A comprehensive list of all modding tools known to work with DQXI
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NOTE: a more up-to-date list of tools can always be found in our discord server!

For Users

This tool mainly enables the command console on Definitive Edition and allows the game to read loose files for mods and mod testing purposes. It also comes with a few other features, such as adding new keybinds for missing features like first person camera and the ability to load debug content.

Similar to the above tool, this enables the console and allows loose file mods to be loaded in the original (OG) version of the game.

Essentially DQXIHook ported for Definitive Edition. While far less robust than its successor, DQXIS-SDK, it also supports the demo version, which DQXI-SDK does not.

UUU alters the game at runtime, allowing you to use console commands and a more user-friendly freecam, as well as a few other features that may be of use to you. This tool is optional, since enabling the console can be accomplished with the easier and superior DQXIS-SDK and DQXIHook mods.

For more information about save conversions between platforms, see the Steam guide by TAS

For Advanced Users

Allows users to find and troubleshoot conflicts between multiple installed mods by listing every file override.

Allows users to customize certain features of mods by unpacking them and pulling individual assets to be loaded separately. 

For Modders

The most important tool in your arsenal as it pertains to modding UE4 games, this is the only program capable of cooking native UE4 assets the way they were meant to be made. We have a customized version built from source here that allows us to recreate outlines on character and item models that we replace. Using a standard 4.18.3 installation works fine, but lacks this feature, and files cooked in this version need to be ran through mike9k1's cook fixer before placing in game.

For creating a pak file, this is a requirement for most mods and for all tutorials hosted here. While it isn't strictly necessary if you employ DQXI-SDK to run the mods from loose files, it will improve performance and prevent crashes/issues that loose mods often cause.

If you've modded just about any other game you may have heard of this tool, this is a generic file extractor for game archives. We use this to unpack the game, so we can manipulate the original files such as models, textures, audio etc.

Umodel - ( DE build  /  OG build )

Gildor's umodel is a tool for displaying textures, models, animations and more from UE4 games. It is also used to convert those files into editable formats. For DQXI S, you want to select Unreal Engine 4.18 as the engine version. For the original game, Friday the 13th or Tekken 7 presets are usually more beneficial.

This tools is crucial for working with DataTables and other 'serialized' assets. Essential for working on almost any gameplay mods. See the example guide on weapons for more details.

Both of these tools allow you to view/edit the headers and metadata stored inside cooked UE4 asset (.uasset/.uexp) files. This is great for being able to properly rename assets, change references, or basic properties inside the file without having to create a brand new asset inside UE4 Editor.

(Also great for troubleshooting cooked assets)

"Originally developed at the time of Definitive Edition's launch on PC (Dec. 2020), this script was made to adjust the offsets in cooked texture files in order to work correctly in Definitive Edition. This was eventually used in the development of the custom build of 4.18 we now use today. 

It is no longer needed with that build, only if you are still using vanilla 4.18."  - mike9k1

Made by the same developer as DQXIS-SDK, this tool originally allowed for the replacement of music files in the original (OG) version of DQXI. It was also a refined version of what the Orchestral Overhaul Mod team used in the creation of their famous mod. 

When the Definitive Edition released, a few adjustments had to be made with the resulting files - thus the DE fixer was created. More details (for both versions), see this guide here.

UAssetTool (?)

UAssetRenamer (?)

Working Plugins

3DS Max

ActorX Plugin

This is the only plugin I've found that properly imports .psk files from umodel. I use it to import and convert models to .fbx format so that I can play around with them in Blender, which is currently my preferred 3d software.


Mirror Modifier Script by kmxn

This is a script I use for various games with different naming conventions for skeletons. It's a very simple renamer which run once, will convert all the names of the bones in a skeleton to match Blender's supported naming convention (.L, .R to distinguish left and right bones). Using Blender's mirror modifier feature after this script has been run will allow mirroring to work as intended, otherwise the mirrored portion of the mesh would be using the same bones. Running the script a second time will revert the changes to the game's expected naming convention... hopefully.

Other Useful Tools

Everything by VoidTools

A veritable hidden gem. If you've ever thought "damn, windows search is so slow" or "damn, windows search doesn't work the way I need it to" this tool is perfect for you. Hell, since I found it, I haven't been able to stop using it. After a slow first launch, this tool will index your entire pc (you can blacklist things you don't want found, dw) and allow you to instantly search for anything, anywhere on your pc. Lost a file? Never again. The reason I recommend this for modding this game in particular is because the file naming convention in DQXI is extremely straightforward and if you wanted, for example, to quickly find hero's running animations, simply typing "P001 run" in this program will locate those files for you in what feels like nanoseconds.

Advanced Renamer

Another life-saving time-saving tool that allows you to rename however many files you need to rename all at once. It is incredibly simple to learn and use.


This is a simple text editor like windows notepad. The major differences between this and notepad is that this supports syntax highlighting for coding, search and replace functions for single/bulk editing and much much more. Like both Everything and Advanced Renamer, this is useful for far more than just modding, and it's a program I couldn't live without.