Essential Mods [Definitive Edition]

A list of broadly recommended mods that:

  • Expand upon and enhance the vanilla experience (no "overhaul" mods or those that drastically change aspects of the playing experience)

  • Improve accessibility and/or quality-of-life (QoL)

This list is NOT:

  • An objective list of "best" mods

  • A list of the "most popular" mods

Project Rebuild - Player Models by Link4565

An essential mod made by Link4565 with help from the Yggdrasil community. This mod is required for most character outfit mods and is designed to bring Definitive Edition in line with the original game graphically.

Currently includes:

Original Edition models for all party members - 3x the detail!
Original Edition textures - enabling the use of Original Edition mod ports!

Project Rebuild - NPC Models by Link4565

Another continuation of the Yggdrasil community's 'project rebuild', this module restores the original high quality character models for NPCs. It is highly recommended that at the very least you install this and the above module to improve as much of the game's character models as possible. Like the above, this may be a hard requirement for other mods.

Project Rebuild - Equipment by Tellah9

Yet another project rebuild mod, this one aims to restore the highest quality weapons and equipment from the original game. Currently includes all weapons except

whips as of the time of writing.

Grass and Foliage Improvements by kmxn & mike9k1

A patch containing new models to provide denser and better-lit grass, trees and more!
Not a whole lot else we can say about it - great for screenshots and great to recapture some of that lost original version magic!

Originally (and somewhat controversially) entitled 'echoes of an elusive lawnmower', this new mod supersedes the original and improves upon the grass mesh further!

Environmental Objects and Geometry Improvements

Another patch to improve various environmental objects and map geometry. Not a lot else can be said about this one, but check out the images on the page for examples!

Smoother Animations by mike9k1

This mod fixes the interpolation of several bugged combat animations - for whatever reason interpolation is disabled for these, giving them a stop motion kind of look - to reach a consistent and 'smoooooooooooth' animation framerate.

  • Hendrik: Novice Knight

  • Hero: Hooded Hero

  • Erik: Viking

All Appearance Options by mike9k1

A mod that adds every missing character appearance to the in-game menu as selectable costume. Also included is an option by kmxn which makes the added costumes unlockable through gameplay.


All MMA Masks
Hooded Fugitive for Hero and Erik
Viking Outfit for Erik
Clown Clothes for Rab and Hendrik
Knight Uniform for Hendrik
and more...

Serena Act 2.5 by Zeronidus

A mod designed to bring back Serena's awakened power from the original ending timeline whenever your levels are restored in Haven's Above during the postgame. This mod restores Serena's lost skill trees, re-enables the use of Whips and Staves and even allows Serena's stats to scale as they would in 'Act 2'. It is clean, easy to install and uninstall, and opens a lot of opportunities for party building in the post game. A real must-have mod for party planners and fans of Serena!

Dynamic Lighting Adjustments by mike9k1

Made with improving the lighting environments in game in mind, this mod is designed to work in tandem with an ini mod to alter the game's values for light propagation volume, ambient occlusion, bloom, distance fields, light tiles, culling, tone mapper and more!


It;s a frickin' lighting overhaul. If you're into that kinda stuff, go get it!

4k Upscaled Textures by mike9k1

A plethora of AI-enhanced textures for characters, npcs, environments, objects and more! For those chasing only the highest fidelity DQXI experience! Perfect for DQXI-VR...

4k 60fps Prerendered Cutscenes by mike9k1

Why stop there? mike9k1 sure didn't! If you thought upscaling the textures wasn't enough for your eyeballs then here's the cinematic cutscenes upscaled as well!

Alternate Button Prompts by mike9k1

Pretty self-explanatory. Another THREE mods by our own mike9k1! These aim to replace the default generic gamepad/xbox button prompts with either PS4, Switch or PC (kb&m) button prompts. Abslutely essential if you play with a PS or switch controller or struggle to remember the default PC controls like me.

Higher-Quality Music by mike9k1

The original soundtrack of the game, but remastered and resampled by mike9k1, the undisputed king of the essential mods list!

KX Tools by kmxn

A collection of tools/cheat tables maintained by our own komodoxeno, designed to enhance gameplay/modding experiences.

Currently Included:
Ansel Anywhere - a cheat table for NVIDIA card users, will enable the use of Ansel's photomode in cutscenes, pep powers and more!
The Fugitive - a cheat table for those wearing the Fugitive costume: allows users to put their hood up and down with a keybind when entering a new location

screenshot taken with NVIDIA Ansel

KX Gameplay Tweaks by kmxn

Find it annoying to have your party members following you all the time? Do they constantly get in the way when you're trying to go about town?

Or perhaps you're the type that gets lonely when your party members refuse to follow you into buildings?

Well, this mod allows you to disable followers entirely OR make them persistent throughout the whole game. Never be pestered (or lonely) ever again!

Seamless Cutscenes by mike9k1

A simple mod that makes the auto-advance cutscenes option work much better. When used (by pressing "i" on your keyboard during a cutscene), dialogue and actions will flow much more naturally. You can just sit back and enjoy the cutscenes the way they were intended.

This mod also includes a much faster skip feature, meaning that if you just want to skip through a cutscene for whatever reason, you no longer need to hold the button down and can just tap to skip instead.

Sky and Sea Map Adjustments by mike9k1

An overhaul of the game's Sky and Sea traversal.

This mod adds numerous landing points, making the world feel much more connected, and adjusts encounters at Sea to be much less tedious.