Complete Item IDs

Items can be added directly with the following commands:

  • ForceGetItem <ItemID> <ItemCount>

  • ForceGetItemToBag <ItemID> <ItemCount> <BagType>

e.g. to add 10 Seeds of Skill, use: ForceGetItem I_USE_038 10



W_AXE_0001 - Cavlier Cleaver

W_AXE_0002 - King Axe

W_AXE_0003 - Ice Axe

W_AXE_0004 - Kaiser Axe

W_AXE_0005 - Obliteratoriser

W_AXE_0006 - Overload's Axe

W_AXE_0007 - Bad Axe

W_AXE_0008 - Conqueror's Axe

W_AXE_0009 - Avalanche Axe

W_AXE_0010 - Maxi Axe

W_AXE_0011 - Apollo's Axe

W_AXE_0012 - Climaxe

W_AXE_0013 - Aristocrat's Axe

W_AXE_0014 - Kairos Cleaver

W_AXE_0015 - Galaxy Axe


W_BOO_0001 - Edged Boomerang

W_BOO_0003 - Crucerang

W_BOO_0005 - Soarin' Steel

W_BOO_0006 - Flametang Boomerang

W_BOO_0007 - Winter's Wing

W_BOO_0008 - Magic Circle

W_BOO_0009 - Banefire Boomerang

W_BOO_0010 - Star Cross

W_BOO_0011 - Pentarang

W_BOO_0012 - Metal Goomerang

W_BOO_0013 - Meteorang

W_BOO_0014 - Asterang

W_BOO_0015 - Stellerang

W_BOO_0016 - Liquid Metal Goomerang

W_BOO_0017 - Dark Star

W_BOO_0018 - Hunter's Moon

W_BOO_0019 - Galaxarang

W_BOO_0020 - Metal King Goomerang

W_BOO_0021 - Birchwood Boomerang

W_BOO_0022 - Boomerang


W_CLW_0001 - Iron Claws

W_CLW_0002 - Silver Claws

W_CLW_0003 - Infernails

W_CLW_0004 - Steel Claws

W_CLW_0005 - Crow's Claws

W_CLW_0006 - Platinum Claws

W_CLW_0007 - Kestrel Claws

W_CLW_0008 - Fire Claws

W_CLW_0009 - Ice Claws

W_CLW_0010 - Kite Claws

W_CLW_0011 - Cobra Claws

W_CLW_0012 - Dragon Claws

W_CLW_0013 - Crimson Claws

W_CLW_0014 - Beast Claws

W_CLW_0015 - Dragonlord Claws

W_CLW_0016 - Combusticlaws

W_CLW_0017 - King Cobra Claws

W_CLW_0018 - Monster Slashers

W_CLW_0019 - Beastmaster Claws

W_CLW_0020 - Crystal Claws

W_CLW_0021 - Dragovian Lord Claws

W_CLW_0022 - Orichalcum Claws

W_CLW_0023 - Deicimators

W_CLW_0024 - Xenlon Claws

W_CLW_0025 - Frostfire Fingers

W_CLW_0998 - Golden Claws


W_DGR_0001 - Erik's Dagger

W_DGR_0002 - Bronze Knife

W_DGR_0003 - Poison Needle

W_DGR_0004 - Divine Dagger

W_DGR_0005 - Poison Moth Knife

W_DGR_0006 - Batterfly Knife

W_DGR_0007 - Assassin's Dagger

W_DGR_0008 - Dread Dagger

W_DGR_0009 - Eagle Dagger

W_DGR_0010 - Nobleman's Knife

W_DGR_0011 - Bloodletter

W_DGR_0012 - Sword Breaker

W_DGR_0013 - Fenrir Fang

W_DGR_0014 - Soul Breaker

W_DGR_0015 - Icicle Dirk

W_DGR_0016 - Serpentscale Skean

W_DGR_0017 - Imp Knife

W_DGR_0018 - Gladius

W_DGR_0019 - Falcon Knife Earring

W_DGR_0020 - Flame Tang

W_DGR_0021 - Deft Dagger

W_DGR_0022 - High-Born Blade

W_DGR_0023 - Knife of Strife

W_DGR_0024 - Darting Dagger

W_DGR_0025 - Gryphon's Wing

W_DGR_0026 - Dashing Dagger

W_DGR_0027 - Thunderstorm Skean

W_DGR_0028 - El Stupendo

W_DGR_0029 - Timeshear

W_DGR_0030 - Dynamo Dagger


W_ROD_0001 - Faerie Staff

W_ROD_0002 - Veronica's Staff

W_ROD_0003 - Wizard's Staff

W_ROD_0004 - Staff of Sentencing

W_ROD_0005 - Shiverstick

W_ROD_0006 - Staff of Divine Wrath

W_ROD_0007 - Rab's Cane

W_ROD_0008 - Watermaul Wand

W_ROD_0009 - Lightning Staff

W_ROD_0010 - Rod of Rapidity

W_ROD_0011 - Tsunami Staff

W_ROD_0012 - Magma Staff

W_ROD_0013 - Staff of Antimagic

W_ROD_0014 - Lightning Conductor

W_ROD_0015 - Rune Staff

W_ROD_0016 - Hieroglyph Staff

W_ROD_0017 - Hocus Locus

W_ROD_0018 - Staff of Resurrection

W_ROD_0019 - Celestial Sceptre

W_ROD_0020 - Spirit Staff

W_ROD_0021 - Sage's Staff

W_ROD_0022 - Siren's Staff

W_ROD_0023 - Bright Staff

W_ROD_0024 - Sacrosanct Staff

W_ROD_0025 - Wyrmwand

W_ROD_0026 - Supreme Sage's Staff

W_ROD_0027 - Shining Staff

W_ROD_0028 - Brilliant Staff

W_ROD_0029 - Rod of Paradise

