Note: This page may contain spoilers for those that haven't beaten the game. You have been warned!

A_010_CS_010 -- Birth of the Luminary

A_010_CS_040 -- Several Years Later

A_010_CS_050 -- Slime-Bashing Time!

A_010_CS_060 -- The Creepy Cave of Cobblestone Tor

A_010_CS_070 -- Smog-Bashing Time!

A_010_CS_080 -- Careless Cole

A_010_CS_090 -- Miracle on the Mountaintop

A_010_CS_093 -- Back Safe and Sound

ZA_010_CS_010 -- Cobblestone

A_010_CS++101++ -- There's Something You Have to Do

A_010_CS++106++ -- A Forlorn Farewell

A_010_CS++111++ -- Mummy's Little Soldier

A_010_CS++121++ -- Cheerio, Cobblestone!

A_010_CS++123++ -- Keen Campers Carry On

ZA_010_CS_020 -- Heliodor

A_010_CS++131++ -- Halt, Who Goes There?

A_010_CS++141++ -- Meeting King Carnelian

A_020_CS_010 -- Caged Luminary

A_020_CS_020 -- The Mysterious Man in the Hood

A_020_CS_030 -- A Helping Hand

A_020_CS_040 -- Jailbreak

A_020_CS_050 -- Sneaking into the Sewers

A_020_CS_055 -- Hot Pursuit

A_020_CS_060 -- A Troubled Bridge over Water

A_020_CS_070 -- All Washed Up

A_020_CS_080 -- The Darkest of Dragons

A_020_CS_085 -- Dogged by the Dragon

A_020_CS_090 -- Out of the Frying Pan...

A_020_CS_095 -- Beating the Black Dragon

A_020_CS++111++ -- Between a Rock and a High Place

A_020_CS_TitleMovie -- Opening Movie

A_030_CS_010 -- Amazing Grace

A_030_CS_020 -- There's Nun Kinder

A_030_CS_030 -- Erik's on Board!

ZA_030_CS_010 -- Heliodor

A_030_CS_040 -- After That Orb!

A_030_CS_050 -- The Purloined Orb

A_030_CS_055 -- Erik's Old Haunt

A_030_CS_057 -- Looking for the Landlady

A_030_CS_060 -- Landlady Located!

A_030_CS_070 -- The Search for Derk

A_030_CS_080 -- Where There's a Will...

A_030_CS_083 -- Sick Him, Boy!

A_030_CS_085 -- Head over Heels

A_030_CS_087 -- Money, Money, Money

A_030_CS_090 -- Dodgy Derk

A_030_CS++101++ -- That's Where You'll Find Your Orb

A_030_CS++111++ -- Make for the Manglegrove!

A_030_CS_031 -- The Fun-Size Forge

A_030_CS_032a -- First Contact

A_030_CS_032b -- A Vision from the Yggdrasil Root

A_030_CS_032c -- A Vision from the Yggdrasil Root

A_030_CS_034 -- Tricky Devil Takedown

A_030_CS_036 -- Welcome Back, Woodcutter!

A_050_CS_050 -- Homeward-Bound

A_050_CS_060 -- Amber's Anger

A_050_CS_070 -- A Familiar Face

A_050_CS_080 -- Choice Words from Chalky

A_050_CS_090 -- Reduced to Ruins

A_050_CS++101++ -- Long-Lost Letters

A_050_CS_010 -- Trouble at the Kingsbarrow

A_050_CS_020 -- Skirmish with Some Grim Gryphons

A_050_CS_040 -- Red Orb Regained

A_050_CS_110a -- By the Skin of Our Teeth

A_050_CS_110b -- By the Skin of Our Teeth

ZA_060_CS_010 -- Hotto

A_060_CS_010 -- Setting Foot in Hotto

A_060_CS_020 -- A Mysterious Little Madam

A_060_CS_030 -- A Ghostly Little Girl

A_060_CS_040 -- That's Not My Sister, Stupid!

A_060_CS_050 -- Searching for Serena

A_060_CS_052 -- Precarious Pitfalls

A_060_CS_058 -- What's the Magic Word?

A_060_CS_060 -- Sleepy Serena

A_060_CS_070 -- Jarvis and Friends

A_060_CS_090 -- The Sisters' Sworn Duty

A_060_CS++101++ -- Don't I Know You, Noah?

