Q: What is this place?

A: This is the resources site for the Yggdrasil Dragon Quest Modding Community. For more details, see our homepage

Q: What is the difference between the original (OG) Dragon Quest XI and Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition (DE)?

A: There are quite a lot of differences. Some big, some small. See this page for more details.

Q: How are mods installed on Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition?

A: Almost all mods are distributed using the .pak file format. Paks are a specially-encrypted archive (like a ".zip" or ".rar" file) which contains a directory structure of game assets.

To install these, simply drag-and-drop and drop a pak file into <installation_directory>\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Game\Content\Paks, where <installation_directory> is the location your game is installed. The default will depend on what platform you own the game on.

  • For Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common

  • For Epic Games Store: C:\Program Files\Epic Games

  • For Xbox GamePass / Microsoft Store: See the guide here

Q: Where can I find mods for Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition?

A: Most mods can be found on the DQXI-S NexusMods page. Any mods that are hosted elsewhere are also listed on our Mods Directory page, which is updated periodically and sorts mods by category.

Q: Where can I find mods for the original (OG) Dragon Quest XI: Digitial Edition of Light?

A: Mods can be found on the DQXI (OG) NexusMods page.

Q: I own Dragon Quest XI on another platform -- is there any way to transfer my save?

A: Quite possibly. This depends on the platform and version of the game --> there is a full guide available here.

Q: I own the international version of Dragon Quest XI S. Is there any way to play with Japanese text and subtitles?

A: Yes, there is a mod which will allow you to play in Japanese.

Q: Is there ultrawide support for Dragon Quest XI / Dragon Quest XI S?

A: For the original (OG) version, there is a patched .exe . For Definitive Edition (DE), there is a workaround

Both work reasonably well but have limitations.