W_ROD_0030 - Staff of Eternity

W_ROD_0031 - Aurora Staff

W_ROD_0998 - Godbird Sceptre


W_SPR_0001 - Bronze Lance

W_SPR_0002 - Iron Lance

W_SPR_0003 - Battle Fork

W_SPR_0004 - Steel Lance

W_SPR_0005 - Jade's Glaive

W_SPR_0006 - Trident

W_SPR_0007 - Lightning Lance

W_SPR_0008 - Platinum Lance

W_SPR_0009 - Gracos's Triden

W_SPR_0010 - Demon Spear

W_SPR_0011 - Storm Spear

W_SPR_0012 - Full Fathom Fork

W_SPR_0013 - Paladin's Lance

W_SPR_0014 - Metal Slime Spear

W_SPR_0015 - Poker

W_SPR_0016 - Seraph's Spear

W_SPR_0017 - Straight Poker

W_SPR_0018 - Liquid Metal Speark

W_SPR_0019 - Stud Poker

W_SPR_0020 - Barbarous Pole

W_SPR_0021 - Sacred Spear

W_SPR_0022 - Heaven's Talon

W_SPR_0023 - Metal King Spear

W_SPR_0024 - Split-Pot Poker

W_SPR_0701 - Stallion Stick of Smiles

W_SPR_0702 - Soaring Stick of Smiles

W_SPR_0703 - Starry Stick of Smiles

W_SPR_0704 - Standard Stick of Smiles


W_STK_0001 - Serena's Wand

W_STK_0002 - Lamp Post

W_STK_0003 - Posey Pole

W_STK_0004 - Lolly Stick

W_STK_0005 - Jolly Brolly

W_STK_0006 - Wyvern Wand

W_STK_0007 - Seraphic Sceptre

W_STK_0008 - Spryggdrasil

W_STK_0009 - Glumbrella

W_STK_0010 - Bonbon Baton

W_STK_0011 - Red Dragon Rod

W_STK_0012 - Seraph's Stick

W_STK_0013 - Butterfly Baton

W_STK_0014 - Glow Stick

W_STK_0015 - Get-up-and-Glow Stick

W_STK_0016 - Pixie Pole

W_STK_0017 - Fantastick

W_STK_0018 - Cane of Compassion

W_STK_0019 - Sceptre of Time

W_STK_0020 - Faerie King's Cane

W_STK_0021 - Rusty Sceptre

W_STK_0022 - Naughty Stick


W_SWD_0001 - Cobblestone Sword

W_SWD_0002 - Copper Sword

W_SWD_0003 - Soldier's Sword

W_SWD_0004 - Bronze Sword

W_SWD_0005 - Rapier

W_SWD_0006 - Iron Broadsword

W_SWD_0007 - Sylvando's Sword

W_SWD_0008 - Cautery Sword

W_SWD_0009 - Silver Rapier

W_SWD_0010 - Steel Broadsword

W_SWD_0011 - Bastard Sword

W_SWD_0012 - Bandit Blade

W_SWD_0013 - Falcon Blade

W_SWD_0014 - Zombiebane

W_SWD_0015 - Platinum Sword

W_SWD_0016 - Zombie Slayer

W_SWD_0017 - Aurora Blade

W_SWD_0018 - Fizzle Foil

W_SWD_0019 - Dragonsbane

W_SWD_0020 - Miracle Sword

W_SWD_0021 - Fire Blade

W_SWD_0022 - Sword of Light

W_SWD_0024 - Metal Slime Sword

W_SWD_0025 - Stardust Sword

W_SWD_0026 - Über Miracle Sword

W_SWD_0027 - Über Falcon Blade

W_SWD_0028 - Inferno Blade

W_SWD_0029 - Nebula Sword

W_SWD_0030 - Dragon Slayer

W_SWD_0031 - Liquid Metal Sword

W_SWD_0032 - Supernova Sword

W_SWD_0033 - Thunderstorm Sword

W_SWD_0034 - Thousand-Fold Katana

W_SWD_0035 - Sword of Judgement

W_SWD_0036 - Super Sword of Light

W_SWD_0037 - Drustan's Sword

W_SWD_0038 - Shamshir of Light

W_SWD_0039 - Hell Sabre

W_SWD_0040 - Metal King Sword

W_SWD_0041 - Hypernova Sword

W_SWD_0042 - Heliodorian Sword

W_SWD_0043 - Sword of Kings

W_SWD_0044 - Supreme Sword of Light

W_SWD_0045 - Cypress Stick

W_SWD_0046 - Jasper's Sword


W_TSW_0001 - Copper Chopper

W_TSW_0002 - Broad Sword

W_TSW_0003 - Cast-Iron Claymore

W_TSW_0004 - Broader Sword

W_TSW_0005 - Black Blade

W_TSW_0006 - Carbon Steel Claymore

W_TSW_0007 - Banishing Blade

W_TSW_0008 - Razer-Wing

W_TSW_0009 - Nightcleaver

W_TSW_0010 - Platinum Powersword

W_TSW_0011 - Hendrik's Greatsword

W_TSW_0012 - Demonsbane

W_TSW_0013 - Brimstone Blade

W_TSW_0014 - Wyrmfang

W_TSW_0015 - Metal Gooreatsword

W_TSW_0016 - Lord's Sword

W_TSW_0017 - Skysteed Sword

W_TSW_0018 - Liquid Metal Gooreatsword

W_TSW_0019 - Legate's Blade

W_TSW_0020 - Berserker's Blade

W_TSW_0021 - Brilliant Blade

W_TSW_0022 - Metal King Gooreatsword

W_TSW_0023 - Cobblestone Greatsword

W_TSW_0024 - Sword of Shadows

W_TSW_0025 - Sword of Shadows (yes, there are 2)