A_060_CS++111++ -- What Do We Do Now?

A_060_CS++121++ -- The Sisters Sign On

ZA_070_CS_010 -- Gallopolis

A_070_CS_005 -- Greetings, Gallopolis!

A_070_CS_010 -- Sultan and Son

A_070_CS_020 -- A Favour for Prince Faris

A_070_CS_030 -- Scheming at the Circus

A_070_CS_040 -- The Sand National

A_070_CS_050 -- Royal Replacement

A_070_CS_070 -- The All-Seeing Sylv

A_070_CS_080 -- Another Favour for Prince Faris

A_070_CS_090 -- A Prostrate Prince

A_070_CS++101++ -- The Great Sylvando

A_070_CS++111++ -- Making Friends around the Fire

A_070_CS++121++ -- Waylaid by the Slayer

A_070_CS++141++ -- Really, Princey-Poo?

A_070_CS++151++ -- A Knight's Word Is His Bond

A_070_CS++161++ -- Chasing Rainboughs

A_070_CS++171++ -- Sylv Decides to String Along

ZA_080_CS_010 -- Gondolia

A_080_CS_010 -- Greetings, Gondolia!

A_080_CS_020 -- La Competizione Is Magnificente!

A_080_CS_030 -- Denied by the Doge

A_080_CS_040 -- Doge's Son Struck Dumb

A_080_CS_045 -- Hope Springs Eternal

A_080_CS_050 -- Bagging the Best Spot

A_080_CS_060 -- Just Our Luck—Jasper

A_080_CS_070 -- Get Out of Here, Now!

A_080_CS_080 -- Sneak and Peek

A_080_CS_085 -- Sneak and Peek 2: Sneakier and Peekier

A_080_CS_090 -- Time's A-Ticking

A_080_CS++101++ -- Joining Battle with Jasper

A_080_CS++121++ -- All Aboard!

A_080_CS++141++ -- The Open Seas Await!

ZA_100_CS_010 -- Octagonia

A_100_CS_020 -- An Invite to the Tournament

A_100_CS_030 -- I Can See a Rainbough

A_100_CS_040 -- The Luck of the Draw

A_100_CS_050 -- Veronica's Vanished!

A_100_CS_060 -- Veronica Irks the Underdigger

A_100_CS_065 -- Let Battle Commence!

A_100_CS_070 -- Battle of the Beefcakes

A_100_CS_090 -- The Princess and the Pudding Power Through

A_100_CS_095 -- Locker Room Talk

A_100_CS++101++ -- A Word of Warning

A_100_CS++111++ -- An Evening at the Orphanage

A_100_CS++121++ -- A Ransacked Room

A_100_CS++126++ -- The Big Day Beckons

A_100_CS++131++ -- Battling the Beauties

A_100_CS++146++ -- Beating the Beauties

A_100_CS++151++ -- Battling the Bullion Boys

A_100_CS++166++ -- Battering the Bullion Boys

A_100_CS++171++ -- The Final Fight

A_100_CS++191++ -- Sweet Victory

A_100_CS++201++ -- Rab's Request

A_100_CS++211++ -- Arachtagon Attacks

A_100_CS++221++ -- Case Closed

A_100_CS++231++ -- A Rude Awakening

A_100_CS++241++ -- Vanquishing Vince

A_100_CS++251++ -- Rabbed of the Prize

A_110_CS_010 -- A Kingdom in Ruins

A_110_CS_020 -- Reunion with Rab

A_110_CS_025 -- A Painful Past

A_110_CS_030 -- The Royal Resting Place

A_110_CS_040 -- The Ritual of Requiem

A_110_CS_050 -- The Princess's Past

A_110_CS_060 -- The Princess Pummels Her Pursuers

A_110_CS_070 -- Hounded by Hendrik

A_110_CS_075 -- Alive and Awake

A_110_CS_080 -- Piecing Together the Past

A_110_CS_090 -- Jade Jogs Hendrik's Memory

A_110_CS++101++ -- Jade and Rab Join the Gang

A_110_CS++111++ -- The Rainbough's Revelation

ZA_110_CS_020 -- Puerto Valor

A_110_CS++121++ -- Pretty Little Puerto Valor

A_110_CS++131++ -- Don Rodrigo's Beloved Butler

A_110_CS++141++ -- The Seven Seas Await!

