Here's a written guide on how you can experience DQXIS in VR! 

Note: this is purely for experimental purposes and not recommended for real gameplay. This can be graphically expensive to accomplish, officially unsupported and still very buggy, follow this guide at your own risk :)


You will need:

METHOD 2 (not recommended) : VorpX

You will need:

Installing DQXIS-SDK

The first thing you need in order to try DQXI S in VR is to have DQXIS-SDK installed. This is a necessity for modding this game in general, as it provides various fixes and functionality such as access to the debug console. The main reason we need it is for it's optional first person mode, which allows you to move around and play the game (outside of battle) in first person perspective.

After downloading the files from the above github link:

"To install just extract xinput1_3.dll & DQXIS-SDK.ini into your steamapps\common\DRAGON QUEST XI S\Game\Binaries\Win64\ folder."

Enabling First Person Mode

Packages with DQXIS-SDK is a configuration (ini) file named DQXIS-SDK.ini, to enable the first person camera you will need to open this in a text editor of your choosing, I personally always recommend notepad++.

The settings to pay attention to are under the level heading FirstPerson, I recommend these values:

UseWherever = trueUseMovableCamera = trueHideMinimap = trueMovableCameraHeight = 64

After applying this configuration, you should be able to switch to first person in game with the N key or the middle click button in normal gameplay. This works in both normal and VR gameplay.


From the Releases page on praydog's github:

Extract the to a folder of your choice, then:

I tested this to work nearly flawlessly straight away using this method. The one thing I would endeavor to change is to add a controller binding for N on the keyboard, so that autorun isn't triggered when you use first person.


The profile I used initially I believe was the Conarium profile. Unfortunately it's been a few years since I started this guide and the specifics for setting this up as I did have been lost to me. I do not recommend buying this software and attempting this for yourself unless for whatever reason UEVR really doesn't work for you.

Example Videos

As with all VR gameplay videos, these are not indicative of the actual first hand experience, but you can judge the performance for yourself!

UEVR (out-of-box)

From 10 Jan 2024

VorpX (custom profile)

From 22 Sep 2021