W_WHP_0001 - Thorn Whip

W_WHP_0002 - Battle Whip

W_WHP_0003 - Hypnowhip

W_WHP_0004 - Rosewhip

W_WHP_0005 - Beastly Bullwhip

W_WHP_0006 - Scorpion Tail

W_WHP_0007 - Dragontail Whip

W_WHP_0008 - Demon Whip

W_WHP_0009 - Queen's Whip

W_WHP_0010 - Archdemon Whip

W_WHP_0011 - Empress's Whip

W_WHP_0012 - Beelzebarb

W_WHP_0013 - Gringham Whip

W_WHP_0014 - Goddess Whip

W_WHP_0015 - Mega Gringham Whip

W_WHP_0016 - Triple-Time Whip

W_WHP_0017 - Giga Gringham Whip

W_WHP_0018 - Malevolash

W_WHP_0019 - Anchor of Rancour

W_WHP_0020 - Hellbeast's Leash

W_WHP_0021 - Über Gringham Whip



E_LSH_0001 - Bronze Shield

E_LSH_0002 - Iron Shield

E_LSH_0003 - Steel Shield

E_LSH_0004 - Shield of Heliodor

E_LSH_0005 - Platinum Shield

E_LSH_0006 - Warrior's Shield

E_LSH_0007 - Dragon Shield

E_LSH_0008 - Dark Shield

E_LSH_0009 - Saintess Shield

E_LSH_0010 - Ogre Shield

E_LSH_0011 - Ruinous Shield

E_LSH_0012 - Goddess Shield

E_LSH_0013 - Drustan's Shield


E_SHI_0001 - Pot Lid

E_SHI_0002 - Leather Shield

E_SHI_0003 - Scale Shield

E_SHI_0004 - Silver Platter

E_SHI_0005 - Gold Platter

E_SHI_0006 - Light Shield

E_SHI_0007 - Platinum Platter

E_SHI_0008 - Magic Shield

E_SHI_0009 - Flame Shield

E_SHI_0010 - Ice Shield

E_SHI_0011 - White Shield

E_SHI_0012 - Enchanted Shield

E_SHI_0013 - Metal Slime Shield

E_SHI_0014 - Brain Drainer

E_SHI_0015 - Ethereal Shield

E_SHI_0016 - Silver Shield

E_SHI_0017 - Liquid Metal Shield

E_SHI_0018 - Psyche Swiper

E_SHI_0019 - Devilry Drinker

E_SHI_0020 - Erdwin's Shield

E_SHI_0021 - Metal King Shield

E_SHI_0022 - Soul Sucker

E_SHI_0998 - Tempest Shield



E_HAT_0001 - Bandana

E_HAT_0002 - Leather Armour

E_HAT_0003 - Hairband

E_HAT_0004 - Pointy Hat

E_HAT_0005 - Turban

E_HAT_0006 - Feathered Cap

E_HAT_0007 - Bunny Ears**

E_HAT_0008 - Stone Hardhat

E_HAT_0009 - Fur Hood

E_HAT_0010 - Hermes' Hat

E_HAT_0011 - Coral Hairpin

E_HAT_0012 - Bronze Helmet

E_HAT_0013 - Mercury's Bandana

E_HAT_0014 - Silver Tiara

E_HAT_0015 - Magical Hat

E_HAT_0016 - Pirate's Hat

E_HAT_0017 - Gold Circlet

E_HAT_0018 - Thief's Turban

E_HAT_0019 - Feather Headband

E_HAT_0020 - Tricky Turban

E_HAT_0021 - Hocus Hat

E_HAT_0022 - Happy Hat

E_HAT_0023 - Scholar's Cap

E_HAT_0024 - Disturbin' Turban

E_HAT_0025 - Malleable Mask

E_HAT_0026 - Star Circlet

E_HAT_0027 - Papillon Mask

E_HAT_0028 - Swindler's Scarf**

E_HAT_0029 - Cat Hat**

E_HAT_0032 - Minister's Mitre

E_HAT_0033 - Cavalier Hat

E_HAT_0034 - Witch's Hat

E_HAT_0035 - Golden Tiara

E_HAT_0036 - Phantom Mask

E_HAT_0037 - Freebooter's Bandana

E_HAT_0039 - Stellar Starflower**

E_HAT_0040 - Dragon Bandana

E_HAT_0041 - Spring Breeze Hat

E_HAT_0042 - Summer Cloud Hat

E_HAT_0043 - Autumn Shower Hat

E_HAT_0044 - Winter Sky Hat

E_HAT_0045 - Pirate King's Cap**

E_HAT_0046 - Swindler King's Scarf**

E_HAT_0047 - Crown of Eternity**

E_HAT_0048 - Tiara Tremenda**

E_HAT_0050 - Xenlon Hair Ring**

E_HAT_0051 - Serenica's Circlet**

E_HAT_0052 - Cute Cap**

E_HAT_0053 - Bonny Band**

E_HAT_0054 - Tiara Tremendísima**

E_HAT_0055 - ???