ZA_130_CS_010 -- Phnom Nonh

A_130_CS_010 -- Fabulous Phnom Nonh

A_130_CS_020 -- Little Girl Lost

A_130_CS_030 -- Tourist Trap

A_130_CS_040 -- Mony Makes a Deal

A_130_CS_050 -- What's Dora Doing?

A_130_CS_060 -- A Trip to the Pictures

A_130_CS_070 -- On the Other Side

A_130_CS_080 -- As Pretty As a Picture

A_130_CS_090 -- A Close Shave

A_130_CS++101++ -- The Mystery of the Mural Made Plain

A_130_CS++111++ -- Tearing on Out

A_130_CS++121++ -- Back with a Bump

A_130_CS++131++ -- Dora's Duplicity Divulged

A_130_CS++141++ -- Showdown with Dora-in-Grey

A_130_CS++161++ -- Mordegon's Motives

A_130_CS++171++ -- Out of the Picture

A_130_CS++181++ -- Resolution Renewed

ZA_140_CS_010 -- L'Académie de Notre Maître des Médailles

A_140_CS_020 -- The Sweet School Song of the Medal Maidens

A_140_CS_030 -- A Meeting with the Master of Medals

A_150_CS_010 -- Stranded on the Strand

A_150_CS_020 -- Meeting Michelle

ZA_150_CS_010 -- Lonalulu

A_150_CS_030 -- Lovely Lonalulu

A_150_CS_040 -- The Terrible Tale of the Monstrous Mermaid

A_150_CS_050 -- Tangle with a Tentacular

A_150_CS_070 -- Meet My Enormous Friend

A_150_CS_080 -- Guests of Honour

A_150_CS_090 -- Where Could Kai Be?

A_150_CS++101++ -- Not Quite the Right Kai

A_150_CS++111++ -- The Veil of Tears

A_150_CS++121++ -- A Lover Doomed to Wait in Vain

A_150_CS++131++ -- The Silent Shores of Saikiki

A_150_CS++141++ -- Kainoa's Letter

ZA_150_CS_020 -- Nautica

A_150_CS++151++ -- Nautica, World of Underwater Wonder

A_150_CS++161++ -- Getting the Green Orb

A_170_CS_010 -- Not the Warmest Welcome

ZA_170_CS_010 -- Sniflheim

A_170_CS_020 -- The Crystal Kingdom

A_170_CS_030 -- Queen Frysabel's Quandary

A_170_CS_040 -- Helpless in the Hekswood

A_170_CS_045 -- Friends Reunited

A_170_CS_050 -- Skirmish with Jörmun

A_170_CS_070 -- The Wicked Witch

A_170_CS_080 -- Rescued by an Aged Academic

A_170_CS_090 -- Tracking Down the Truth

A_170_CS++101++ -- Clash with Krystalinda

A_170_CS++121++ -- Catching Krystalinda

A_170_CS++125++ -- Hearing Things

A_170_CS++129++ -- Hearing More Things

A_170_CS++131++ -- Two's a Crowd

A_170_CS++141++ -- Bagging the Blue Orb

A_170_CS++146++ -- Six Orbs Make a Set

A_170_CS++151++ -- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

ZA_180_CS_010 -- Arboria

A_180_CS_010 -- Homecoming

A_180_CS_030 -- A Warm Welcome to Arboria

A_180_CS_040 -- The Legend of Erdwin

A_180_CS_050 -- Yggdrasil in Sight at Last

A_180_CS_060 -- The Rainbow Bridge

A_180_CS_065 -- Rainbow Bridge Redux

A_180_CS_080 -- Jasper, Denizen of Darkness

A_180_CS_090 -- The Truth behind King Carnelian's Cruelty

A_180_CS++101++ -- Rise of the Lord of Shadows

S_010_CS_010 -- The Light that Fights the Night

S_010_CS_020 -- We May Yet See the Dawn

S_020_CS_010 -- Washed Up and Woeful

S_020_CS_020 -- Slapped Happy

S_020_CS_030 -- The Blacksmith's Lament

S_020_CS_040 -- A Beastly Beating

S_020_CS_050 -- Sylvando's Smile-Spreading Parade

S_020_CS_060 -- The Wandering Wonder Returns

S_020_CS_070 -- Arise, Soldiers of Smile!

