Channels & Videos

Basic Modding Tutorial by WitherFox

WitherFox helps walk newcomers through the process of installing mods for the first time.

Ultrawide Tutorial by Zak Goble

Another simple tutorial format video, this time slightly more advanced showing off how to install the patch to set up DQXI-S for Ultrawide configurations.

Spryokid's Channel

Spyrokid is a frequent Dragon Quest content creator and livestreamer! They show off a lot of mods and have some of the most entertaining DQXI-S clips out there.

(They even create a number of their own mods!)

Follow them on Youtube or Twitch


The founder of the modern Dragon Quest XI modding community. While they post the most frequently on their Twitter [left], they also maintain an active presence on Youtube as well.


Known for doing challenge runs, Malvis here has done some modded playthroughs of Dragon Quest XI S with the goal of making their life as difficult as possible.

We don't know how they did it (actually we do), but they managed to beat the entire game with only 1HP! Even Act 4 as well!

That 1 Place Behind The Bush

Another frequent poster of Dragon Quest Modding content. They've partnered with various modding community members to showcase the latest updates to their projects.