E_HAT_0056 - Corsair's Cap**

E_HAT_0057 - Trodain Bandana**

E_HAT_0301 - Baby Boar Hat**

E_HAT_0999 - Black Cat Hat**


E_HEL_0001 - Iron Helmet

E_HEL_0002 - Slime Crown

E_HEL_0003 - Iron Mask

E_HEL_0004 - Steel Helmet

E_HEL_0005 - Warrior's Helm

E_HEL_0007 - Platinum Headgear

E_HEL_0008 - Iron Headgear

E_HEL_0009 - Hades' Helm

E_HEL_0010 - Mythril Helm

E_HEL_0011 - Thinking Cap

E_HEL_0012 - Raging Bull Helm

E_HEL_0013 - Great Helm

E_HEL_0014 - Metal Slime Helm

E_HEL_0015 - Drasilian Helm**

E_HEL_0016 - Goddess's Tiara**

E_HEL_0017 - Warrior Princess's Headress**

E_HEL_0018 - Crown of Dundrasil**

E_HEL_0019 - Skull Helm

E_HEL_0020 - Liquid Metal Helm

E_HEL_0022 - Metal King Helm

E_HEL_0023 - Heavenly Helm

E_HEL_0024 - Erdwin's Coronet**

E_HEL_0025 - Irwin's Helm**

E_HEL_0026 - Sacred Circlet**

E_HEL_0027 - Minerva's Tiara**

E_HEL_0028 - Sun Crown**

E_HEL_0029 - Yggdrasil Crown**

E_HEL_0030 - Drustan's Helm**

E_HEL_0031 - Apollo's Crown**



E_ARM_0001 - Leather Armour

E_ARM_0002 - Scale Armour

E_ARM_0003 - Chain Mail

E_ARM_0004 - Bronze Armour

E_ARM_0005 - Iron Cuirass

E_ARM_0006 - Iron Armour

E_ARM_0007 - Tortoise Shell

E_ARM_0008 - Full Plate Armour

E_ARM_0009 - Zombie Mail

E_ARM_0010 - Silver Cuirass

E_ARM_0011 - Silver Mail

E_ARM_0012 - Heavy Armour

E_ARM_0013 - Magic Armour

E_ARM_0014 - Dancer's Mail

E_ARM_0015 - Dragon Mail

E_ARM_0016 - Spiked Armour

E_ARM_0017 - Platinum Mail

E_ARM_0018 - Bandit Mail

E_ARM_0019 - Mirror Armour

E_ARM_0020 - Metal Slime Armour

E_ARM_0021 - Drasilian Armour**

E_ARM_0022 - Hendrik's Armour*

E_ARM_0023 - Gigant Armour

E_ARM_0024 - Liquid Metal Armour

E_ARM_0025 - Sacred Armour

E_ARM_0026 - Metal King Armour

E_ARM_0027 - Legendary Armour

E_ARM_0028 - Irwin's Armour**

E_ARM_0029 - Drustan's Armour**

E_ARM_0030 - Gallopolitan Garb*

E_ARM_0301 - Wolf Dragon Armour*

E_ARM_0302 - Coraza de Caballero*

E_ARM_0303 - Twin Eagle Armour*

E_ARM_0998 - Tectonic Plate


E_CLO_0001 - Mardi Garb*

E_CLO_0002 - Plain Clothes

E_CLO_0003 - Wayfarer's Clothes

E_CLO_0004 - Boxer Shorts

E_CLO_0005 - Templar's Uniform

E_CLO_0006 - Leather Dress

E_CLO_0007 - Leather Cape

E_CLO_0009 - Fur Poncho

E_CLO_0010 - Cloak of Evasion

E_CLO_0011 - Posh Waistcoat

E_CLO_0012 - Pretty Pinny**

E_CLO_0013 - Dainty Dress**

E_CLO_0014 - Smart Suit

E_CLO_0015 - Silk Bustier

E_CLO_0016 - Spangled Dress

E_CLO_0017 - Magical Skirt

E_CLO_0018 - Velvet Cape

E_CLO_0019 - Dragon Dojo Duds

E_CLO_0020 - Uniforme de l'Académie*

E_CLO_0021 - Hairy Vest

E_CLO_0022 - Strongsam

E_CLO_0023 - Shimmering Dress

E_CLO_0024 - Twinkling Tuxedo

E_CLO_0025 - Rogue's Robes

E_CLO_0026 - Macabre Mantle

E_CLO_0027 - Saintess Dress**

E_CLO_0028 - Dancer's Costume*

E_CLO_0029 - Divine Bustier*

E_CLO_0033 - Scandalous Swimsuit*

E_CLO_0034 - Agility Gilet