S_030_CS_010 -- Jade's Journey

S_030_CS_020 -- Never Fear—Jade is Here!

S_030_CS_030 -- Blame It on the Booga

S_030_CS_040 -- Limboozled

S_030_CS_050 -- The Frightened Fighters

S_030_CS_060 -- Let the Games Begin

S_030_CS_070 -- Brawling with Boodica

S_030_CS_080 -- The Leaving of Limboo

S_030_CS_090 -- The Minx Jinx

S_050_CS_010 -- Doing Hard Slime

S_050_CS_020 -- Déjà Goo

S_050_CS_030 -- The Best Laid Plans of Slimes and Men

S_050_CS_040 -- Just Who Is Healijah?

S_050_CS_050 -- More Monsters, More Problems

S_050_CS_070 -- Just in the Nick of Slime

S_050_CS_080 -- Enter Indignus

S_050_CS_090 -- Slimy Saves the Day

S_050_CS++101++ -- The Seer's Here!

S_050_CS++111++ -- Alone and Unknown

S_040_CS_010 -- An Ogler's Delight

S_040_CS_020 -- Re-Dundrasil

S_040_CS_030 -- A Father's Blessing

S_040_CS_040 -- Much Ado about Naming

S_040_CS_050 -- Birthday Presence

S_040_CS_060 -- Rab's Realisation

S_040_CS_070 -- The Bunny's Out of the Bag

S_040_CS_080 -- Killing the Dream

S_040_CS_090 -- Pang Brings the Pain

S_040_CS++101++ -- School of Hard Spanks

B_010_CS_010 -- Dreams of Happier Times

B_010_CS_020 -- A New Fishy Form

B_010_CS_025 -- Awake and Underwater

B_010_CS_030 -- Meeting Marina, the Mermaid Queen

B_010_CS_040 -- Secret Sanctuary

B_010_CS_050b -- The Smallest Spark of Hope

B_010_CS_050c -- The Smallest Spark of Hope

B_010_CS_050d -- The Smallest Spark of Hope

B_010_CS_050e -- The Smallest Spark of Hope

B_010_CS_060 -- Our Time Grows Short

B_010_CS_070 -- Nautica's Last Stand

B_010_CS_090 -- Quite a Catch!

B_020_CS_010 -- A Dark New World

B_020_CS_020 -- Long Time No See

B_020_CS_030 -- Mummy's Little Soldier's Come Home

B_020_CS_040 -- A Somewhat Strained Reunion

B_020_CS_050 -- A Hero for These Troubled Times

B_020_CS_060 -- Fight of the Living Dead

B_020_CS_070 -- Fight of the Living Dead II

B_020_CS_090 -- Flight of the Living Dead

B_020_CS++101++ -- King Carnelian's Cunning Plan

B_020_CS++111++ -- Parental Partings

B_020_CS++121++ -- Be Strong, Bastion

B_020_CS++131++ -- The Great Stairway Destroyed

B_020_CS_140a -- The Squires' Desires

B_020_CS_140b -- The Squires' Desires

B_020_CS++151++ -- A Secret Staircase

B_020_CS++161++ -- Tackling Tyriant

B_020_CS++171++ -- Taking On Tyriant Again

B_020_CS_180a -- Daybreak

B_020_CS_180b -- Daybreak

B_020_CS++191++ -- Flags Flying High

B_020_CS++201++ -- The Luminary's Shield

ZB_030_CS_010 -- Angri-La

B_030_CS_010 -- Don't Mess with the Monks

B_030_CS_020 -- An Audience with the High Lama

B_030_CS_030 -- Erdwin's Legacy

B_030_CS_040 -- A Rabbish Example

B_030_CS_050 -- A Problematic Pilgrim

B_030_CS_060 -- On the Summit of the Sacred Mountain

B_030_CS_070 -- Hey, That Hermit...

