DQ Sites & Resources

Recommended DQ community websites & resources

The premier website and community for international fans of Dragon Quest X.

If you speak English and want to play this legendary MMO, this is the place to go! They have amazing guides, resources, communities and tools to help you get started!

One of the oldest DQ communities around. Has a wealth of information, resources, files, etc as they relate to older Dragon Quest (better known as Dragon Warrior around those parts).

Headed by Woodus, this is a group of OG Dragon Quest fans that will talk your ear off about the good 'ole days of Enix of America.

The whole site has a very retro late-90s, early-2000s feel. So many older fans will feel right at home!

Though not an exclusively Dragon Quest-focused resource. This Wiki contains a wealth of information far more in-depth and (otherwise) obscure than you will find elsewhere.

This site is all in Japanese though. Better brush up on your Japanese or prepare to use Google Translate!