E_CLO_0035 - Swindler's Stole*

E_CLO_0036 - Cat Suit**

E_CLO_0037 - Dapper Doublet**

E_CLO_0038 - Drasilian Dress Coat**

E_CLO_0039 - General's Jacket**

E_CLO_0040 - Star's Suit

E_CLO_0042 - Combat Costume

E_CLO_0043 - Brigandine

E_CLO_0044 - Liquid Metal Jacket

E_CLO_0045 - Superstar's Suit

E_CLO_0046 - Freebooter's Bolero

E_CLO_0048 - Dragonskin Jacket

E_CLO_0049 - Stellar Suit**

E_CLO_0050 - Metal King Jacket

E_CLO_0051 - Exotoga

E_CLO_0052 - Erdwin's Tunic**

E_CLO_0053 - Pirate King's Coat*

E_CLO_0054 - Swindler King's Stole*

E_CLO_0055 - Serenica's Surplice**

E_CLO_0056 - Sacred Raiment**

E_CLO_0057 - Glad Rags**

E_CLO_0058 - Dashing Doublet**

E_CLO_0059 - Xenlon Gown**

E_CLO_0060 - Pallium Regale**

E_CLO_0061 - Yggdrasil Dress Coat**

E_CLO_0062 - Field Marshal's Finery**

E_CLO_0063 - Cobblestone Clobber*

E_CLO_0064 - Bunny Suit**

E_CLO_0065 - Corsair's Coat*

E_CLO_0066 - Potentate's Pallium**

E_CLO_0067 - Gladder Rags**

E_CLO_0068 - Hot Bikini*

E_CLO_0069 - Arriviste's Vest

E_CLO_0070 - Elevating Vest

E_CLO_0071 - Vest for Success

E_CLO_0072 - Trodain Togs**

E_CLO_0301 - Peerless Parade Costume*

E_CLO_0302 - Assassin's Attire*

E_CLO_0303 - Battle Dress*

E_CLO_0304 - Hare-Raising Suit*

E_CLO_0305 - Grand Master's Garb*

E_CLO_0306 - Wolf Wear*

E_CLO_0307 - Baby Boar Costume**

E_CLO_0995 - Black Cat Costume**

E_CLO_0996 - Divine Dancer's Costume*

E_CLO_0997 - Uniforme Chich de l'Académie*

E_CLO_0998 - Crimson Catsuit*


E_ROB_0001 - Silk Robe

E_ROB_0002 - Fizzle_Retardant Suit

E_ROB_0003 - Fizzle_Retardant Blouse

E_ROB_0004 - Robe of Serenity

E_ROB_0005 - Magic Vestment

E_ROB_0006 - Glombolero

E_ROB_0007 - Sage's Robe

E_ROB_0008 - Wizard's Robe

E_ROB_0009 - Witch's Robe

E_ROB_0010 - Prince's Pea Coat

E_ROB_0011 - King's Coat

E_ROB_0012 - Queen's Robe

E_ROB_0013 - Emperor's Attire

E_ROB_0014 - Empress's Robe

E_ROB_0015 - Warrior's Princess's Dress**

E_ROB_0016 - Angel's Robe

E_ROB_0017 - Crimson Robe

E_ROB_0018 - Flowing Dress

E_ROB_0019 - Dark Robe

E_ROB_0020 - Dragon Robe

E_ROB_0021 - Seraph's Robe

E_ROB_0022 - Gown of Eternity**

E_ROB_0023 - Minerva's Raiment**

E_ROB_0024 - Princess's Robe

E_ROB_0301 - Little Angel's Frock*

E_ROB_0302 - Little Devil's Dress*



A_ARM_0001 - Gold Bracer

A_ARM_0002 - Life Bracer

A_ARM_0003 - Wristorative

A_ARM_0004 - Mighty Armlet

A_ARM_0005 - Spirit Bracer

A_ARM_0006 - Brainy Bracer

A_ARM_0007 - Meteorite Bracer

A_FAC_0001 - Slime Earrings

A_FAC_0002 - Safety Goggles

A_FAC_0003 - Asbestos Earrings

A_FAC_0004 - Anti-Freeze Earrings

A_FAC_0005 - Rubber Earrings

A_FAC_0006 - Aerofoil Earrings

A_FAC_0007 - Concrete Earrings

A_FAC_0008 - Mirror Earrings

A_FAC_0009 - Cinderblock Earrings

A_FAC_0010 - All-Weather Earrings

A_FAC_0011 - Blackout Earrings

A_FAC_0012 - Scholar's Specs


A_FIN_0001 - Circle of Serendipity