B_030_CS_080 -- Into the Void

B_030_CS_090 -- Grand Master Pang Appears

B_030_CS++101++ -- Reunited with Rab

B_030_CS++111++ -- Conquering Quadraslash

B_030_CS++121++ -- Rumble with Rab

B_030_CS_130a -- Solar Flair: Ultimate Art of Angri-La

B_030_CS_130b -- Solar Flair: Ultimate Art of Angri-La

B_030_CS++141++ -- Rab Rejoins the Party

B_040_CS_010 -- Sylvando and His Merry Men

B_040_CS_020 -- Phnom Nonh—and Not for the First Time

B_040_CS_030 -- Unhappy Occurrences

B_040_CS_040 -- Son Safe and Sound

B_040_CS_050 -- Avarith's Anger

B_040_CS_070 -- Freeing the Phnom-Nans

B_040_CS_080 -- Friends Again at Last

B_040_CS_090 -- Sylv Makes Up His Mind

B_040_CS++101++ -- Party's Over

B_040_CS++111++ -- Puerto Valor Revisited

B_040_CS++121++ -- Master and Squire Meet Again

B_040_CS++131++ -- Sylvando's Story

B_040_CS++141++ -- A Knight's Word

B_040_CS++151++ -- Sylvando Signs Up for Even More Adventure

B_060_CS_005 -- The Great Golden Iceberg

B_060_CS_010 -- Alizarin Attacks

B_060_CS_020 -- Strange Surroundings

B_060_CS_030 -- The Seer Appears

B_060_CS_040 -- Power Cannot Be Touched or Tasted

B_060_CS_050 -- A Sign in the Sea

B_060_CS_060 -- Alizarin Attacks Again

B_060_CS_070 -- A Tactical Retreat

B_060_CS_080 -- Alizarin Attackable at Last

B_060_CS_090 -- Another Go at Alizarin

B_060_CS++101++ -- The Oceans Are Safe Again

B_070_CS_010 -- Erdwin's Lantern Looms

B_070_CS_020 -- Assisting the Sultan

B_070_CS_030 -- A Still-Proud Prince

B_070_CS_040 -- Stargazing

B_070_CS_050 -- The Sinking Star

B_070_CS_060 -- The Riddle of the Runes

B_070_CS_070 -- Taking the Forging Hammer in Hand

B_080_CS_010 -- A Dream of Despair

B_080_CS_020 -- Rab's Realisation

B_080_CS_030 -- Rubble Removal

B_080_CS_050 -- Wrestling the Restless Knight

B_080_CS_070 -- The Restless Knight's Identity Revealed

B_080_CS_080 -- Deepest Despair

B_080_CS_090 -- A Party at the Palace

B_080_CS++101++ -- No Love Lost

B_080_CS++111++ -- Love's Young Dream

B_080_CS++121++ -- The Colloquy of Kings

B_080_CS++131++ -- Boundless Bravery

B_080_CS++141++ -- Escaping in Earnest

B_080_CS++151++ -- Family First

B_080_CS++161++ -- Deep into the Dungeons

B_080_CS++171++ -- A Father's Farewell

B_080_CS++181++ -- A Call to King Carnelian

B_080_CS++191++ -- The Truth of the Transformation

B_080_CS++201++ -- The Luminary's Light

B_080_CS++211++ -- Gunning for the Gloomnivore

B_080_CS++221++ -- Together at Last

B_090_CS_005 -- Rumours of a Ravishing Martial Artist

B_090_CS_010 -- The All-New Octagonia

B_090_CS_050 -- Mixing with the Minx

B_090_CS_070 -- Battle with Booga

B_090_CS++161++ -- Another Battle with Booga

B_090_CS++171++ -- Jade Rejoins the Gang

B_100_CS_010 -- Miko Makes a Request

B_100_CS_020 -- The Monster of the Mountain

B_100_CS_030 -- Atsuo Asks a Favour

B_100_CS_050 -- The Dragon Isn't Dead!

B_100_CS_060 -- Miko and Atsuo at War

B_100_CS_070 -- Tatsunaga Attacks

B_100_CS_080 -- Taking On Tatsunaga

B_100_CS_090 -- Tatsunaga Takes Flight

B_100_CS++101++ -- Miko's Misgivings

B_100_CS++111++ -- What Awaits beyond the Gates?

B_100_CS++121++ -- Battle with the Boy-Turned-Beast

B_100_CS++141++ -- The Curse Is Cured

B_100_CS++151++ -- How Can Hotto Carry On?

