDelegate_Event <CurrentMapStart>

  • ce SetMapJumpSS

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTestInitialize

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTestScenario <MapStartName>

  • ce SetScenarioProgress

  • ce SetPreloadWait <WaitTime>

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTestCore

  • ce MapJumpPerformanceTest <MapStartName>

  • ce CutsceneTextureTestOmoideSection <Section>

  • ce SetCutscenePerformanceDispPosition <DispPosition>

  • ce CutscenePerformanceTestSection <Section>

  • ce SetCutscenePerformanceLoopCSID <CSID>

  • ce CutsceneTextureTestOmoide <CutSceneID>

  • ce CutscenePerformanceTestOmoide <CutSceneID>

  • ce CutscenePerformanceTest <Start>

  • ce SetForceSkipTimeForCSPerformanceTest <ForceSkipTime>

  • ce ForceOmoideClose

  • ce CutscenePerformanceTestCore

  • ce MapJumpEndPlay

  • ce StartCutSceneCharacterSettingAfter <CSID>

  • ce EndCutSceneFadInBefore <CSID>

  • ce StartCutSceneFadeOutAfter <CSID>

  • ce EndCutSceneBeforeUnload <CSID>

  • ce EndCutScene <CSID>

  • ce StartCutScene <CSID>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_NumPadSix_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_60 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Six_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_61 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_PageUp_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_62 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Multiply_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_63 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt+Shift_NumPadNine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_64 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt+Shift_Nine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_65 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Decimal_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_66 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadTwo_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_67 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Two_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_68 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadNine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_69 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Nine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_70 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_NumPadZero_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_71 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_Zero_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_72 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_NumPadNine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_73 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_NumPadEight_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_74 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_Nine_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_75 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_Eight_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_76 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Multiply_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_77 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_NumPadSix_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_78 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Six_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_79 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_NumPadTwo_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_80 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Two_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_81 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Slash_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_82 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Divide_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_83 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_NumPadOne_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_84 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_One_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_85 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_Seven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_86 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Alt_NumPadSeven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_87 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Eight_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_88 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Seven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_89 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadSeven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_90 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadOne_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_91 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_One_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_92 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadThree_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_93 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Three_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_94 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Four_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_95 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadFour_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_96 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Five_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_97 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadFive_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_98 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadSix_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_99 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Six_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_100 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Seven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_101 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_NumPadSeven_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_102 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadEight_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_103 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Eight_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_104 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Period_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_105 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl+Shift_Add_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_106 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_NumPadZero_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_107 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Zero_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_108 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_H_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_109 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Slash_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_110 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Divide_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_111 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Period_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_112 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Comma_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_113 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Comma_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_114 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Add_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_115 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Subtract_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_116 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_Subtract_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_117 <Key>

  • ce InpActEvt_Ctrl_B_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_118 <Key>

  • ce MakeStreamingData <InData>

  • ce PartyID to CharacterEnum <ID>

  • ce GetCanEquipTable <WeaponID>

  • ce GetNearMapStart <Temp_int_Array_Index_Variable>

  • ce SearchNextMapstartByCategory <MapIDCategory>

  • ce GetUniueMapStartByStreamingStatus <UniqueMapStart> <UniqueMapStart>

  • ce SearchNextMapStart <SearchMapStart>

  • ce SetAllCsFlag <Temp_int_Array_Index_Variable>

  • ce SetAllGuideFlag <Temp_int_Array_Index_Variable>

  • ce SetDebugTimeZone Pattern

  • ce GetPrevCSID CSID

These functions are mostly untested, some may not work at all.

Unlisted Commands:

  • TestPlayerDash <InDashSpeedMult>

Modding Information & Tutorials

Presets and other configurations to get the best visuals/performance from XI S: INI Tweaks

Getting started using the dev console

Unlocking the Console
Using the Console [Tutorials]

Getting started with modding

  • Check out our curated list of Essential Mods for XI S!

  • Or browse our Mods Directory to find mods by category!

  • Want to experience XI/XI S in VR? Check out the DQXI-VR page for information! (unfinished)

Modding Tutorials

In-game IDs & reference material