A_FIN_0002 - Strength Ring

A_FIN_0003 - Pink Pearl Ring

A_FIN_0004 - Prayer Ring

A_FIN_0005 - Care Ring

A_FIN_0006 - Ring of Riddance

A_FIN_0007 - Gold Ring

A_FIN_0008 - Ring of Immunity

A_FIN_0009 - Ring of Truth

A_FIN_0010 - Full Moon Ring

A_FIN_0011 - Rousing Ring

A_FIN_0012 - Ring of Clarity

A_FIN_0013 - Sorcerer's Ring

A_FIN_0014 - Agility Ring

A_FIN_0015 - Skull Ring

A_FIN_0016 - Life Ring

A_FIN_0017 - Catholicon Ring

A_FIN_0018 - Goddess Ring


A_HAN_0001 - Robber Gloves

A_HAN_0002 - Mayoress's Mittens

A_HAN_0003 - Gloomy Gloves

A_HAN_0005 - Murky Mittens

A_HAN_0006 - Brigand's Mitts

A_HAN_0007 - Guru's Gloves

A_HAN_0008 - Marquess's Mittens

A_HAN_0009 - Freebooter's Gloves

A_HAN_0010 - Enchantress's Gloves

A_HAN_0011 - Minister's Mitts

A_HAN_0012 - Monarch's Mittens


A_NEC_0001 - Wings of Serendipity

A_NEC_0002 - Gold Rosary

A_NEC_0004 - Necklace of Immunity

A_NEC_0005 - Full Moon Collar

A_NEC_0006 - Rousing Rose Collar

A_NEC_0007 - Star of Clarity

A_NEC_0008 - Care Rivière

A_NEC_0009 - Torc of Truth

A_NEC_0010 - Protective Pendant

A_NEC_0011 - Choker of Riddance

A_NEC_0012 - Gold Chain

A_NEC_0013 - Token of Fealty

A_NEC_0014 - Dogged Collar

A_NEC_0015 - Bow Tie

A_NEC_0016 - Papillon Pendant

A_NEC_0017 - Pirate King's Pendant

A_NEC_0998 - Rainbow Drop


A_FOO_0001 - Fishnet Stockings**

A_OTH_0001 - Gemma's Charm

A_OTH_0002 - Bunny Tail

A_OTH_0003 - Dragon Scale

A_OTH_0004 - Garter

A_OTH_0005 - Tough Guy Tattoo

A_OTH_0006 - Utility Belt

A_OTH_0007 - Rosary

A_OTH_0008 - Bling-Bling Belt

A_OTH_0009 - Titan Belt

A_OTH_0010 - Sorcerer's Stone

A_OTH_0011 - Holy Talisman

A_OTH_0012 - Devil's Tail

A_OTH_0013 - Ruby of Protection

A_OTH_0014 - Earthwyrm's Eye

A_OTH_0015 - Lucky Dragon's Wing

A_OTH_0016 - Sovereign Seal

A_OTH_0017 - Venus' Tear

A_OTH_0018 - Monarchic Mark

A_OTH_0019 - Elfin Charm

A_OTH_0022 - Natty Cravat**

A_OTH_0023 - Suave Scarf**

A_OTH_0024 - Gemma's Eternal Charm

A_OTH_0025 - Ogler's Digest

A_OTH_0026 - Ring of Changes*

A_OTH_0027 - Healer

A_OTH_0028 - Supplicant

A_OTH_0029 - Assassin

A_OTH_0030 - Mystic

A_OTH_0031 - Vanguard

A_OTH_0032 - Shield-Bearer

A_OTH_0033 - Warlock

A_OTH_0034 - Trickster

A_OTH_0035 - Traveller's Hood*

A_OTH_0036 - Belle's Bow


A_SHO_0001 - Springheal Boots

A_SHO_0002 - Caligae of Clarity

A_SHO_0003 - Angel's Sandals

A_SHO_0004 - Archangel's Boots

A_SHO_0005 - General's Jackboots**

A_SHO_0006 - Field Marshal's Footwear**

A_SHO_0998 - Elevating Shoes



I_BON_001 - Beast Bone

I_BON_003 - Small Scale

I_BON_004 - Tiny Tortoise Shell

I_BON_005 - Large Scale

I_BON_006 - Dragon Horn

I_BON_007 - Crimson Coral

I_BON_010 - Maiden's Favour

I_BON_011 - Big Bone

I_BON_014 - Twisted Talons

I_BON_016 - Serpent Bone

I_BON_020 - Magic Beast Horn

I_BON_022 - Sun-Bleached Seashell

I_CLO_001 - ???