B_110_CS_010 -- Erik the Amnesiac

B_110_CS_020 -- The Sniflheim Blues

B_110_CS_030 -- In Fear of Gold Fever

B_110_CS_040 -- Going to Gold

B_110_CS_050 -- Erik's Origins

B_110_CS_060 -- Attack of the Gyldenauts

B_110_CS_070 -- Going at It with the Gyldenauts

B_110_CS_090 -- Erik Gets Gyldenabbed

B_110_CS++101++ -- Don't We Know Them from Somewhere?

B_110_CS++111++ -- Erik in the Clink

B_110_CS++121++ -- Going at It with the Gyldenauts Again

B_110_CS++141++ -- Erik Uncaged

B_110_CS++151++ -- Erik and Mia Part I

B_110_CS++161++ -- Erik and Mia Part II

B_110_CS++171++ -- Erik and Mia Part III

B_110_CS++181++ -- Erik's on Board Again

B_110_CS++191++ -- The Glorious Gyldenhal

B_110_CS++201++ -- Getting to Know the Real Gyldygga

B_110_CS++211++ -- A Malicious Miracle

B_110_CS++221++ -- Going Up Against Gyldygga

B_110_CS++231++ -- Going Up Against Gyldygga Again

B_110_CS++241++ -- Mia's Power Runs Amok

B_110_CS++251++ -- Erik Finds Forgiveness

B_110_CS++261++ -- On the Road Again

B_120_CS_010 -- The Auroral Serpent Appears

B_120_CS_030 -- Serena's Back on Board!

B_120_CS_040 -- Arboria in Bits

B_120_CS_050a -- Veronica's Untimely End

B_120_CS_050b -- Veronica's Untimely End

B_120_CS_050c -- Veronica's Untimely End

B_120_CS_060 -- Arboria Bids a Fond Farewell

B_120_CS_070 -- The Sacred Conveyance

B_120_CS_080 -- Notes on the Night Air

B_120_CS_090 -- Serena Makes Up Her Mind

B_120_CS++101++ -- A New Dawn

B_120_CS++111++ -- Summoning Cetacea

B_150_CS_020 -- Sanctuary in the Sky

B_150_CS_030 -- Encounter with a Watcher

B_150_CS_040 -- Getting the Guiding Light

B_150_CS_050a -- The First Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_050b -- The First Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_060a -- The Second Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_060b -- The Second Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_070a -- The Third Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_070b -- The Third Sacred Seedling

B_150_CS_080 -- Ancient Words of the Watchers

B_150_CS_090 -- The Mists Drift from the Battleground

B_150_CS++101++ -- Obtaining Orichalcum

B_150_CS++111++ -- Arise, O Crucible!

B_150_CS++121++ -- The Sword of Light Lives Again

B_150_CS++131++ -- The Fortress of Fear Laid Bare at Last

P_080_CS_010 -- Plunging Puff-Puff

B_160_CS_004 -- Assault on Indignus

B_160_CS_006 -- No Turning Back

B_160_CS_010 -- Jasper's Last Stand

B_160_CS_030 -- Jasper Breathes His Last

B_160_CS_040 -- The Spectral Sentinels Ride Again

B_160_CS_050 -- Showdown with the Lord of Shadows

B_160_CS_070 -- The Lord of Shadows' Last Stand

B_160_CS_080 -- The Fortress Falls

B_160_CS_090 -- Fleeing the Fortress

B_160_CS++101++ -- Time to Go Home

B_160_CS++111++ -- The End

B_160_CS++121++ -- To Be Continued

GB_160_CS_010 -- クリスタル破壊用ギミックCS

GB_160_CS_020 -- クリスタル破壊用ギミックCS

GB_160_CS_030 -- クリスタル破壊用ギミックCS

B_170_CS_010a -- Farewell, Old Friend

B_170_CS_010b -- Farewell, Old Friend

B_170_CS_020 -- More Adventures Await

B_170_CS_030 -- Cobblestone at Peace

B_170_CS_040 -- Sniflheim at Peace

B_170_CS_050 -- Puerto Valor at Peace

B_170_CS_060 -- Dundrasil at Peace

B_170_CS_080 -- I Recognise These Ruins...

B_170_CS_090 -- If We Could Turn Back Time

B_170_CS++101++ -- Wheel Have That!

B_170_CS++111++ -- Onward into the Tower of Lost Time!