I_CLO_002 - Flaxen Thread

I_CLO_003 - Evencloth

I_CLO_004 - Celestial Skein

I_CLO_005 - Faerie Fluff

I_CLO_006 - Thinkincense

I_CLO_007 - Cherry Blossom Petal

I_CLO_008 - Buzzberries

I_CLO_009 - Glimmergrass

I_CLO_010 - Colourful Cocoon

I_CLO_011 - Technicolour Dreamcloth

I_CLO_012 - Kaleidocloth

I_CLO_015 - Narspicious

I_CLO_016 - Cottontop

I_CLO_017 - Silkblossom

I_CLO_018 - Flurry Feather

I_CLO_019 - Butterfly Wing

I_CLO_020 - Waveweed

I_CLO_021 - Slipweed

I_JEW_001 - Red Eye

I_JEW_002 - Blue Eye

I_JEW_003 - Yellow Eye

I_JEW_004 - Green Eye

I_JEW_005 - Purple Eye

I_JEW_006 - Pink Pearl

I_JEW_007 - Pale Pearl

I_JEW_008 - Pitch Pearl

I_JEW_009 - Royal Ruby

I_JEW_010 - Savvy Sapphire

I_JEW_012 - Sunny Citrine

I_JEW_013 - Equable Emerald

I_JEW_014 - Artful Amethyst

I_JEW_016 - Black Tear

I_JEW_017 - Spectralite

I_LEA_001 - Hardy Hide

I_LEA_002 - Fine Fur

I_LEA_003 - Magic Beast Hide

I_LEA_004 - Lambswool

I_LEA_005 - ???

I_LEA_006 - Serpent Skin

I_LEA_009 - Dragon Hide

I_MIN_001 - Copper Ore

I_MIN_002 - Iron Ore

I_MIN_003 - Silver Ore

I_MIN_004 - Gold Ore

I_MIN_006 - Platinum Ore

I_MIN_007 - Densinium

I_MIN_008 - Gold Nugget

I_MIN_009 - Gold Bar

I_MIN_010 - Molten Globules

I_MIN_011 - Orichalcum

I_MIN_012 - Dracolyte

I_MIN_013 - Crimsonite

I_MIN_014 - Über Agate of Evolution

I_MIN_017 - Mythril Ore

I_OTH_001 - Cowpat

I_OTH_002 - Horse Manure

I_OTH_003 - Permasnow

I_OTH_004 - Oasis Water

I_OTH_006 - Fresh Water

I_OTH_007 - Thunderball

I_OTH_008 - Saint's Ashes

I_OTH_009 - Belle Cap

I_OTH_010 - Sparkly Sap

I_OTH_011 - Chronocrystal

I_OTH_012 - Goobricant

I_OTH_013 - Wing of Bat

I_OTH_014 - Slimedrop

I_OTH_015 - Sainted Soma

I_OTH_016 - Grubby Bandage

I_OTH_017 - Toad Oil

I_OTH_018 - Snakeskin

I_OTH_019 - Rippledrops

I_OTH_020 - Royal Soil

I_OTH_023 - Finessence

I_OTH_028 - Water Sedge

I_OTH_029 - Duneberry

I_OTH_030 - Extra Mural

I_R_001 - Recipe Book

I_STO_001 - Flintstone

I_STO_002 - Agate of Evolution

I_STO_003 - Warmaline

I_STO_004 - Lamplight

I_STO_005 - Enchanted Stone

I_STO_006 - Lava Lump

I_STO_009 - Fireball

I_STO_010 - Brighten Rock

I_STO_011 - Glass Frit

I_STO_012 - Lucida Shard

I_STO_013 - Kitty Litter

I_STO_014 - Ice Crystal

I_STO_015 - Mirrorstone

I_STO_016 - Ethereal Stone

I_STO_017 - Dieamend

I_WOO_001 - ???