B_170_CS++121++ -- Conflab with the Keeper of Time

B_170_CS++131++ -- You're Not Going Anywhere

B_170_CS++141++ -- Hell-Bent Hero

B_170_CS++151++ -- Approaching the Altar of Ages

B_170_CS_160a -- In Search of Lost Time

B_170_CS_160b -- In Search of Lost Time

C_010_CS_005 -- The Gang's All Here

C_010_CS_010 -- One Last Scrap with Jasper

C_010_CS_020 -- Just Another Nightmare

C_010_CS_030 -- Jasper Unmasked

C_010_CS_040 -- The Sword of Light Secured

C_010_CS_050 -- Heliodor Honours Our Hero

C_010_CS_060 -- A Thief in the Night

C_010_CS_070 -- One Final Fight with Mordegon

C_010_CS_090 -- Mordegon Breathes His Last

C_010_CS++101++ -- A Short-Lived Peace

C_010_CS++111++ -- The Lantern Descends

C_010_CS++121++ -- The Great Evil Appears

C_010_CS++131++ -- Hendrik Swears Another Oath

C_010_CS++141++ -- Off on Another Adventure

C_020_CS_010 -- A Steer from the Seer

ZC_020_CS_010 -- Havens Above

C_020_CS_020 -- A Welcome from the Watchers

C_020_CS_030 -- Legends of Long Ago

C_020_CS_040 -- Awakening What Lies Within

C_020_CS_050 -- Visions of the Past Part I

C_020_CS_060 -- Visions of the Past Part II

C_020_CS_070 -- Visions of the Past Part III

C_020_CS_080a -- Erdwin's End

C_020_CS_080b -- Erdwin's End

C_020_CS_090a -- End of the Ancient Fellowship

C_020_CS_090b -- End of the Ancient Fellowship

C_020_CS_090c -- End of the Ancient Fellowship

C_020_CS_095 -- Morcant's Monologue

C_020_CS++101++ -- Wheel Have That Again!

C_020_CS++106++ -- Back to the Tower of Lost Time

C_020_CS++111++ -- Cetacea in Full Effect

C_020_CS++141++ -- Cutscene Before the Battle with Calasmos

C_040_CS_010 -- A Father Confesses

C_050_CS_010 -- Clash with a Condor

C_060_CS_010 -- The Curse Disperses

C_090_CS_010 -- Monsters of MMA: The Re-Reckoning

C_090_CS_020 -- Arachtagon's Back

C_100_CS_010 -- Gloomnivore's Gone Wild

C_100_CS_020 -- A Heart-Rending Reunion

C_110_CS_010 -- Sylvando's Secret

C_110_CS_020 -- The Testing Trial of Don Rodrigo

C_110_CS_030 -- Brothers in Chivalry

C_120_CS_010 -- When Mermen Attack

C_130_CS_010 -- Grey Gordon Gone Bad

C_140_CS_010 -- Insane Auroral Serpent

C_160_CS_010 -- Stormin' Jörmun

C_170_CS_010 -- Freeing Mia

C_190_CS_010 -- Rab and Grand Master Pang Reunited

C_210_CS_010 -- Battle with Bathysfear

C_230_CS_010 -- The Sword of Light Lives Again!

C_240_CS_010 -- Face-to-Face with the Warrior King

C_250_CS_010 -- The Shadow's Woes

C_250_CS_020 -- Hendrik Hangs His Head

C_250_CS_030 -- A Duel with the Darkness

C_250_CS_040 -- Finally Friends Again

C_270_CS_010 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Gemma

C_270_CS_020 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Erik

C_270_CS_030 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Veronica

C_270_CS_040 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Serena

C_270_CS_050 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Sylvando

C_270_CS_060 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Rab

C_270_CS_070 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Jade

C_270_CS_080 -- A Special Moment Atop the Tor: Hendrik

C_300_CS_010a -- After the Battle with Calasmos

C_300_CS_010b -- After the Battle with Calasmos

C_300_CS_020 -- And Invitation from Veronica and Serena

C_300_CS_022 -- Towards Yggdrasil

C_300_CS_025 -- Putting the Super Sword of Light in Yggdrasil

C_300_CS_030 -- Ending Credits for the Second Playthrough

C_300_CS_050 -- ???(イベントフローにシナリオタイトル記述なし)