I_WOO_002 - Pink Pine

I_WOO_005 - Fatalistick

I_WOO_006 - Fire Wood

I_WOO_007 - Avabranche

I_WOO_008 - Spellbound Bough

I_WOO_009 - Wyrmwood

I_WOO_010 - Witherwood

I_WOO_011 - Red Wood

I_WOO_012 - Cumulonimbough

I_WOO_013 - Night Stick


I_S_001 - Red Orb

I_S_002 - Yellow Orb

I_S_003 - Silver Orb

I_S_004 - Green Orb

I_S_005 - Purple Orb

I_S_006 - Blue Orb

I_S_007 - Rainbough

I_S_008 - Magic Key

I_S_009 - Ultimate Key

I_S_010 - Sewer Key

I_S_011 - Mountain Gate Key

I_S_012 - Golden Globule

I_S_013 - Proper Pepper

I_S_014 - Fun-Size Forge

I_S_015 - MMA Draw Number

I_S_016 - Martial Arts Mask

I_S_017 - Precios Pendant

I_S_018 - Forged Love Letter

I_S_019 - Queen's Final Letter

I_S_020 - Chalky's Letter

I_S_021 - Keystone

I_S_022 - Gallopolis Pass

I_S_023 - Sultan's Letter

I_S_024 - Crackshot Crossbow

I_S_025 - Birdsong Nectar

I_S_026 - Memory Box

I_S_027 - Album de Médailles

I_S_028 - Carved Figure

I_S_029 - Lorelei's Harp

I_S_030 - Lover's Veil

I_S_031 - Witches Grimoire

I_S_032 - Snærose

I_S_033 - Crucible Key

I_S_034 - Calamus Flute

I_S_035 - Forging Hammer

I_S_036 - Guiding Light

I_S_037 - Wheel of Time

I_S_038 - Scruffy Urchin

I_S_039 - Red Kale

I_S_040 - Diplôme de L'Académie

I_S_041 - Dulcet Dulse

I_S_042 - Kanaloamari

I_S_043 - Lantern Shard

I_S_044 - Map of Erdrea

I_S_045 - Lumen Essence

I_S_047 - Sea Queen's Conch

I_S_052 - Kanono Cannon

I_S_053 - Sealicitor's Statutes

I_S_054 - Type G0 Sprocket

I_S_055 - Divine Dew

I_S_056 - Hotto Stuff

I_S_057 - Pepper Tree Branch

I_S_058 - Crystal Lily

I_S_059 - Erdwin's Bracelet

I_S_060 - Rainbow Rock Salt

I_S_061 - Luter's Opus

I_S_063 - Harmonicrystal

I_S_064 - Floral Coral

I_S_065 - Rainproof Rayon

I_S_066 - Fiery Brimstone

I_S_067 - Desert Rose

I_S_068 - Mellow Vera

I_S_069 - Wishteria Seeds

I_S_070 - Pungent Perfume

I_S_071 - Mark of Xero

I_S_072 - Cheat Sheet

I_S_073 - Princess's Pledge

I_S_074 - Choker

I_S_075 - Tombola Ticket

I_S_076 - Horse Hailer

I_S_077 - Baumren's Bell

I_S_078 - Sands of Lost Time

I_S_079 - Golden Reins

I_S_080 - Hideout Key

I_S_081 - Tetsu's Knapsack

I_S_082 - Fresh Milk

I_S_083 - Rarefied Orichalcum


I_S_500 - Spectrum Nectar

I_S_501 - Defuddle Drops

I_S_502 - Revelatree Branch

I_S_503 - Stone-Cold Cold Killer

I_S_504 - Bodura Grass

I_S_505 - The Bunny Girl's Bible

I_S_506 - Golden Mane

I_S_507 - Bianca's Ribbon

I_S_508 - The Girl's Own Annual

I_S_509 - The Champion's Code

I_S_510 - Look, No Pants

I_S_511 - Guns 'n' Buns

I_S_512 - To be a King

I_S_513 - Lyre of Ire

I_S_514 - Zoomstone

I_S_515 - Fygg

I_S_999 - Golden Pickaxe


I_USE_001 - Medicinal Herb

I_USE_002 - Strong Medicine

I_USE_003 - Special Medicine

I_USE_004 - Superior Medicine

I_USE_005 - Antidotal Herb

I_USE_006 - Strong Antidote

I_USE_007 - Special Antidote

I_USE_008 - Moonwort Bulb

I_USE_009 - Softwort

I_USE_010 - Lunaria

I_USE_011 - Angel Bell

I_USE_012 - Panacea

I_USE_013 - Perfect Panacea

I_USE_014 - Yggdrasil Leaf

I_USE_015 - Yggdrasil Dew

I_USE_016 - Singe Phial

I_USE_017 - Magic Water

I_USE_018 - Sage's Elixir

I_USE_019 - Elfin Elixir

I_USE_020 - Holy Water

I_USE_021 - Chimera Wing

I_USE_023 - Coagulant

I_USE_024 - Tangleweb

I_USE_025 - Sleeping Hibiscus

I_USE_026 - Wakerobin

I_USE_027 - Mystifying Mixture

I_USE_028 - Rockbomb Shard

I_USE_029 - Sage's Stone

I_USE_030 - Seed Of Life

I_USE_031 - Seed Of Magic

I_USE_032 - Seed Of Strength

I_USE_033 - Seed Of Deftness

I_USE_034 - Seed Of Agility

I_USE_035 - Seed Of Defence

I_USE_036 - Seed Of Sorcery

I_USE_037 - Seed Of Therapeusis

I_USE_038 - Seed Of Skill

I_USE_039 - Pretty Betsy

I_USE_040 - Pep Pip

I_USE_041 - Pep Pop

I_USE_042 - Drasilian Shilling

I_USE_043 - Drasilian Guinea

I_USE_044 - Drasilian Sovereign



I_USE_047 - Love Potion


I_USE_049 - Serpent's Soul

I_USE_301 - Super Seed of Defence

I_USE_302 - Super Seed of Strength

I_USE_303 - Super Seed of Magic

I_USE_304 - Super Seed of Life

I_USE_998 - War Drum

I_USE_999 - Benevolessence

* = Cosmetic Item

** = Part of Cosmetic Set

List by komodoxeno, mike9k1 and Sword#4188 :)

If any of the above codes are wrong, contact one of us!